医学教育管理 ›› 2023, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (6): 779-783.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.06.015

• 调查研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张维,  刚婷婷,  卢洁,  王亚军*   

  1. 首都医科大学宣武医院教育处,北京 100053
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-03 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2024-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 王亚军 E-mail:wangyajun@xwhosp.org
  • 基金资助:
    北京市教育工委高等教育“本科教学改革创新项目”:立德树人——临床医学专业“课程思政” 教学改革探索

Survey on the current situation of medical students' labor education and its countermeasures in the milieu of ideological and political theory education

Zhang Wei, Gang Tingting, Lu Jie, Wang Yajun*   

  1. Education Department, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China
  • Received:2023-04-03 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2024-01-15

摘要: 目的 通过研究医学生劳动教育现状,探讨课程思政视域下提升其劳动素养的实践路径,为劳动教育融入医学人才培养提供参考依据。方法 选择187名医学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查法和深度访谈法,就劳动教育理念认知情况、劳动观念强弱和劳动教育开展情况进行调查。结果 22.46%的医学生认为劳动教育是“干体力活”,30.48%的医学生觉得“对劳动教育不理解,说不清楚”;59.36%的医学生认为“有劳动观念,但是劳动主观能动性不强”,4.81%的医学生认为“缺乏劳动观念,甚至产生抵触,根本不愿去做”,仅有35.83%的医学生认为自己“有劳动观念并付诸行动”;不同学历层次医学生劳动观念的强弱存在统计学差异(P≤0.05),本科生劳动教育观念比专科生强;90.0%的医学生认为存在教育形式固化、教育质量待提升的问题,84.00%的医学生希望通过实际技能培训达到劳动教育目标;74.33%的医学生希望从社会实践中实现个人劳动价值,包括志愿服务、勤工助学等;49.73%的医学生认为应增加劳动价值观、劳动精神等劳动教育内容。结论 对医学生的劳动教育还要在课程思政视域下不断深化教学改革,通过全面营造劳动教育氛围、提升劳动教育实践质量、丰富劳动教育载体以及改革教学方法等,加强医学生劳动素质及综合能力培养。

关键词: 课程思政, 医学生, 劳动教育

Abstract: Objective By studying the current situation of medical students' labor education, this paper discusses the practical path to improve their labor quality under the background of ideological and political education, and provides a reference basis for the integration of labor education into the training of medical talents.Methods A total of 187 medical students in our hospital were selected, and the cognition of labor education concept, the strength of labor concept and the development of labor education were investigated by questionnaire and in-depth interview.Results 22.46% thought that labor education was "manual work", 30.48% thought that "labor education was not understood and explained clearly"; 59.36% believed that "they have a labor concept, but their labor subjective initiative is not strong", 4.81% believed that "they lack a labor concept, even are resistant and unwilling to do it at all", and only 35.83% of medical students believed that they "have a labor concept and put it into action"; There is a statistical difference in the strength of the labor education concept of medical students with different educational levels (P≤0.05), and the labor education concept of undergraduate students is stronger than that of junior college students; 90.0% of medical students believed that there was a problem of rigidified education form and education quality to be improved. 84.00% of medical students hoped to achieve the goal of labor education through practical skills training; 74.33% of medical students hope to realize personal labor value from social practice, including voluntary service, work-study, etc; 49.73%% of the medical staff believed that labor education contents such as labor values and labor spirit should be added.Conclusion The labor education for medical students should continue to deepen the teaching reform under the background of ideological and political education, and strengthen the training of medical students' labor quality and comprehensive ability by creating a labor education atmosphere, improving the quality of labor education practice, enriching the carrier of labor education, and reforming teaching methods.

Key words: ideological and political education, medical students, labor education
