医学教育管理 ›› 2020, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (6): 560-564.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.010

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卜庆锋,  张培茗,  尚  昆,  丁立军,  蒋海洪,  胡兆燕   

  1. 上海健康医学院医疗器械学院,上海 201318
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-04 出版日期:2020-12-20 发布日期:2021-01-05
  • 通讯作者: 胡兆燕

Empirical study on cloud classroom management based on incentive  theory

Bu Qingfeng, Zhang Peiming, Shang Kun, Ding Lijun, Jiang Haihong, Hu Zhaoyan   

  1. School of Medical Instruments, Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China
  • Received:2020-08-04 Online:2020-12-20 Published:2021-01-05

摘要: 云课堂的好处在于无时空限制,方便学情统计分析,但也存在无法现场互动的缺点。这要求教师在网课管理的时候,运用一种新型的网络教学的互动方法,牵引学生的学习进度和学习专注,提升课堂的把控度,来提高学习的效果。基于双因素理论和阿伦森效应,以大二学生为样本,采用准自然实验法,尝试运用一种课堂激励方法,利用倍差法等计量模型对云课堂学习数据实证分析。结果表明,激励政策的正向效应非常显著,网站访问量和讨论区讨论数发帖数量增长显著,网站访问量仅章节学习项单日访问峰值最高达1 251次,总讨论数增幅达1 167%。在控制其他因素影响下,每增加投入一个单位的政策激励措施,便会增加32单位的综合政策收益。

关键词: 云课堂,  倍差法,  激励理论

Abstract: The advantage of cloud classroom is no limitations of time and space  and is convenient for statistical analysis of learning situation, but it         lacks onsite interaction . This requires teachers to use a new online interactive method    to track  students learning progress and focus, improve classroom control and the learning effect. Based on the two-factor theory and the Aronson effect, this paper  takes the sophomores of our college as samples, adopts the quasi-natural experiment method,    explores the classroom incentive method and the multiplier method to analyze the cloud classroom learning data empirically. Results proved significant    positive effects of incentive policies  . The number of website visits  reaches the peak of 1 251 in a day. Total number of discussions increases by 1167%. Under the control of other factors, each additional amount of policy incentive will increase 32 amount of comprehensive policy benefits.

Key words: cloud classroom, multiplier method,  incentive theory
