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    20 August 2018, Volume 4 Issue 4
    Construction and implementation of post-competency-orientated medical training mode
    Wang Weiqing, Shao Zonghong, Xu Zhelong, Li Xiaoxia, Huang Guowei,Su Zhenxing,Zhangjianning
    2018, 4(4):  263-266,275.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.001
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    The core content of the third medical education reform is the "post competency" of medical and health talents.The domestic survey found that young clinicians are inadequate in basic clinical skills, doctor-patient communication skills,and life-long learning awareness. Tianjin Medical University builds and implements a training mode for medical personnel orientated on post competency. By optimizing the curriculum system and reforming teaching methods, we have built talents training mode that regards “post competency” as the core and integrates “basic and clinical medicine, clinical and preventive medicine, medicine and humanities, undergraduate and postgraduate education” to cultivate the high-quality clinical medical professionals with “high humanistic quality and advanced prevention concept, profound professional basic knowledge and great clinical ability”. We preliminarily have solved the problems that the disconnection of “personnel training and social needs, basic and clinical medicine, clinical and preventive medicine, medicine and humanities”. And we have worked out how to effectively link up undergraduate education and postgraduate education under the background of collaboration between medicine and education, especially in practical ability and scientific research ability training.
    Construction and application of preventive medicine practice teaching system to adapt to the new situation
    Xie Juan, Zhang Xin,Huang Guowei
    2018, 4(4):  267-271.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.002
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    The 21st century witnesses the modern preventive medicine education system reform in response to the new trend of public health development and the new situation of social and economic development. Based on the quality project, the School of Public Health in Tianjin Medical University summarized practical process on the education reforms for preventive medical students, constructed and strived to promote practical teaching. We prospectively presented practice teaching ideas to meet the training requirements of qualified talents of preventive medicine, completed the preventive medicine practice teaching content system and the corresponding teaching base system and teaching support system. Keeping pace with development and innovation, the aim of our reform is to improve students’practical ability and innovation ability.This achievement provides important enlightenment and reference function for the training of public health and preventive medicine talents under the new situation.
    Reform and practice of undergraduate training mode in medical imaging technology in the new era
    Pan Yumei, Zhang Xuejun, Yu Chunshui, Lv Min, Dong Linlin
    2018, 4(4):  272-275.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.003
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    The medical mode has undergone tremendous changes in the new era and has posed higher requirements for the knowledge, quality, and ability of medical imaging technicians. It has become a major topic for image technology education to cultivate high-quality talents who can adapt to scientific development with competitive edge, excellent morals and academic skills. Tianjin Medical University makes full use of the clinical and scientific research in medical imaging science to facilitate the development of the image technology. The reform and practice of the training program of imaging technology talents have been carried out, and achieved good results.
    Reform and practice of application-oriented undergraduate nursing talents training mode
    Zhao Shan, Lu Qi, Zhao Yue, Wang Chunmei, Cai Shengnan
    2018, 4(4):  276-280,285.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.004
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    According to series of quality projects and undergraduate educational projects, characteristic nursing was established and its educational feature and professional structure adapt to needs of national healthcare development, with an aim to enhance teachers team construction, to improve students’ practice and innovation ability as well as to establish applied undergraduate nursing talent training mode with solid foundation, excellent ability, high quality and focus on development.Combined the needs of nursing talents in healthcare development and concept of “Whole-person education”, “1234” undergraduate nursing talent training mode was set up, emphasizing on “One principle, Two abilities, Three systems and Four outcomes”. “One principle” is that medical humanistic quality education runs throughout whole process of undergraduate nursing talents’ training. “Two abilities” focus on improvement of ability of integrated theory with practice and professional development. “Three systems” involve undergraduate nursing education system combined general education and specialist training, practice system and teaching quality assurance system based on construction of comprehensive teachers team.“Four outcomes” is reflected from the following aspects: coordinated development of knowledge, skills and qualities; solid foundation and broad horizon; independent study ability, integrated theory with practice ability and innovative spirit; and ability of obtaining and regenerating knowledge.
    Reform and practice of clinical skills training mode of stomatology
    Deng Jiayin, Jin Chenxin, Qiao Feng, Ma Li, Wang Kunpeng, Liu Jing, Wang Peng, Zhang Xu, Li Changyi
    2018, 4(4):  281-285.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.005
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    A large number of application-oriented dental clinicians are urgently needed to serve the majority of patients,under the circumstances of high incidence and low rate of diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases. This study focuses on cultivating clinical competence in higher stomatology education. This article summarizes the reform and practice experience of clinical skills training mode in the School of Stomatology in Tianjin Medical University, with an aim to provide reference for the reform and development of Chinese oral medicine education.
    Exploration of independent learning mode in the experiment teaching of pathobiology
    Zheng Qun, Zhang Liping
    2018, 4(4):  286-289,299.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.006
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    This paper is based on experimental teaching reform, analyzes the traditional teaching mode, introduces the new teaching concept and explores the new teaching mode. The experiment teaching platform is used to explore the teaching methods and procedures of innovative experimental teaching based on students’independent learning mode, and the purpose is to explore new approaches to classroom teaching reform. The practice proves that the independent learning mode fully plays the main role of students. The experiment teaching process takes the initiative to explore instead of passive thinking, and replaces the passive indoctrination with independent learning, which is useful attempt reform of the experimental teaching system.
