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    20 April 2019, Volume 5 Issue 2
    Exploration and practice of training outstanding doctors in private medical universities——Taking Qilu Medical University as an example
    Zhang Pingping, Geng Lei, Guo Daoyu, Liu Xichang, Chen Mei, Zhang Linlin, Zou Haimiao, Yang Donghua
    2019, 5(2):  103-108.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.001
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    The Outstanding Doctor Training Program is an important approach taken by Chinese government to improve the quality of medical education and teaching. Based on the advanced reform experiences from other education authorities,Qilu Medical University has carried out an all-round education and teaching reform for clinical medicine undergraduates since 2015. It fully implements the educational and teaching concepts of “student-centered” and “self-learning”, innovates the talent training mode, integrates and optimizes the curriculum system, and reforms the traditional teaching methods and modes, as well as assessment system. This program has achieved the training goal of “strong foundation, application,high quality and innovative consciousness”, and trained medical talents in application with rich knowledge of humanities and social sciences, profound knowledge of natural sciences, solid medical theoretical basis and good professional quality, self-learning and lifelong learning ability and preliminary clinical ability. Therefore, this is how the Qilu Medical Universitycarried out The Outstanding Doctor Training Program in practice.
    Research and practice of school-enterprise cooperation, industry-university-research-application combined with talent training mode
    Zhang Hua,Ji Xia,Zhang Pingping
    2019, 5(2):  109-114.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.002
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    In order to cultivate the application-oriented talents suitable to the needs of the pharmaceutical market, the college of pharmacy of Qilu Medical University has explored and practiced the talent training mode. College, especially major in pharmacy in the platform of university-enterprise cooperation, has investigated the demand for the enterprises and searched the position for undergraduate students, combining with the characteristics and development of pharmaceutical industry. It is the key that lies in the undergraduate application training, based on the previous reform. Meantime, the purpose is to explore the constructing university-enterprise cooperation and industry-university-research application talents training mode.
    Research and practice on the model of cultivating skills oriented programs for medical aboratory technology discipline-taking Qilu Medical University as an example
    2019, 5(2):  115-118,134.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.003
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    In this paper, the talent cultivation model of medical laboratory technology disciplin especialty“cooperation etween schools and hospitals,strengthen practice,ability progression” is studied from the aspects of condensing the talent ultivation goal, modifying the talent cultivation model, reconstructing courses setting and optimizing teaching contents.After seven years of practice, some results have been achieved.
    Research and practice on the cultivation of applied oral nursing undergraduates
    Wang LI,Tan Li,Cao Xue Mei,Lv Ai Qin 3
    2019, 5(2):  119-123.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.004
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    With the rapid development of stomatology, the role of nurses in the process of oral diagnosis and treatment is becoming more and more prominent. In order to meet the demand for stomatology nurses in stomatology industry,Qilu Medical University has fully carried out post investigation, formulated the training goal of dental nursing talents in accordance with the needs of stomatology hospitals, and set up a scientific and reasonable curriculum system. The practice teaching base inside and outside the school was established, the oral nursing teaching team was set up, and a number of oral nursing talents suitable for the needs of the oral industry were trained.
    The research and practice on the integration of basic medical courses and model of instruction of clinical medicine
    Zhang linlin,Wei lei,Lishuai,Chenghui,Zhang xiaowen,Geng lei
    2019, 5(2):  124-128.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.005
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    In the new situation of medical education reform and the country to deepen the reform of the medical and health system,how to realize students’early clinical exposure has become a hot issue.According to《Undergraduate medical education standards—Clinical medicine science》and characteristics of our school,we breaks the traditional medical education model,with the theme of cultivation of clinical thinking ability,take deepen reform as power,focus on training students,exploring the teaching mode of preclinical medical courses suitable for the cultivation of clinical medical professionals in our school.This paper introduces the specific implementation of teaching and assessment of integrated curriculum of preclinical medicine in our school.
    Integration of science and education: origin, evolution, problems and reflections
    Dong Hanqiong,Liu Hui,Zhao Xingcun
    2019, 5(2):  129-134.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.006
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    The deep integration of scientific research and higher education is not only the trend of the development of science and technology in the world, but also the inevitable choice of the construction of world-class universities and disciplines. As the core concept of modern higher education, the integration of science and education is of great significance to the cultivation of innovative talents with innovative consciousness, innovative thinking and innovative ability to meet the needs of society. This paper systematically illustrated the connotation, origin and current situation of the integration of science and education at home and abroad, analyzed the common problems existing in the concept and practice of the integration of science and education at present, and put forward some countermeasures to promote the integration of science and education from the perspective of institutions of higher learning and cultural construction, personnel training process,and the establishment of the platform for the coordination and transformation of science and education.
