
Table of Content

    20 April 2023, Volume 9 Issue 2
    Exploration and practice of training application-oriented health talents for grassroots level in local colleges and universities—taking Lishui University as an example
    Xu Xiaoyi, Wu Songquan, Li Caifu
    2023, 9(2):  127-131.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.001
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    Grassroots health personnel are an important force to realize the strategy of healthy China. Based on the needs of local medical and health undertakings, Lishui University has carried out targeted exploration and practice of the cultivation of application-oriented grass-roots health personnel, and implemented the reform and practice of medical education in multi-dimensional ways by optimizing top-level design, linking the training of talents between schools and localities, strengthening the construction of disciplines and specialties, faculty construction, campus culture construction and other measures, so as to cultivate application-oriented grassroots health talents who are "able to go, stay and develop" at the grassroots level, and effectively to promote the construction of local health care and economic construction.

    Road of cultivating application-oriented talents in dentistry with reinforced practices and enhanced skills —an empirical example of the development of stomatology education in Lishui University

    Zha Guangyu, Wu Songquan, Cao Mingguo, Zhang Kaibo, Liu Kai, Li Dasheng, Yang Qunfang, Liu Rongchang, Dai Ke
    2023, 9(2):  132-139.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.002
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    The question of how to develop undergraduate stomatology education in local colleges and universities has become more and more prominent with the popularization of higher education. Through longitudinal summary and in-depth reflecting on the development of stomatology education in our university, we believe that local institutions of higher education in dentistry should firstly implement the concept of "people-centered" into the whole process of talent cultivation. Secondly, we should clarify the positioning and characteristics of dentistry in our university, and set a good steering wheel for the development of higher education in dentistry in local institutions. More importantly, based on the local characteristics with a future perspective and resources integrations, we should always highlight service-driven, practice-reinforced education, promote education research, carry forward the medical spirit. By fulfilling the discipline and profession construction of stomatology and improving professional quality of every graduated talent, we shall effectively realize the sustainable development of higher stomatology education in local colleges and universities.

    Exploration and practice of national first-class nursing major construction in local colleges and universities —taking Lishui University as an example

    Zou Jihua, Li Caifu, Gao Jingquan, Xu Lijuan, Zhou Ying, Li Dasheng, Wu Songquan
    2023, 9(2):  140-144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.003
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    In order to meet the social demand for higher nursing professionals in "Healthy China" and local regional development, nursing major of Lishui University takes national first-class major construction as an opportunity, and focuses on serving the local economic development and social needs, further defines the training objectives of nursing professionals. It has built a professional talent cultivation mode of "target-oriented, three-force integration and collaborative education". Through the exploration and practice of curriculum system construction, curriculum setting and optimization integration, teaching mode and teaching method reform, curriculum ideological and political education environment construction, diversified evaluation system and teaching quality assurance system construction, the quality of nursing personnel training is comprehensively improved.

    Comprehensive teaching reform of orientation training in clinical medicine (three-year program)

    Dong Haina, Zhou Zanhua, Wu Songquan, Lu Shunfei
    2023, 9(2):  145-148,165.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.004
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    As a local application-oriented higher education institution, Lishui University undertakes the important task of training qualified general practitioners for Lishui City and its surrounding areas. With the qualification examination of clinical practicing assistant physician as the starting point, our school has steadily promoted the reform of clinical medicine education and teaching by optimizing the personnel training methodology, constructing the scientific curriculum system, integrating the teaching content, deepening the collaboration between medical education and other educational approaches, and improved the comprehensive quality and post competency of the students trained by community doctors. Our graduates have a high passing rate in clinical practice assistant physician qualification examination, and the employers' satisfaction is high. It makes us better serve the construction of "Healthy Lishui".