    Value and application of recitation in the teaching of Chinese Traditional Medicine
    Zhang Jingqiu, Che Niancong
    2018, 4(4):  290-294.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.007
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    “Reciting”, an important learning method of Chinese traditional medical education, has played a significant role in the history of Chinese traditional medical education and inheritance in the past 1000 years. In the last 100 years, there has been some misunderstanding and incorrect judgment on recitation. The main reason is that there is no correct understanding on the nature of recitation, no comprehensive analysis of the relationship between recitation and understanding, no effective understanding of the connection between recitation and the content recited, and no accurate understanding of the difference between recitation and thinking. At present, it is necessary for Chinese traditional medical colleges and universities to develop and promote the way of reciting in the aspect of public opinion direction, study of reciting methods, selection of reciting content, and common support of the whole subjects.
    Exploration and application of WeChat network platform in orthopedics teaching
    Meng Hai
    2018, 4(4):  295-299.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.008
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    Objective To explore the application of WeChat network platform in orthopedic clinical teaching. Methods 60 seven-year-program medical students were assigned randomly to the control group or the experimental group, all of them accepted traditional classroom teaching. Meanwhile, the experimental group (30 students) accepted WeChat network platform teaching as well. After the end of the course, the theory examination and satisfaction survey were conducted.Results In the experimental group, the scores of theory examination were better than those of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05) in terms of question types, including term explanation, multiple choice questions and blank- filling questions. But in essay question and case analysis, the scores of the experimental group were better than those of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). In satisfaction survey, the experimental group were better than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion As a supplementary means of modern medical education, the application of WeChat network platform teaching will be more extensive and worthy of popularization.
    Importance and practice approach of general education for interns
    Wu Huili, Lv Jun
    2018, 4(4):  300-304,317.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.009
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    The general education is essential for interns and its importance is justified by the training of all-round medical professionals, the change of medical education mode, the professional characteristics of doctors and the practical characteristics of interns. This study analyzes the problems existing in general education in medical colleges and universities and explores the practical approach of integrating general education with medical education.
    How to guide TCM clinical pharmacists to carry out pharmacy teaching rounds
    Cheng Mingzhe, Zhuang Wei, Wang Xiujuan, Lin Xiaolan
    2018, 4(4):  305-308,325.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.010
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    Objective Process and mode of how to explore and guide TCM clinical pharmacists to carry out the rounds of ward round training. Methods Under the guidance of the TCM clinical pharmacists, we should carry out the teaching check-up, learn the patients’medical examination and medication education, learn the effective way to communicate with the clinicians, and improve the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. Results Instruct to complete the rounds and record the problems encountered during the rounds. Conclusion TCM clinical pharmacists can find and solve the problem of drug use in pharmaceutical rounds so as to ensure rational and safe use of drugs.
    Study on the two-stage teaching mode of formulaology
    Ren Changhong, Yang Yong
    2018, 4(4):  309-312.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.011
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    Formulaology is a discipline of formulating, herbal compatibility and clinical application of Chinese herbal medicine. The two main training objectives of formulaology are: First, help students to master a certain number of prescriptions from their composition, function, treatment, compatibility and prescription theory and clinical application.Second, training students to possess a basic skill to prescribe herbal formula based on pattern differentiation. To achieve the above goals, the author designes a two-stage teaching method aiming at the formation and improvement of TCM clinical thinking, and combines the systematic knowledge teaching with the cultivation and improvement of clinical practice skills,and integrates the basic and clinical aspects of TCM. The design, implementation and effect evaluation of the two-stage teaching method of formulaology is discussed, which may be helpful to the training of TCM talents under the modern educational mode and concept.
    Retrospective analysis of the theory examination results of psychiatry residents in Beijing
    Chen Qun, Yu Jing, Wang Pengchong, Wang Changhong, Li Zhanjiang
    2018, 4(4):  313-317.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.012
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    This study aims to analyze the clinical theory ability of the psychiatric hospital in Beijing, China from 2014 to 2016. We used the statistical method to test the validity of the written examination in terms of the following aspects: the reliability, the degree of differentiation, the distribution of scores, the different training bases, the comparative analysis of different years, the coverage of the examination of the completion of the knowledge, the degree of difficulty analysis of the assessment of clinical theory ability of comprehensive and scientific ability, for the future reference. After the analysis of the problems exposed in the assessment of the resident training, we put forward practical measures to improve the quality of resident training.
    Effect of teaching mode for visiting physicians on tropical medicine and tropical diseases
    LI Xiaoli, Zou Yang
    2018, 4(4):  318-321.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.013
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    Objective This study is to evaluate effect of teaching mode for visiting physicians on tropical medicine and tropical diseases. Methods 60 visiting physicians were enrolled in this study, and randomly assigned to the control and the special group. The control group accepted the routine course and the special group received the routine course and special knowledge training. The clinical examination scores were used to assess the effect of teaching mode. Results Before the training, the scores in special group were the same as those in the control group. After the training, compared with the control group, visiting physicians obtained higher grades in the examination of the special group (P<0.01). Conclusion Through adopting special teaching mode, visiting physicians could improve their abilities in basic medical service.