    Clinical eeducation spatial differentiation
    Yang Yuanzeling
    2019, 5(2):  135-140.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.007
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    Driven by the proposition of education technology modernization, clinical education space is no longer limited to a physical expression. Criticizing the excessive convergence of the current clinical education space, as the “real place view” of social relations and process operation, is a reinterpretation of the current clinical education space. Combined with postmodern philosophy, this paper expounds the practical significance of clinical education space, extends the theoretical basis of "field”, “miller model” and other spaces, and reconstructs the clinical cognitive learning system constituted by “field–cognitive channel-clinical thinking”. To differentiate and analyze the spatial significance of clinical education and explore the internal relationship between clinical education spaces is helpful to deepen the understanding of the nature of clinical education, which is an attempt of space philosophy to think about clinical education.
    Consideration on the system design of ensuring clinical research ability of professional degree postgraduatein clinical medicine
    Zengguo, Xiao Jianzhong, YangKe, ChenXi
    2019, 5(2):  141-144,153.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.008
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    Since 2014, “5+3” as the main part of clinical medical personnel training system is fully implemented, and the practical problems that the quality of clinical research ability training fact is difficult to guarantee have arisen. Problem-oriented, targeted ideas and measures to promote the deepening of reform. To know the training requirements, improve the policy position, grasp the correct direction, enhance the initiative and coordination of training work to establish and implement the training system systematically and scientifically to give full play to the stability, basic, compulsory and guiding role of the system, and enhance the standardization and effectiveness of training work will be done. Focusing on “requirements” and “systems” to introduce measures will be more conducive to solve the problem of clinical research ability training andto ensure the quality of clinical research ability training.
    WeChat in teaching management of medical postgraduates
    Guo Huan, Chen Yanglin
    2019, 5(2):  145-148,179.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.009
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    WeChat, the most popular social software, is profoundly changing the way that postgraduate students live and study.This paper analyzes the good application and challenges brought by WeChat in the educational management of medical postgraduate education, and then takes corresponding measures to give full play to the advantages of WeChat, improve the effectiveness of graduate education, and realize the seamless connection between online and offline teaching management of postgraduate students.
    Combination teaching method of CBL with PPT summary and quiz in clinical probation class at department of general surgery
    Bai Xueshan,Zhang Shuqi
    2019, 5(2):  149-153.  doi:DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.010
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    Objective Capital Medical University has an international medical school in teaching by English only.The school is enrolling medical students worldwide. Because of the racial, language, learning habits and other problems in these students, they cannot communicate easily with teachers and patients in clinical probation class. This study enables these international medical students training to communicate with teachers, patients actually, and do physical examinations su cessfully, achieve the theory with practice, grasp the clinical method. Methods The author summed up a combined teaching model-“the CBL teaching model combined with PPT summary and quiz plus”. Following this teaching model,there are three modes of teaching were conducted sequentially in a probationary course, emphasizing the importance of training with real patients and responding warmly to students. Results This method attracted other surgical department to participate in, so that the international students in the enthusiasm of the high, strong willing of participation. It reduced the teacher’s preparation burden, and their oral improvement is obvious, so as to drive other surgical departments to participate gradually. Conclusion Then international students’ surgical examination is significantly better than the past, and improves the level of our teaching team.


    Application of peer-assisted learning modein in international medical students’ final clinical practice
    Wan Wenhui,Chen Ying, Liu Lige
    2019, 5(2):  154-157.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.011
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    Objective To analyze the application of peer-assisted learning method in international medical students’ final clinical practice. Methods 32 international students of 6-year program from Capital Medical University were divided into two groups in Beijing Friendship Hospital. The first group, paired with the clinical medicine students of “5+3” from Capital Medical University, is the peer-assisted learning experimental group. The second group is traditional control group.After the completion of the internship, daily assessment, theoretical assessment and clinical assessment results were used for evaluation, and we investigated all the students by questionnaire. Results Skill scores and daily assessment of peer-assisted learning group are better than those of traditional control group, and the differences were significant. However, the two groups’ theoretical scores were no significant. Conclusion The peer-assisted learning mode gives full play to students’ subjective initiative, improve students’ teamwork ability. It is conducive to the cultivation of students’ clinical thinking. It is worth promoting in the graduation practice of international students.