    Exploration and practice of training innovative rehabilitation talents from the perspective of "New Medical Science"—taking Lishui University as an example

    Wei Zhe, Zhou Zanhua, Wu Songquan
    2023, 9(2):  149-153.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.005
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    Adhering to the concept of rehabilitation medicine and strengthening rehabilitation treatment techniques are strong support for comprehensively promoting the construction of "Healthy China". It is a necessary guarantee to strengthen the construction of "New Medical Science" to train the innovative and complex medical talents who can solve the frontier problems in the medical field by using interdisciplines. When "Healthy China" strategy is put forward and the rehabilitation cause is booming, Lishui University cultivates talents according to the characteristics of regional economic development, follows the innovative concepts, and explores and practices the reform of training mode of rehabilitation therapy talents from the aspects of training objectives and training programs, to promote the implementation of the strategy of "Healthy China",  the training of innovative rehabilitation therapy talents, and the development of health care industry.

    Application of PBL teaching method in clinical pharmacotherapy for postgraduates

    Li Jiajia, Li Hanhan, Xu Tongtong, Yang Changqing
    2023, 9(2):  154-159,172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.006
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    Objective  To compare the teaching effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in clinical pharmacotherapy course (CPT) for postgraduates majoring in clinical pharmacy. Methods  Total 14 postgraduates from China Pharmaceutical University were randomly assigned to a CBL group or a PBL group to learn the clinical pharmacotherapy of hypertension and diabetes. Comprehensive case-analysis multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and SOAP (S:Subjective, O:Objective, A:Assesssment, P:Plan) record were used to evaluate the students' learning outcome. The questionnaire and curriculum feedback form were adopted to obtain students' self-evaluation of teaching methods. Results  Compared to CBL group, the total MCQs scores of PBL group were significantly higher (P<0.05), MCQs scores of two themes of "medication regimens" and "patient education" showed an increasing trend (P>0.05). Students in PBL group generally believed that the course content was more applicable, flexible and humanistic and believed PBL teaching was conducive to cultivating clinical pharmacotherapy thinking, improving the ability of problem solving (P<0.05). Students in PBL group obtained higher self-evaluation in the aspects of "collecting information to assess patients", "resource management", " review and reflection" and "time management strategies"(P<0.05).Conclusion   PBL teaching method can broaden the width and depth of knowledge and generalize case-based reasoning ability, which is consistent with the characteristics of clinical pharmacotherapy course and is beneficial to the improvement of basic skills of pharmaceutical care.

    Training mode of master's degree in electronic information in biomedical engineering in medical colleges and universities

    Zu Pengyu, Liang Ying, Ding Dawen, Liu Dongdong, Li Dong, Li Chunlin
    2023, 9(2):  160-165.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.007
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    By analyzing the special characteristics of the training requirements of professional master degree students, combined with the characteristics and current situation of biomedical engineering discipline of Capital Medical University, this paper studies and discusses goal-oriented curriculum construction, tutor construction and practical evaluation mechanism for master's degree students majoring in electronic information in biomedical engineering, to cultivate innovative medicine-engineering integrated talents of high quality who can meet the needs of society.

    Application of curriculum ideology and politics combined with PDCA model in pediatrics

    Yu Xiaoqing, Zhang Kaiyuan, Li Hui, Di Jianhui, Zhang Zheng
    2023, 9(2):  166-172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.008
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    Objective To fully explore, utilize and integrate the ideological and political points in pediatrics teaching and to build an ideological and political teaching system of pediatrics.Methods The PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle was used to explore the characteristics of the curriculum, to define the final teaching objectives, and to explore the ideological and political elements. We combined the content of teaching, added ideological and political learning, and formulated corresponding evaluation plans for the content of ideological and political courses. Moreover, we iteratively carried out teaching diagnosis and improvement.Results After the combination of curriculum ideology and politics with PDCA, we found the continuous optimization and improvement in teaching methods, teaching content and evaluation mechanism, resulting in a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement in humanistic education for medical students.Conclusion The pattern of PDCA cycle can optimize ideological and political teaching, and promote the improvement of the curriculum system. For medical professionals, it is also an important way to improve their comprehensive literacy. Through the ideological and political teaching of the curriculum, the teaching goal of morality education is emphasized, so as to help the school improve the quality of talent cultivation.