    Application of scene simulation teaching in emergency training of significant public health events for public health doctors
    Zhang Zhujiazi, Wang Hui,Shang Jie
    2018, 4(4):  322-325.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.014
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    To improve emergency response capabilities of public health professionals in significant public health events,we adopted scene simulation teaching in significant public health events including investigation and management training such as situational settings, desktop deduction, situational deduction, self evaluation and teacher summary. This method not only stimulated learning enthusiasm and participation, but also improved ability on investigation and management on significant public health events. Therefore it could be of some help to use this method in other areas of public health teaching practice, and to establish public health scene simulation teaching system, as well as to integrate into public health personnel continuing education.
    Effect of Journal club in young neurosurgeon education
    Zhang Guobin, Huang Huawei
    2018, 4(4):  326-329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.015
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    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of Journal club in young neurosurgeon education. Methods 36 young neurosurgeon with working experience less than five years were chosen as subjects who received training of book report from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 and received training of Journal club from Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. Questionnaires were used at the end of training to evaluate young neurosurgeon’s language expression ability, literature inductive ability, literature reading quantity, English reading ability, satisfaction degree. Results Young neurosurgeon’s language expression ability,literature inductive ability, literature reading quantity, English reading ability, satisfaction degree were better by Journal club method than by book report method. There was significant difference between two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion Journal clubs training was practicable and effective to cultivate the young neurosurgeon’s scientific research qualities and abilities.
    Training of young ear surgeon by using artificial temporal bone mode
    Zhang Juan
    2018, 4(4):  330-332,337.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.016
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    Systematic and professional temporal bone anatomy and surgical training are necessary for ear surgeons.Based on microcomputed tomographic images, a new temporal bone model was designed with material properties as similar to bone as possible. In this study, a skilled ear surgeon compared the artificial temporal bone model with the human temporal bone specimen for cochlear surgery, and evaluated the role of this artificial temporal bone model in the training of the young ear surgeons. The result shows that the artificial temporal bone model is comparable to the human temporal bone. It is suitable for surgical training for interventions such as cochlear implantation. It cannot replace the human temporal bones completely, but it provides an easily available alternative to train and develop surgical skills.
    Analysis of cognitive differences in the current humanistic care between medical staff and AIDS infected people
    Zhang Congling, Li Ning
    2018, 4(4):  333-337.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.017
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    Objective To investigate the difference between the cognition of medical staff and AIDS infected people in the current situation of humanistic care, and find out the problems and resistance of humanistic care in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Methods A total of 752 medical staff and 460 AIDS infected persons were investigated by questionnaires to analyze the cognition, attitude and admissions on AIDS patients and AIDS knowledge mastery of medical staff. And the current status of humanistic care was analyzed. Results 89.36% medical staff and 90% AIDS infected people consider that humanistic care can promote the treatment effect; 31.12% of medical staff did not participate in the training of humanistic care; The correct rate of medical staff on the mastery of AIDS transmission routes was 93.83%; 36.3% infected people had the experience of being rejected from hospital. 56.12% medical staff and 36.30% infected people think that AIDS infected people trust medical staff. 92.29% medical staff and 85.87% infected people support team mode of humanistic care for AIDS infected people. Conclusion In the process of medical services for AIDS infected people, medical staff may reject to provide medical service because of discrimination and occupational exposure. The degree of humanistic care for AIDS infected people is generally low. It is essential to strengthen the training of moral education, AIDS knowledge,prevention of occupational exposure, humanistic care knowledge and doctor-patient communication skills. Team mode of humanistic care for AIDS infected people should be supported.
    Investigation on the knowledge and attitudes of organ donation of ICU medical staff in a 3A hospital
    Ji Bingxin
    2018, 4(4):  338-341.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.018
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    Objective To investigate the knowledge of organ donation among ICU medical staff and their attitudes towards organ donation after death. Methods The questionnaires designed by ourselves were applied in the survey on ICU medical staff, and 106 valid questionnaires were obtained from 34 doctors and 72 nurses separately. The contents of questionnaire include general information, knowledge of organ donation and attitudes toward organ donation. Results The average score of ICU medical staff’s knowledge about organ donation was (7.30±1.45), which was in the middle level. The score was related to identity, educational background and professional title. 61.3% approve of organ donation after death,show no difference between doctors and nurses. Conclusion In order to further procure the potential donors, it’s necessary to popularize the knowledge about organ donation, strengthen publicity to promote the work of organ donation.
    Reference value of all-around quality management in the administration of hospital personnel archives
    Wang Shaona, Luo Tao, Qu Ying
    2018, 4(4):  342-345.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.019
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    Personnel archives management is an important part of hospital management, an important basis for hospital personnel inspection, and also an important component of human resources allocation. Currently, there are many problems in the management of personnel archives in hospitals. As an advanced management concept, all-around quality management provides some reference for hospital innovation personnel archives management.