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    20 June 2018, Volume 4 Issue 3
    Challenges and countermeasures of undergraduate medical education in the context of 3.0 Times of education
    Zhu Hanyi, Huang Wenhua, Zhang Chunhui, Xie Xiaoyan, Yang Xiaolin, Wen Mingang
    2018, 4(3):  173-176.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.001
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    During the process of intellectualization, the world plunges into 3.0 Times of Education featuring the diversified teaching resources and the individualized learning experience, which brings profound impact on the development of undergraduate teaching in medical universities and colleges. This paper sorts out four major challenges confronting undergraduate medical teaching in the context of 3.0 Times of Education. The challenges derive from four changes, namely,changes of social division of labor, teaching resources, knowledge structure and management concepts. On recognition of these challenges, this paper proposes some suggestions for the reform and development of medical undergraduate education under this new situation after presenting the reform exploration of Southern Medical University in the following four aspects, namely, the adjustment of teaching strategies, the optimization of teaching methods, the improvement of learning experiences and the upgrading of teaching management.
    Construction of education essence integrated teaching management system
    Zhang Chunhui, Ma Xiaofeng, Lv Shuangle, Chen Shiliang, Zeng Zhirong, Wen Mingang
    2018, 4(3):  177-180,195.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.002
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    Teaching management informatization has been a constant concern for the teaching and management departments of higher education institutions. The current teaching system has various disadvantages which hinder the normal development of teaching management. Education teaching quality will be improved steadily, with full deconstruction of higher education management information system of two cores —resources construction and personnel training, with implementation of the data refinement and integration, with promotion of the education teaching management to achieve the closed-loop, with forming ecological big data base to guarantee appropriate teaching reform.
    Construction and practice of the quality assurance system for undergraduate teaching
    Cai Pu, Zhang Chunhui, Zeng Zhirong, Lv Shuangle, Wen Qing, Zhu Hanyi, Liu Hui
    2018, 4(3):  181-186.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.003
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    The quality of undergraduate teaching is the lifeline of university development. The construction of effective quality assurance system for undergraduate teaching is conducive to ensuring orderly development of teaching activities.Through the analysis and summary of the construction of the quality assurance system for the undergraduate teaching, the article expounds the establishment of the teaching quality assurance system, composed of such four parts as the leadership decision, the implementation guarantee, the evaluation monitoring and the feedback improvement, so as to promote the continuous improvement of the teaching quality.
    Application and research of computer-based examination in the Department Examination of Clinical Medicine Practice
    Liu Hui, Song Zixiu, Wang Kai, Zhang Jing
    2018, 4(3):  187-191.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.004
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    Objective To evaluate the overall quality of the computer-based test question bank for clinical medicine in a college. Methods Based on a school item bank and computer-based examination system as technical support, a computerbased test question bank was set up. From May 6 to June 24, 2017, 2432 people participated in the test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The reliability (R), difficulty (P), and degree of differentiation (D) were used as indicators for evaluation. Results Except for endocrinology, nephrology and orthopedics, the test question bank of the other 14 departments were all stable (P-value < 0.05); except for the fourth exam of neurosurgery, the difficulty D was 0.85 and the second examination of orthopedics has a reliability R of 0.56, the difficulty, reliability, and differentiation of the questions in other departments are within the reference range (0.51-0.84, 0.62-1, 0.13-1). Conclusion The reliability of the examination questions in each department of the university’s computer-based test questions database is relatively high, and the difficulty is moderate. It can better separate students’knowledge mastery and can be used to promote other medical schools.
    Case analysis of education essence integrated teaching management system
    Zhang Chunhui, Ma Xiaofeng, Lv Shuangle, Chen Shiliang, Zeng Zhirong, Wen Mingang
    2018, 4(3):  192-195.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.005
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    This paper analyses the current predicament of educational administration system, then expounds the core educational essence of educational administration system design. It points out that the direction of harmonious coexistence of education, teaching and educational administration should be the ecological development of management, support and service.
    Reference of French medical doctoral education mode and the development of medical doctoral talents in China
    Su Bin,Yan Li, Cheng Xiangpu, Cui Dan, Wu Hao,Zhang Tong
    2018, 4(3):  196-199,204.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.006
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    Through his own experiences of medical studies and postdoctoral training in France, the author introduces,from an objective point of view, the French mode of medical doctoral education and training, and analyzes in detail the French medical doctoral education system on the basis of its medical education concept, the training models and teaching characteristics. Furthermore, according to the current training situation in China, this study elaborates ways to use the French education methods to improve the development of our practical doctoral students in medicine, and provides new ideas for the training of highly educated talents in China.
    Distribution of oral manpower according to the employment intention of oral talents
    Feng Zheng,,Zhao Liying
    2018, 4(3):  200-204.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.007
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    With increasing demands of high level clinical stomatological talents, stomatological education across the country flourished and recruit students number increased significantly. Meanwhile according to a recent report from the Ministry of Education on the employment situation in higher education in China, dental professional employment rate continued to decline. However, this phenomenon was not due to the surplus of stomatological talents in our country, but due to the structure of stomatological talent training and employment system policy as well as the restriction on the rational allocation of stomatological human resources. This article surveyed students professional employment intention in Beijing Stomatological Hospital, analysed of the current employment psychological concepts and the factors affecting students’ employment, and stressed to deepen the employment oriented stomatological education reform, finally put forward suggestions for oral health human resource allocation and the related training plans.