    Research progress and countermeasures study on the construction of curriculum ideological and political resource database

    Miao Ke, Gao Wenjing, Qin Xueying Wu Tao, Zhan Siyan
    2023, 9(2):  173-178,190.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.009
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    Curriculum ideological and political education is a kind of comprehensive education concept to realize the goal of cultivating morality and educating people, and the construction of curriculum ideological and political resource database is an important reference for curriculum ideological and political practice. However, curriculum ideological and political resources database construction is currently still in the exploratory stage. Based on the preliminary summary of the status quo of curriculum ideological and political research, this paper preliminarily discusses 4 parts in the resource database construction process, namely, clarifying curriculum ideological and political objectives, mining ideological and political elements, selecting ideological and political resources, and integrating ideological and political resources with curriculum content, so as to provide references for the construction of curriculum ideological and political resource database. At the same time, we suggest to build an open resource database in the form of cloud storage and update the resource database regularly.

    Influence factors and countermeasures of quality of rural order-oriented medical students

    Liu Bo, Song Maorong, Song Jing
    2023, 9(2):  179-184.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.010
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    The quality of students is the key index to determine the performance of the rural order-oriented medical students program, and is also the basis of follow-up talent training. This program has attracted a number of excellent students, but the reality that the enrollment scores of rural order-oriented medical students are lower than those of non-oriented medical students cannot be ignored. Through the analysis of enrollment and employment policies, students' enrollment motivation, learning enthusiasm and professional identity, it is found that the enrollment quality of oriented medical students is restricted by national enrollment policies, the popularity of colleges and universities, and students' employment concerns and other factors. We will encourage more "double first-class" universities to participate in the training of rural order-oriented students, reform the cultivation mode of enrollment, education and employment, allow rural order-oriented students to "make a second choice" and increase enrollment publicity.We will construct an attraction mechanism of source quality of rural order-oriented medical students, and build a solid foundation for our rural medical and health talent team.

    Exploration on the ability assessment and management mode of innovative medical imaging technology professionals under the background of "New Medical Science"

    Lü Min, Sun Shaokai, Liang Meng, Zhang Xuejun, Yu Chunshui
    2023, 9(2):  185-190.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.011
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    Taking the four-year undergraduate graduates majoring in medical imaging technology from Tianjin Medical University as an example, this paper introduces the undergraduate graduation assessment mode, which combines skill examination and thesis defense, and makes a comparative analysis from the aspects of the assessment form, assessment content and assessment management. This paper explores the degree of achievement of training objectives, the clinical practice ability of applied talents in medical imaging technology major under the new situation of "New Medical Science", and the undergraduate thesis defense and management mode, for further improvement and perfection.

    Model exploration and effect evaluation of application of situational simulation teaching in clinical clerkship

    Xiong Jing, Zhang Jie, Li Xinrui
    2023, 9(2):  191-200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.012
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    Objective To investigate whether application of the situational simulation teaching model in clinical clerkship improves Mini-CEX scores and post competencies of interns. Methods Ninety interns of the Second Affiliated Hospital,  Kunming Medical University participated in this study. During their clerkship in the Department of Neurology, a group of 45 interns undertook a 2-day situational simulation training course consisting of clinical simulations, role-playing, neurology history taking, physical examination skills training, then followed their teachers for clinical practice. The control group of another 45 interns began clinical practice by accompanying their teachers upon entering the Department of Neurology. Both the intervention and control groups took comprehensive Mini-CEX evaluations, the first on the day of admission, and the second on the day of completion. Results There was no significant difference in Mini-CEX scores between the two groups when they entered the department. Mini-CEX evaluation performed at clerkship completion showed significant differences between the two groups, with intervention group scores being higher than those of the control group in history taking, physical examination, clinical judgment, health education consultation and organizational effectiveness. Conclusion The organized situational simulation teaching with the goal of post competency, followed by repeated clinical practice, can significantly improre the overall clinical skills in a short time.

    Dilemma of and solution to online clinical teaching during hospital closed-loop management

    Liu Jinqiang, Zhang Rui, Zhou Wei, Ji Gang, Hong Liu
    2023, 9(2):  201-205,211.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.013
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    The COVID-19 has almost been globalized, and epidemic prevention has become normalized. The risk of local outbreak and closed-loop management still exists, and online teaching has become the inevitable choice of clinical teaching during this period. Combined with literature reports and the experiences of online clinical teaching of Xijing Hospital of Digestive Disease, Air Force Military Medical University during closed-loop management under COVID-19, possible difficulties and corresponding countermeasures of online clinical teaching were analyzed from the perspectives of hospitals and departments, teachers and students. The aim is to provide reference for medical colleagues to calmly respond to similar emergencies, strictly implement epidemic prevention policies and effectively guarantee the quality of teaching.