    Investigation on the faculty’s status quo of the standardized training for residents of traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing   
    Yang Hong, Liu Liming,Cai Haiyan,Man Xiaowei
    2019, 5(2):  158-162.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.012
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    Objective To understand the faculty’s status quo of traditional Chinese medicine standardized training for residents in Beijing and their understanding of this training, its own teaching characteristics and performance of participation.Methods Relying on the training program of the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau, a questionnaire survey was conducted on 210 key teachers of 17 traditional Chinese medicine residency training bases in Beijing. Results The key teachers aged 30-49 accounted for 90%, the teachers holding master's degree or above accounted for 77, the ones with middle and senior titles accounted for 92%; the senior title teachers’ average teaching years is higher than other titles teachers’,teachers in the municipal hospital average teaching years is higher than those in the district The average number of teachers in the municipal hospitals is higher than that of the districts; 69% of the key teachers demonstrated full understanding or basic understanding of the relevant requirements of standardized residency training, and another 25% only have a certain understanding; Contents: theme lectures, group lectures, teaching rounds and traditional Chinese medicine learning, TCM syndrome differentiation and clinical progress of Chinese medicine; 83% of the key teachers agree that the training is very helpful or helpful; 77% of the key teachers are in favor of participation in training, 22% think it depends on the situation.Conclusion At present, the composition of the traditional Chinese medicine faculty for standardized training for residents in Beijing is excellent, yet some teachers do not have a good knowledge of the regulation and training residency work. The emphasis is also not enough. The relevant management departments must take the quality and organization of the training into consideration. In the future, we should increase the training and assessment of the standardized training faculty, and improve the selection, training, and evaluation systems continuously. Different incentives will be adopted for different types of hospitals.
    Effectiveness of evidence-based medicine in clinical teaching: a case study of clinical internship
    Wang Xu, Liu Shuiyun
    2019, 5(2):  163-167.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.013
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    Clinical probation is an essential process of medical education and an important means of training clinical thinking and learning clinical skills. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a new model of medical research, and also a method of clinical learning. The introduction of EBM into clinical probation teaching is of great significance to improve the teaching content and methods of medical colleges and to enrich the clinical practice of probationers. Through the experiment of evidence-based medicine teaching mode for clinical interns in a top-level hospital in Beijing, this study found that the teaching effectiveness of evidence-based medicine teaching mode in clinical internship was remarkable, and it was helpful to cultivate the comprehensive ability of clinical medical students and to arouse the interest of clinical medical students in clinical work and medical research.
    Survey of nursing professional English on mobile learning: a quantitative - qualitative study
    Huang Mingjun,Peng Wentao,Gu Yao
    2019, 5(2):  168-173.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.014
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    Objective To understand the foundation, current situation, willingness and needs of nursing professional English on mobile learning for undergraduate nursing students. Methods Undergraduate nursing students were investigated from May to July 2018. The quantitative study adopted a questionnaire survey, and the qualitative study selected 8 students using unstructured interview. Results There were 225 valid questionnaires. Percentage of 72.44 students’ English competency were good. Percentage of 94.67 of them use smart phones as mobile devices. 64.45% were not satisfied with the existing mobile learning resources, and 84.45% were willing to learn nursing English through mobile devices. Students Preferred audio input (990 scores), and QQ (944 scores) as learning ways. Qualitative research extracted three topics:“BROWSING” learning, promoting “FRAGMENTATION” learning, and “Multi-DIMENSIONAL” mobile English learning.Conclusion Students have strong willingness to use mobile learning to assist classroom learning, and mobile learning resources need to be richer in contents, and need more effectively monitoring.
