医学教育管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2): 131-136.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2024.02.001

• 专题研究 •    下一篇


张斌1,2,  宋宇1,2,  张瀛2*   

  1. 1.首都医科大学马克思主义学院,北京 100069; 2.首都医科大学学生处,北京 100069
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-30 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-05-09
  • 通讯作者: 张瀛 E-mail:zhyccmu@ccmu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Medical students' self-identity status and educational service needs—taking Capital Medical University as an example

Zhang Bin1, 2, Song Yun1, 2, Zhang Ying2*   

  1. 1. School of Marxism, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China; 2. Student Affairs Office, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China
  • Received:2023-10-30 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-09

摘要: 为进一步了解医学生自我同一性发展水平和其成长中教育服务需求,促进医学育人工作的质量,通过使用《自我同一性地位》量表和《教育服务需求》问卷对首都医科大学1 188名本科生进行调研,回收有效问卷1 017份。结果显示,医学生自我同一性3个维度得分、自我同一性地位分布情况不同年级对比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各年级的“过去的危机”维度平均分均最低,且各年级的“同一性扩散-积极的延缓中间地位(D-M 地位)”人数比例均为最高;52.51%医学生对学校开展关于自我探索主题的选修课表示有需求;影响医学生深入了解自己的因素首位为“原生家庭的教养方式”,占84.56%;其次为“朋友间的影响”,占75.12%;医学生希望提升自我认知水平的方式前三位分别是:“朋友间的互动交流”(占69.32%),“阅读书籍、文献”(占60.08%),“参加社会实践”(占50.93%)。医学生自我同一性发展存在的主要问题是积极的自我成长需求和自我探索受限之间的矛盾,需要教育工作者强化医学生自我意识的启发,注重理论与实践结合,提升教育服务方式和优化思政教育元素。

关键词: 自我同一性, 量表, 医学生, 教育服务需求

Abstract: To further understand the development level of medical students' identity and their education service needs during their growth, and promote medical education quality, this study used the Self-identity Status Scale and the Educational Service Needs Questionnaire to investigate 1 188 undergraduates in Capital Medical University, and effectively recovered 1 017 questionnaires. The results showed that there were no significant differences in the scores of three dimensions of medical students' self-identity and the distribution of self-identity status among different grades (P>0.05). In all grades, the average score of "past crisis" was the lowest, and the proportion of "identity diffusion - positive delayed intermediate status (D-M status)" was the highest. It showed 52.51% medical students expressed their demands for schools to carry out elective courses on the theme of self-exploration. The most important factor influencing medical students' in-depth understanding of themselves was the "parenting style of the original family", which accounted for 84.56%, followed by "influence of friends", which accounted for 75.12%. The top three ways medical students hope to improve their self-cognition are: "interaction and communication among friends" 69.32%, "reading books and literature"60.08%, and "participating in social practice" 50.93%. The main problem in medical students' self-identity development is the contradiction between the need for positive self-growth and the limitation of self-exploration. Educators should strengthen the inspiration of medical students' self-consciousness, pay attention to the combination of "theory" and "practice", improve education service mode and optimize the elements of ideological and political education.

Key words: self-identity, scales, medical students, educational service needs
