医学教育管理 ›› 2020, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 156-162.doi:  10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.02.015

• 社区教学 • 上一篇    下一篇


马鹏涛 1 ,王凌云 1,邹海欧 2,刘维维 3,吴 凡 2,赵 洁 1     

  1. 1. 北京市西城区德胜社区卫生服务中心,北京 100120;2. 北京协和医学院护理学院,北京 100730;3. 首都医科大学护理学院,北京 100069
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-13 出版日期:2020-04-20 发布日期:2020-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 王凌云

Reform of community nursing practice teaching for undergraduates based on community public health skills development

Ma Pengtao 1 , Wang Lingyun 1 , Zou Haiou 2 , Liu Weiwei 3 , Wu Fan 2 , Zhao Jie 1   

  1. 1. Desheng Community Health Service Center, Xicheng District, Beijing 100120, China; 2. Nursing College, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100730, China; 3. School of Nursing, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
  • Received:2019-12-13 Online:2020-04-20 Published:2020-05-20

摘要: 目的 开展社区护理实践教学改革探索,为培养实用型社区护理人才打基础。方法 2017 -2019 年期间,对进入北京市西城区德胜社区卫生服务中心(以下简称“中心”)的北京市 2 所大学护理学院大三护理本科生 198 人,实施社区护理实践教学综合改革,运用自设问卷对学生完成全部模块实见习后的满意度进行调查,运用小组访谈法访谈带教老师 , 了解学生见习表现及自主感受,验证其可行性。结果 护理本科生对社区护理见习的总体满意度为 100%;对组织管理督导及环境设施提供满意度 99.5%;见习体验感受、师资力量配备、学生参与程度满意度为 99%;对教学内容安排整体满意度为 98%。带教老师认为:学生主动参与程度高,时间利用率高,社区护理实践能力得到有效锻炼与验证;带教老师投入时间与精力虽然多,增加了工作负担,但教学相长,专科理论知识得到拓展,教学能力得到较快提升,专业价值得到了充分体现。结论 基于社区公共卫生技能培养的本科生社区护理实践教学改革符合师生期待,可为护理本科生的社区护理实践教学提供参考借鉴。

关键词: 护理本科生, 真实场景体验, 社区护理实践教学, 满意度

Abstract: Objective To explore the reform of community nursing practice teaching, and lay a foundation for training practical community nursing talents. Methods A total of 198 junior college nursing students from two colleges of nursing in Beijing from 2017 to 2019, participated in community nursing. To verify the feasibility, self-designed questionnaires, surveys, interviewing were used to evaluate the students satisfaction after completing all module internships and to assess students’ apprenticeship performance and autonomous feelings. Results The satisfaction rate of nursing undergraduate students for community nursing apprenticeship, for organizational management supervision and environmental facilities, for the apprenticeship experience, teacher resources, and student participation, and for content arrangements was 100%, 99.5%, 99%, and 98%, respectively. Teachers reported that students had a high degree of active participation, high time utilization rate, and improved ability in the community nursing practice, more time and energy invested in apprenticeships. Despite more workload, teachers’ teaching and learners’ learning skills both enhanced. The theoretical knowledge of junior colleges has been expanded, and the teaching ability has been rapidly improved, reflecting the professional value. Conclusion The reform of community nursing practice teaching for undergraduates based on community public health skills development is accorded with the expectations of teachers and students, and thus can provide reference for community practice of medical students.

Key words: nursing undergraduates ,  real scene ,  community nursing practice teaching ,  satisfaction
