医学教育管理 ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 351-358.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.04.001

• 专题研究 ( 医学人文教育 ) •    下一篇


范冠华,  杨棉华,  曾  旸   

  1. 汕头大学医学院,汕头515041
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-09 出版日期:2021-08-20 发布日期:2021-08-31
  • 通讯作者: 曾旸
  • 基金资助:
    1.广东省防治新型  状病毒科技攻关专项(2020KZDZX1092);2.2019年度广东省临床教学基地教学改革研究项目(2019JD112);3.广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目(2017A030313434);4.广东省医学科研基金项目(A2021500)

Analysis on the  role characteristics of medical model education on the development of medical students professionalism and its related influencing factors——take the HEART course of   Medical College Shantou University as an example

Fan Guanhua, Yang Mianhua, Zeng Yang   

  1. Medical College, Shantou University, Shantou 515041, China
  • Received:2021-07-09 Online:2021-08-20 Published:2021-08-31

摘要: 目的  从医榜样教育是医学人文素养教育的重要内涵之一,汕头大学医学院在基于“医者之心”(HEART)课程体系的医学职业素养培养过程中,嵌入“抗疫精神”引领的从医榜样教育内容,培养塑造医学生职业素养和从医价值观。通过考察该课程纳入支援新冠肺炎抗疫一线医务工作者的从医榜样教育内容后医学生的反馈,探讨影响从医榜样对医学生影响力的潜在影响因素。方法  对汕头大学医学院的各年级修读过“医者之心”(HEART)课程的医学生进行多时点问卷调查和定性访谈,以期明确对医学生从医榜样学习的分布特征和可能存在的影响因素。结果  从医榜样教育对医学生的学习动机、职业素养认知、自我防护意识与措施、志愿服务意愿等维度有显著影响(各问项中位数均>3)。从医榜样对更多的高年级本科生影响较小(大一至大五学生,OR:1、1.112、0.702、0.531和0.485);从医榜样对口腔医学专业学生的影响,比临床医学和护理学专业学生的影响稍大(OR:1.708,95%CI:1.134-2.571);对疫情关注度较高的学生(OR:2.175-2.508,95%CI:1.635-3.849)和对医务人员支援抗疫一线关注度较高的学生(OR:1.391-5.014,95%CI:2.397-10.488),受从医榜样的影响更大;有熟悉的老师或学长曾参与抗疫一线工作的学生(OR:3.367,95%CI:0.650-1.379),所受到的从医榜样的影响更为明显。结论  医学教育中应注意从医榜样教育教学中确定对医学生有积极影响的潜在促进因素,以最大限度地发挥从医榜样对医学生成长的积极影响。 

关键词: “医者之心”(HEART)课程, 从医榜样, 职业素养, 医学生, 积极影响  

Abstract: Objective  Medical model education is one of the important connotations of medical humanistic education. In the process of cultivating medical professional qualities based on the course system of HEART(Medical Professionalism Training Course), Shantou University Medical College embedded the content of medical model education to cultivate and shape medical students professionalism and medical values. This paper examines the feedback from medical students and the potential influencing factors     of medical models on medical students. Methods  Questionnaire survey and qualitative interview were conducted among medical students who had taken HEART course in Shantou University Medical College.  Results  Medical model education had a significant impact on medical students learning motivation, professional quality cognition, self-protection awareness and measures, and willingness to volunteer service (median of each question > 3). Medical role models had little effect on more senior undergraduates (OR: 1, 1.112, 0.702, 0.531 and 0.485). The influence of medical role models on stomatological students was slightly greater than that on clinical medicine and nursing students (OR: 1.708,95%CI:1.134-2.571). The students who paid more attention to COVID-19  epidemic situation (OR: 2.175-2.508,95%CI:1.635-3.849) and the students who paid more attention to the front-line support of medical staff (OR: 1.391-5.014,95%CI:2.397-10.488) were more affected by medical role models.  Students with familiar teachers or senior students who had participated in the anti-epidemic front-line work    (OR: 3.367, 95%CI:0.650-1.379) were more influenced by medical examples.  Conclusion  In medical education, we should pay attention to identify the potential promoting factors that have a positive impact on medical students, so as to maximize the positive impact of medical examples on medical students ’ growth. 

Key words: HEART course, medical role mode,  professionalism, medical students, positive influence