    Application of 3D printing technology in hepatobiliary surgery teaching
    Lu Bin, , Ni Chenming, Ma Hongyun, Shao Zhuo, Wang Zhen, Hu Jiayang, Li Gang
    2023, 9(2):  206-211.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.014
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    Hepatobiliary surgery has always been a difficult point in surgical teaching because of the complex structure of the blood vessel and bile duct system in the liver. The traditional teaching methods have some limitations. In recent years, the rapid development of 3D printing technology has brought new ideas and methods to medical education. There are many reports on the application of 3D printing technology in orthopedics, plastic surgery and other fields of teaching, and satisfactory results have been obtained. 3D printing technology also has a broad prospect in teaching hepatobiliary surgery. This paper mainly discusses the application of 3D printing technologies in the teaching of hepatobiliary surgery, analyzes how 3D printing technology can help surgeons understand the anatomical structure of the hepatobiliary system, establish the concept of 3D images of the hepatobiliary system, simulate the surgical process, improve surgical safety, and clarify the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing technology in the teaching of hepatobiliary surgery, hoping to provide reference for the teaching of hepatobiliary surgery.

    Investigation on online learning of pediatric medical students under COVID-19—a case study of School of Pediatrics, Capital Medical University

    Liu Chunyu, Jiao Liping
    2023, 9(2):  212-216,256.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.015
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    Objective To investigate the basic situation and effect feedback of pediatric medical students in Capital Medical University using online courses in the context of COVID-19 epidemic and to provide suggestions for further online courses design.Methods A purposive survey was conducted to investigate the use of online courses in the context of COVID-19 among all students in the School of Pediatrics, Capital Medical University.Results Among 328 students, 74.09% of them did not contradict online courses, 14.02% of them did not care about online courses, 10.67% of them had some resistance to online courses, and 1.22% of them are very resistant to online courses. Students are generally satisfied with online courses. Most students think online courses are a good teaching model during the epidemic period, and students are quite satisfied with the effect of online courses.Conclusion Under COVID-19, students in the School of Pediatrics,  Capital Medical University have a high acceptance of online courses, and are satisfied with the form, content and effect of online courses. However, online courses also have shortcomings such as poor interaction, impaired vision and high requirements on equipment.

    Teaching design and effect of nursing humanistic care course based on KOLB experiential learning theory
    Ma Lili, Yue Peng, Ma Ruiying, Wang Zhaoxia
    2023, 9(2):  217-223.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.016
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    Objective To explore the teaching design of nursing humanistic care course based on KOLB experiential learning theory, and to probe into its teaching effect. Methods  Taking the teaching of Caring Skills as an example, the four-year nursing undergraduates in our university were selected, with 54 nursing students of Grade 2019 as the experimental group, and 41 nursing students of Grade 2017 as the control group. The control group was given conventional methods, and the experimental group was given the teaching design based on KOLB experiential learning theory. The caring ability, the empathy ability and the communication ability of both groups were measured before and after the course. Results  After the course, the empathy ability and communication ability of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). The nursing students in the experimental group had higher caring, empathy, and communication abilities after the course than before the course (P<0.05). Conclusion  The teaching design of nursing humanistic care courses based on KOLB experiential learning theory can better enhance the empathy ability and communication ability of nursing undergraduates.