    Analysis on employment status of infectious diseases postgraduates in recent five years
    Wang Ying, Li Xin
    2019, 5(2):  174-179.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.015
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    At present, the employment of postgraduates has attracted public attention due to the expansion of graduate enrollment. With the implementation of Beijing’s non-capital city planning, the employment of postgraduates has faced unprecedented challenges. In order to get a better understanding of the employment trend of infectious disease postgraduate and to guide them in career path, this paper analyzes the employment of postgraduates majoring in infectious diseases in a specialized hospital of infectious diseases in Beijing in the past five years.The author put forward the following: strategy to improve the employment quality of infectious diseases postgraduates; better guidance of infectious diseases postgraduates in career choices; timely orientation guidance of the postgraduates’ employment; focus on the role of supervisors in employment; focus on the employment of scientific research postgraduates; strategy to improve the competitiveness of infectious diseases postgraduates;exploration of the rules and the existing problems in the employment of infectious diseases postgraduates as well as corresponding feasible measures.
    Investigation and analysis of the present situation of teaching staff in university affiliated hospitals in Yunnan province and study of relevant countermeasures
    Li Yun,Yu Shan,Fei Hongjing,Gong MeiLing
    2019, 5(2):  180-185.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.016
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    Objective To fully understand the present situation of teaching staff in medical university and college affiliated hospitals in Yunnan province. Method The author worked out a questionnaire to investigate a total of 56 hospitals affiliated to the universities and colleges across the province. Questions covered the number of teachers and talent distribution, structure of educational background and job titles and the teaching consciousness. Results Most medical university and college-affiliated hospitals in Yunnan province have established a relatively complete management system of the teaching staff and were able to support clinical teaching in accordance with the standards. Among the affiliated hospitals,those of first class at grade 3 had the absolute advantage in number, educational background and job titles of the teaching staff compared with hospitals at grade 3 of second class and hospitals at grade 2. Meanwhile, such problems as non-balanced distribution, unreasonable structure, uneven teaching excellence and inadequate support and fund investment from relevant university or college to the hospital were found in the clinical teaching staff in affiliated hospitals. Conclusion Colleges and universities should establish a clinical faculty development center; build a faculty team of high medical ethics and good skills and a dynamic adjustment mechanism, develop and further improve the incentive mechanism of clinical teaching;design teachers’ training courses oriented by their clinical post competence; build a number of teaching teams consisting of both fundamental and clinical teachers to adapt to the reform of the organ system-based curriculum.
    Design and practice of community nursing course based on the integration of science and education
    He Lin,Wang Lan
    2019, 5(2):  186-189.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.017
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    Objective To explore the community nursing course based on the integration of science and education and its effects on improvement in abilities of critical thinking and scientific research for nursing students. Methods 92 nursing students received the community nursing course based on the integration of science and education. The outcomes were compared in terms of students’ critical thinking and scientific research skill. Results The community nursing course based on the integration of science and education proved no influence on students’ critical thinking skill yet improved their scientific research skills. Conclusion The community nursing course based on the integration of science and education had a good effect in scientific research skill, and further extension and application are needed in nursing teaching.
    Research and practice on constructing “San-Quan Education” system in medical students ——a case of West China School of Medicine
    Zhang Lie, Wang Han, Yang Fan, Jiang Tingting, Shen Bin
    2019, 5(2):  190-194.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.018
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    Value education is a gradual process. There is an objective reality that “knowing is easy, but doing is difficult”.It needs to go deep into four aspects: knowledge (cognition), emotion (interest), will (will), and practice (practice) in order to reach the people’s hearts. According to the physical and mental characteristics of medical students, how to effectively improve the phenomenon of “knowledge-action disconnection” in the process of value education, how to enhance their recognition of the core value system, and then transform it into their internal pursuit and external action, is extremely urgent and important. West China School of Medicine makes full use of the advantages of Sichuan University as a high-level comprehensive university with multidisciplinary integration, upholds the fine tradition and profound connotation of West China medical education and trains excellent medical leaders with profound humanistic background, good professional quality,professional knowledge, skilled clinical skills, strong sense of innovation,a broad international perspective of outstanding, actively explore the construction of the “San-Quan Education” system of research and practice.
    Investigation and discussion on the professionalism training for medical students in the whole teaching system
    Wang Jiayuan, Zheng Jingjing
    2019, 5(2):  195-199.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.02.019
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    Medical students will be playing an important role in the promoting the national health affairs through improvement of their career abilities. Indeed, one key factor for them is elevation and enhancement of medical professionalism training capacities which will benefit the optimization and ameliorating medical demands in the modern societies and patients’ requirements. To address this research issue, the questionnaire surveys were designed and carried out in three medical schools. Then, the data were collected and analyzed. Finally, with the findings, the medical professionalism was discussed on how to construct it in whole training course and on how to facilitate national medical talents training systems.