Author Guidelines

  • Contract for a manuscript of Medical Education Management

    Medical Education Management (CN 10-1335/G4, ISSN 2096-045X) is an academic journal of medical education management supervised by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education and sponsored by Capital Medical University. Based on the concept of " Scholars run Scholarly Journal ", the journal provides a platform for teachers, postgraduates in medical sciences, medical education researchers, education and teaching administrators of China's medical schools, affiliated hospitals and teaching hospitals to conduct academic seminars on medical education, display the latest medical education reform results, and exchange their experiences in medical education and teaching, and it is also a place for exchanges and debates on the theory and practice of management in medical schools.


    Permanent Columns: Theory and Practice, Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Medical Education, Management of Education and Teaching, Education and Teaching Reform, Quality Control of Education, Specialty Construction, Talent Cultivation, Curriculum Construction, Clinical Teaching, Education of Medical Ethics, Institutional Management, and Hospital Management, etc. Non-standard Columns: C Postgraduate Education, International Student Education, Post-graduation Education, Continuing Medical Education, Student Management, Special Studies, Frontier of Medicine, Modern Education Technology, Experts' Commentary, Lectures, Newsletters, Authors-Editors-Readers, etc. Education Technology, Expert Review, Lectures, Master Teachers, Newsletters, Authors-Editors-Readers, etc.


    Requirements for the subject matter of manuscripts: treatises, reviews, commentaries, lectures, briefs and letters.


    The length of the articles is required: treatises and reviews: 5000-6000 words; reviews and lectures: about 3000 words; briefs and letters: 500-1000 words.


    The specific requirements are as follows:


    I. Manuscripts

    Contributions should be scientific and practical, reflecting the latest progress and level of the academic field. They should be clearly organized, consistent with the title and text, and concise.


    II. Titles

    Strive to be concise, eye-catching, and reflect the theme of the article. The Chinese title should not exceed 20 Chinese characters, and the English title should not exceed 15 real words. The meaning of Chinese and English titles should be consistent, and abbreviations, acronyms, drug trade names and other non-standard terms should not be used as much as possible.


    III. Authors

    The names of the authors are listed in order under the title of the paper; the name of the author's organization (full name, listed to the level of the department) and postal code are marked below the title. If there are two or more authors, each author's name in the upper right corner of the serial number, the full name of the unit before the same serial number. Please indicate the first author's profile, including name, position, title, main research direction and Email. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) and his/her e-mail should be provided.


    IV. Funds

    If you have a topic funded by national, ministerial, provincial, municipal, or university-level research fund projects, please indicate the name and number of the fund project in the footer of the home page, and you will be given priority.


    V. Summary

    The thesis should be accompanied by an abstract of about 400 words in English and Chinese. The abstract should be written in the third person, with no figures or tables, no citations, no comments, and no paragraphs. Abbreviations, codes, etc. appearing for the first time in the abstract must be indicated or explained. The structured abstract of the article must include four parts: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion; and the indicative or reportable abstract of the article should be written in English and Chinese with about 150 real words. The English abstract should also include the title of the article, the author's name (in Chinese pinyin, for example 线福华, Xian Fuhua), the name of the organization, the city and the postal code.


    VI. Keywords (Chinese and English)

    All manuscripts are required to cite keywords under the abstract, the number of keywords is usually 3 to 8, separated by a semicolon ";".


    VII. Chinese Library Classification Number

    The articles are subject analyzed according to the Chinese Library Classification, and the classification codes are obtained according to the disciplinary attributes and characteristics of the articles. If there are cross-disciplines, two or more classification numbers can be labeled.


    VIII. Text hierarchical numbering

    The hierarchy of manuscript headings is hierarchically numbered with Arabic numerals, e.g., 1 ...... for level 1 headings, 1.1 ...... for level 2 headings, and so on. Usually there are two to three levels, not more than four. The title of the text to strive to be brief, generally no more than 15 words. The title number is always written in the left top space, and other paragraphs can be empty at the beginning of 2 spaces. The hierarchical arrangement of the middle of the text can be ①, ② and so on.


    IX. Charts

    There is no need to list the contents if they can be succinctly explained in words. Figures and tables are coded consecutively according to the order in which they appear in the text, and each chart should be crowned with the serial number of the chart and the title of the chart and the title of the table. Tables are organized in three-line tables to ensure that the items in the tables correspond correctly to the data.


    X. Units of measurement

    The text should be strictly implemented by the State Council (PRC) "Order on the uniform application of legal units of measurement in our country", fully implement the provisions of the national standard GB3 100 ~ 3 102-1993 “Quantities and Units”, and correctly use the names and symbols of quantities and units.


    XI. Statistical symbols

    Written in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national standard "Statistical Terminology and Symbols" (GB3358-82).


    XII. Abbreviations

    Chinese and foreign medical terms, all use the full name; if the use of abbreviations, the first occurrence of the full name of the Chinese or English and abbreviations and brackets, the latter two separated by ",". For example: 美国医学总会(General Medical Council, GMC; 循证医学(evidence-based medicine, EBM.

    XIII. References

    Number the references in the order in which they appear in the text and place them in square brackets in the upper right-hand corner of the citation in the text. The number of references is 15-20. After the title of the reference, add the identification of the type of literature: archives, laws and regulations, government documents [A]; books [M]; journals [J]; newspapers [N]; proceedings [C]; dissertations [D]; reports [R]; standards [S]; patents [P]; electronic bulletin [EB]; unspecified type [Z], and so on. Carrier code: web [/OL], CD-ROM [/CD], etc. Example:

    [1] 张伯伟. 全唐五代师格会考[M]. 南京:江苏古籍出版社,2002288.

    [2] 雷光春.综合湿地管理:综合湿地管理国际研讨会论文集[C].北京:海洋出版社,2012

    [3] CALMS R B.Infrared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen[D].BerkeleyUniv.of California1965.

    [4] 杨洪升. 四库馆私家抄校书考略[J].文献,2013,3(1)56-75.

    [5] 张田勤.罪犯DNA 库与生命伦理学计划[N]. 大众科技报,2000-11-12(7)

    [6] 全国信息与文献标准化技术委员会.文献著录:第4 部分 非书资料:GE/T 37924-2009[S].北京:中国标准出版社,20103

    [7] 张凯军. 轨道火车及高速轨道火车紧急安全制动辅助装置:201220158825.2[P].2012-04-05

    [8] 李强. 化解医患矛盾值需釜底抽薪[EB/OL].(2012-05-03)[2013-03-25].

    [9] 民政部. 全国民政人才中长期发展规划(2010-2020[A/OL]. (2011-09-29)[2011-10-[11].

    [10] 小威廉姆.E.多尔.后现代课程观[M].王红宇,.北京:教育科学出版社,2000.

    For details of the specific format, please refer to “National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 7714-2015 Information and documentation—Rules for bibliographic references and citations to information resources”.


    A page charge will be charged for the publication of the manuscript, and the first author will be paid an honorarium and given two copies of the current issue of the journal after publication.


    Address: Address: P.O. Box 60, (Capital Medical University) 10 Xitoutiao Youanmenwai, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R. China  

    Accepted by: Editorial Board of Medical Education Management

    Tel: 010-83911608; 010-83911607

    Contact: Gao Jian; Yan Hong; Hou Yanhong



  • 2020-12-25 Visited: 8934