    Admission status of and optimization strategy for Medical Doctor in neurosurgery based on application-review system
    Jiang Chunsa, Li Rui, Wang Lingshu, Li Yanlin
    2023, 9(2):  224-228.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.017
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    Objective The application-review system for doctoral students has been implemented in China for nearly 10 years, and some experience has been accumulated. However, compared with developed countries in Europe and America, graduate admission system needs to be further optimized.Methods Through thematic interviews with the material review stage of the application-review system of Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, qualitative analysis was carried out from two aspects of disadvantages and optimization suggestions, and drawing on the examination content of the application-review system in the United States, from the four aspects of reasonably setting the admission criteria, refining the quality evaluation model of applicants, giving full play to the feedback of training links, and enhancing fairness, this paper provides theoretical and practical reference for the admission of medical doctor (especially neurosurgery) under the application-review system in the medical education system.Results By referring to the doctoral enrollment system of western developed countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions, such as setting up reasonable admission criteria, refining audit evaluation standards and establishing quality evaluation model of applicants, giving full play to the feedback role of training links, improving information disclosure and supervision mechanism and rationally regulating the tutors' enrollment power, so as to lay a rich and solid foundation for the improvement of the quality of neurosurgery medical doctor enrollment.Conclusion  The application-review system of doctoral enrollment has gradually taken shape. While fully respecting the autonomy of tutors, it takes into account the objective criteria for the selection of doctoral students in disciplines, and respects the autonomy of tutors on the premise of satisfying the selection of disciplines.
    Influence factors of and countermeasures for research project funding in psychiatry—taking Beijing tertiary psychiatric hospitals as an example
    Jin Wenqing, Zhao Yiting, Wang Wen, Ren Yanping, Gao Guangying
    2023, 9(2):  229-237.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.018
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    Objective Based on the theory of internal and external factors, to investigate the influence factors of research projects funding in the field of mental diseases in Beijing, so as to provide evidence for improving the funding rate of research projects in this field.Methods Combined with literature review method, interview method and questionnaire method, this paper investigated the factors influencing the funding rate of scientific research projects and analyzed the countermeasures for the researchers and managers of three hospitals specialized in mental illness in Beijing. Descriptive analysis, variance analysis and multiple response analysis were used to make statistical analysis of the data.Results From 2016 to 2020, a total of 378 scientific research projects were applied by Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University, and 149 were approved (39.42%). The internal factors influencing research project funding include the applicant team and the quality of the application form, while the external factors include the platform and the subject field. Among the internal factors related to the application bottleneck, the three nodes (the applicant and his team, the quality of the application form and the external factors of the platform) account for 83.3% of the total number of nodes.Conclusion The factors that affect the funding of scientific research projects include internal factors and external factors, and the motivation of application is one of the important factors. It is an important measure to improve the funding rate of research projects in the field of mental illness to strengthen the motivation of application, to consolidate the research foundation and to set up a reasonable research performance appraisal mechanism.

    Case study on prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools—based on the qualitative text study of Nvivo11.0
    Zhou Siyi, Guan Zhongjun
    2023, 9(2):  238-243.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.019
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    Objective By analyzing the experience in the prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools and summarizing the mechanism of linkage prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools, this paper aims to provide references to promote the realization of the normalization of the prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools.Methods Phenomenological research methods were used to conduct in-depth interviews with 18 school doctors from primary schools, middle schools and universities in Beijing. After the interviews were transcribed, the data were analyzed by Colaizzi seven-step analysis method and fishbone diagram analysis method.Results The coded information was categorized and a four-pronged joint prevention and control mechanism of "student-parent-school doctor-school" for infectious diseases in schools was summarized. At the student level, students are trained to have good hygiene habits through health promotion and education, and are actively relieved of their bad emotions when infectious diseases occur. At the parent level, the home-school connection is strengthened so that parents have clear knowledge about infectious diseases and patiently cooperate with the school. At the level of school doctors, the school doctors' role in supervising and coordinating the work of infectious diseases at school is given full play to protect the health of adolescents. At the school level, relevant systems should be established and improved to gradually normalize the prevention and control of infectious diseases.Conclusion In order to better reduce and prevent the occurrence and development of infectious diseases, schools should establish a four-pronged joint prevention and control mechanism of "student-parent-school doctor-school" in the process of management, and jointly help students to grow up healthily and ensure the health of adolescents through a joint home and school approach.
    Mind map in online and offline integrated teaching of pathophysiology
    Yu Baoqi, Wang Hongxia, Wang Wen, Qu Aijuan
    2023, 9(2):  244-249.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.020
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    Objective To explore the application effect of mind map in online and offline integrated teaching of pathophysiology.Methods The students of the Grade 2018 and 2019 majored in basic medical science in Capital Medical University adopted online and offline integrated mode in our study. Among them, the Grade 2018 students were in the control group, while the Grade 2019 students with additional task of mind maps were chosen as the research group. Specifically, students in the research group were required to include the process of mind mapping and revision of the supplemental process during pre-class preview, on-class learning and post-class review.Results In terms of analysis of regular quiz scores, there was no statistical difference between the two groups. As for analysis of final examination scores, the research group and the control group were compared in terms of choice questions, definition of terms, case analysis and total scores. The scores of definition of terms and case analysis were significantly higher in the research group. As for results of the questionnaire survey, students in the research group believed that drawing mind maps could stimulate their interest in learning, help them memorize and understand knowledge, establish a complete knowledge system, and enhance their logical thinking ability and divergent thinking ability.Conclusion The use of mind map in online and offline integrated teaching of pathophysiology can not only help students establish a systematic knowledge system and improve their logical thinking ability, but also improve the efficiency of classroom learning and cultivate students' autonomous learning and lifelong learning ability.