    ICT teaching in graduate education in rehabilitation medicine
    Li Jun, Tang Li,Wang Chong,Guo Yun, Liu Lu, Liu Changbin, Liu Hongwei,Li Jianjun
    2018, 4(3):  205-211.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.008
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    Objective Explore the effects of applying ICT to rehabilitation graduate teaching. Methods A total of thirty rehabilitation majors were divided into ICT teaching group and non-ICT teaching group, and the theoretical scores and clinical practice scores of the two groups were compared respectively. Results The theoretical achievements and clinical practice scores of ICT teaching group is significantly better than those of non-ICT teaching group. Conclusion The innovation and practice of ICT in rehabilitation education will help to improve the quality of the teaching in the rehabilitation medicine.
    Application of ERAS concept in clinical education of the urology graduate students
    Wasilijiang Wahafu,Liu Sai, Niu Yinong,Xing Nianzeng
    2018, 4(3):  212-215.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.009
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    The clinical education of urological graduate students is the critical stage in medical professional development.Due to the shortage of internship time and the limitation of clinical knowledge, how to better carry out clinical work is one of the most critical issues in clinical teaching for graduate students. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a multimodal,multidisciplinary approach and an evidence-based care improvement process for the care of the surgical patients, with planned minimization of psychological and physiological disruption. In essence, ERAS concept is to integrate the diverse clinical key points into the standardized process. This study explores graduate students mastery of the key of perioperative management by teaching ERAS concept. Meanwhile, ERAS concept could help students to foster systematic and procedural thinking in clinical work, gradually to train students clinical thinking and communication ability, and to improve the clinical ability and confidence in workplace. In the process of participating in clinical research, ERAS could promote the establishment of research thinking,and benefit the development of the urological professional talents. ERAS concept enhanced clinical and scientific research ability in urology and prompted comprehensive ability in urological graduate students.
    Exploration on neuro-endoscopic training of clinical center for pituitary adenoma of Capital Medical University
    Gong Lei, Zhang Yazhuo, Gao Hua
    2018, 4(3):  216-218,222.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.010
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    The neuro-endoscope surgery equipment and technology advance rapidly in recent years, and play a more important role in the neurosurgery, and need an increasing number of top-level talents. Clinical Center for Pituitary Adenoma of Capital Medical University, together with the endoscopic and minimally invasive technology training base of National Health and Family Planning Commission, held a series of neuro-endoscope training courses and summarized some helpful experiences. The center will continue to improve the senior personnel training, and sum up the experience for betterment,with an aim to cultivate a team of surgical endoscopic skilled professionals for the country, and to contribute to the development of domestic endoscopic neurosurgery.
    Experience of CBL teaching in vascular surgical residency training
    Guo Lianrui, Fan Jie,Guo Jianming
    2018, 4(3):  219-222.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.011
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    The case-based learning (CBL) in clinical teaching practice has gradually been attached great importance in recent years, yet there has few relevant experience reports about these methods applied to the vascular surgery residency training field. Therefore, this paper summarizes the author’s CBL practical experience in vascular surgery residency training,expounds the teaching effects and the teaching quality, with the ultimate goal of improving the comprehensive quality of vascular surgery residency teaching.
    Mini-CEX for training clinical performance of residents in cardiology department
    Zhang Yucong, Li Jing
    2018, 4(3):  223-226,235.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.012 ·
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    Objective To assess the effects of Mini-CEX (mini-clinical evaluation exercise) in cardiological residents training. Methods The Mini-CEX assessment was carried out in 45 residents, before and after their training in the cardiology department in Xuanwu Hospital. Results The scores after intensive and personalized training were significant higher than before(P < 0.01). Excellent rates of residents had been significantly improved (P < 0.01) in several aspects.Conclusion Mini-CEX is a simple reliable tool for teaching and evaluating performance of residents for clinical performance improvement.
    Discussion of the MOOC and PBL in infectious diseases education
    Song Rui
    2018, 4(3):  227-230.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.013
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    MOOC, the massive open online course, is new model of education. PBL, the problem based learning, is an educational method oriented by problem and helps to cultivate learner’s comprehensive ability of learning. Both MOOC and PBL teaching have strengths and weaknesses. This paper analyzed their respective benefits with an aim to integrate MOOC and PBL in infectious diseases education and to improve the teaching based on the MOOC platform with the cooperation of PBL.