    Practice and reflections on accreditation of Sino-foreign cooperative programs in clinical medicine—based on domestic and foreign medical education standards
    Shao Li, Han Mengxue, Li Yi, Zhou Mi, Shen Li
    2023, 9(2):  250-256.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.021
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    With the continuous development of medical education, accreditation plays a key role in measuring and ensuring the quality of clinical medical education. Ottawa-Shanghai Joint School of Medicine (OSJSM), accredited by the Ministry of Education in China and jointly managed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and the University of Ottawa, has concentrated on the training of clinical medical professionals since 2015. OSJSM has initiated the simulated accreditation process following accreditation system of both domestic and CACMS (Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools) standards in order to reflect the advantages of Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools and ensure the quality of medical education. Comparing accreditation standards between Accreditation Standards for Basic Medical Education in China (The 2016 Revision) and North America Standards in the process of simulated accreditation. This paper provides reference for the further development of medical education accreditation in China based on comparing, analyzing and summarizing the differences mainly from standard content, accreditation documentations, accreditation procedures and accreditation results, etc.

    Implementation path of China's pharmacovigilance system
    Zhang Mengyao, Zhao Xiaopei
    2023, 9(2):  257-263,268.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.022
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    The proposed pharmacovigilance system is an innovation and supplement on the basis of adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring, marking the upgrade of national drug safety risk regulation in terms of concept, mechanism and method. This paper aims to analyze the practical opportunities and challenges faced in the practice of pharmacovigilance system through literature analysis and quantitative research method, and to explore the feasible path for the implementation of pharmacovigilance system in China. The development of pharmacovigilance actions has gained management and technical support based on the support of national policies, mature ADR reporting and monitoring mechanisms. However, it also faces challenges such as multiple data acquisition, implementation of vigilance responsibilities, and self-consistent regulatory logic. The proposal and implementation of pharmacovigilance system has practical significance for balancing the risk-benefit information of drugs in the whole life cycle and guaranteeing the safety of public drug use. It is suggested to consider the feasible path for the effective implementation of pharmacovigilance system from the following aspects: promoting the collaborative governance of multiple subjects, expanding the scope of pharmacovigilance information monitoring, continuously giving play to the professional role of medical institutions and pharmacists, clarifying the scientific logic of supervision, etc., so as to ensure the maximum safety of public drug use.

    Integration of socialist core values into the core competencies and values of medical personnel
    Xue Lian, Chen Jia, Dai Xing
    2023, 9(2):  264-268.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2023.02.023
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    Cultivating the core competencies and values of medical personnel is an important part of talent training in public hospitals affiliated to universities. The core competencies and values framework of medical personnel is composed of "key competency" "essential character" and "ideals and faith", which is consistent with the socialist core values in goal, connotation and practice. The integration of socialist core values into the core competencies and values of medical personnel has condensed value strength and provided value guidance for the cultivation of socialist health talents with Chinese characteristics. And taking theoretical education, practical education and implicit education as the methods, further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education in public hospitals affiliated to universities.