    Influence of patient centered ICF concept model on post competency for rehabilitation therapy students
    Yang Zhiquan, Wang Huiqi,Liu aixian
    2018, 4(3):  231-235.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.014
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    Objective To investigate the influence of the patient centered ICF concept model on the post competency or rehabilitation therapy students. Methods A total of 97 rehabilitation therapy undergraduates practicing in Beijing ehabilitation Hospital from July 2015 to December 2016 were selected and divided into experimental group (48) and ontrol group (49) randomly. On teaching practice for rehabilitation of nervous system diseases, the experimental group dopted the patient centered concept of ICF teaching method, while the control group was treated with traditional teaching combined with 30% problem-based learning. After the internship, the post competency of the two groups of students were assessed by using the theoretical knowledge examination results, the clinical practice ability evaluation, the patient satisfaction questionnaire and students' independent learning ability evaluation. Results There was no significant difference between the two groups in the assessment of theoretical knowledge examination results. The students in the experimental group were better than the control group in the clinical practice ability evaluation including the functional evaluation, the choice of treatment options. the implementation of the treatment, reevaluation and adjustment, the results of the evaluation,the post discharge guidance and preventive measures. The difference was statistically significant. The experimental group performed better. Conclusion Patient centered ICF concept model is helpful to change the tudents’understanding of the diseases, functional status of the patients and the understanding of health. In the process of introducing the concept of“ patient centered”, it can develop and implement a personalized rehabilitation therapy plan conducive to the prognosis of patients and save medical expenses, so as to improve the students’post competency.
    New thoughts and countermeasures on how to strengthen the party construction work for longterm program medical students
    Zhang Guojun,Wang Jianmin
    2018, 4(3):  236-239.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.015
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    How to enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the college students' party branch is an important project to be investigated in the new period. It is significant to strengthen the party construction management for long-term program medical students, a special and important group among college students. This paper introduces the experience and practice which have good effects in strengthening the party construction management based on the longterm program medical students’ traits. Then by further analyzing the problems in the current work, specific thoughts and countermeasures have been provided to strengthen the party construction work.
    Investigation of teachers’ evaluation for college students cell phone dependence and related control strategies
    Hu Xiaobin, Yang Yinan, Sun Yuanyuan, Bai Yana, Zheng Shan, Wang Minzhen
    2018, 4(3):  240-245.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.016
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    Teachers in Lanzhou University investigated students mobile phone dependence during classes, compared different understanding of the influence on the effect of classroom teaching between teachers and students, then reflected the students' classroom effects for mobile phone dependence, and finally, put forward the corresponding measures of prevention and control..
    Research on the construction of think tank in higher medical colleges and universities
    Zhou Hongzhen, Pan Huiming, Wan Xueliang, Lei Qingmei, Zhu Yafang, Zhang Guangqing
    2018, 4(3):  246-249,254.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.017
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    The think tank meets the national conditions of our country and has unique Chinese characteristics, and with the development of the times, it has embraced newcomers. Its wide range of fields are reaching an unprecedented level, and the intellectual libraries of medical colleges and universities have emerged. The current situation of the construction of the think tank in medical colleges and universities is thoroughly and deeply analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of its existing policy, talent training, capital investment, foreign exchange and other fields are fully realized, and the feasible suggestions for the steady and rapid development of the think tank in medical colleges and universities in China are provided.
    Exploration of social benefits of clinical centers under the guidance of translational medicine
    Li Jisheng,Wang Songling, Li Wenbin
    2018, 4(3):  250-254.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.018
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    is oriented around the patients, solves problems and puts forward solutions in clinical work. researchers in translational medicine put the basic research results quickly to the clinical application, a new starting point and focus of global medical research. The clinical center aims to make full play of the leading medical team in hospitals, and to improve the hospital diagnosis and treatment level, to promote the innovation and development of medical technology, to facilitate the technical achievements transformation, development, application and popularization. One of the central tasks is translational medicine. This paper covers the purpose of the center, the connotation relationship between translational medicine and the center, the translational medicine in the process of the center establishment, the way to increase translational medicine application, the future development of the center under the guidance of translational medicine, and the way to produce social benefits, puts forward proposals for discussion.
    Evaluation and discussions on transformation into rehabilitation of several Beijing public hospitals
    Pan Feng
    2018, 4(3):  255-258.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.019
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    Objective To evaluate the transformation progress of rehabilitation of public hospitals and analyse the key points of this process, suggested solutions were discussed. Methods Consult experts to design the evaluation index system for supervision of public hospitals’ transformation into rehabilitation and carry out on-site evaluation of the first several transformation hospitals. Results Hospitals through rehabilitation transformation have made significant improvements in fundamental construction, transformation management, department setup, human resources, equipment allocation, etc.Rehabilitation department started from the scratch, much improved. The number of physicians, rehabilitation therapists and nursing staff all increased to some extent. Facilities are getting improved step by step. Conclusion It is currently important to supplement rehabilitation-related staff. Highlight of features is an effective method for rehabilitation transformation.
    Analysis of the role and practice of financial management in the trusteeship of public hospitals
    Wu Liqing
    2018, 4(3):  259-262.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.03.020 ·
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    Hospital trusteeship is an important direction of the reform of urban public hospitals. In view of the current situation of hospital trusteeship, the role of financial management in hospital trusteeship is analyzed. Combined with the trusteeship example and data of our hospital, this paper analyzes the main contents and concrete trusteeship effect of financial management in the implementation of hospital trusteeship.