
Table of Content

    20 February 2017, Volume 3 Issue 1
    Current situation of licensed pharmacists’ employment and further education
    Xu Min, Bai Yang, Li Jian, Lu Jiuxing, Han Demin
    2017, 3(1):  3-6,22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.002
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    In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the safety of drug use by the public, and pharmaceutical technicians have played an important role in safeguarding the public’s safe use of drugs. This text reviews the current situation of licensed pharmacists’ employment and further education, finds out the deficiency, makes constructive suggestions for improving the training of practicing pharmacists in health service industry, and explores their potential value in the future so as to improve people’s health.
    Current situation of Chinese nutritionists’ education and our suggestions
    Liu Ting, Xu Min, Lu Jiuxing, Han Demin
    2017, 3(1):  7-10.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.003
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    Following the nutritionist’s guidance and having a reasonable diet will not only help the patients recover soon, but also is an effective way for ordinary people to keep fit. In our country, the occupation of nutritionists is still developing stage and there is a great need for it in the health service. This paper mainly discusses how to train qualified nutritionists, who will serve the public and improve the national physical quality.
    Problems and suggestions of nursing team in health industry development in China
    Shan Mei, Tan Jie, Lu Jiuxing, Han Demin
    2017, 3(1):  11-15.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.004
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    The development strategy of Healthy China is the core goal for a well-off society construction, the basic demand of people's health needs, and an important part of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Building a highlevel nursing team and improving the quality of healthcare will be one of the important parts to serve the health industry. The nurse occupation is characterized high risk, high stress and high labor intensity, which lead to serious loss and shortage of nurses. This is a major problem not only in China but also around the world. In this paper, we analyzed the current situations and problems of nurses’ career from many aspects and made some suggestions for the development of nurse industry from different levels. We hope it can provide a reference for the healthy and orderly development of nurses and play an important role in the process of scientific development of the health services industry.
    Bibliometric analysis of the practice of socialist core values in colleges
    Ma Lu, Gao Shuchun, Li Ming
    2017, 3(1):  16-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.005
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    To analyze the research hot spots and development trends of the practice of socialist core values in colleges so as to get to know its present research situation, this paper adopts bibliometrics and CiteSpaceV to study the literature of socialist core values published by CNKI. The results show that the research on the practice of the socialist core values in colleges has shown a rapid growth trend and been widely concerned by scholars and scientific research institutions in recent years. However, there is a lack of research collaborators with high activity and persistence and a lack of cooperation groups, especially in interagency and interregional cooperation. Therefore, external collaboration is very important for the development of the research.
    Differences and characteristics of the dental degree between China and USA
    Zhang Hua
    2017, 3(1):  23-27.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.006
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    Purpose Based on materilas from a dental school in USA and a dental school in China, to compare the differences in educational systems, length of schooling and subjects between the two countries. Materials and methods The materials from the Dental School of University South California (USC) and those from Faculty of Stomatology of Capital Medical University were compared in the curriculum, the period and the concept about degree for finding the differences and similarities between two countries. Results After the comparison, the findings were: 1. Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene in US was similar to that of the junior college in China ( 70% superposable curriculum) . This Bachelor Degree can be obtained in USA, but in China only a deploma of junior college is issued. 2. The curriculum for DDS in USA was 68% superposable with that for Chinese Dental Bachelor, but the schooling was three years longer than that in China. This schooling was as long as Chinese Dental Bachelor plus 3 year’s residency. However, DDS is a degree higher than bachelor while we get no more degrees after 3 year’s residency in China. Conclusion 1. DDS in US is similar to Chinese Dental Bachelor plus 3 year’s residency. 2. DDS is a same level degree with PhD but is used in a different field. 3. The mistake in the concept of dental degree in China can lead to inequity and bring about inequitable situation.
    Investigation and analysis of information literacy of college students in Beijing
    Tian Rui
    2017, 3(1):  28-31,41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.007
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    Objective To survey information literacy of college students in Beijing. Methods We investigated 313 undergraduate students in six universities through a questionnaire Star online survey site. Results The average score of information consciousness was 18.14, that of information ability was 18.32, that of information knowledge was 16.89, and that of information morality was 20.38. Conclution At present, university education can help students improve their level of information literacy. The score of information ability is low in the four aspects of information literacy. The system of information literacy education should be established. In the mobile Internet era, we should pay more attention to information literacy education.
    Employment psychological analysis of medical students and the research on the relevant countermeasures
    Wang Bin, He Peifeng
    2017, 3(1):  32-36.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.008
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    Based on the analysis of psychological pressure of medical students in employment, double flight from psychological conflict, developmental sexual psychology needs, psychological moratorium, conformity and unreasonable cognition and some other psychological characteristics, this article illustrates the causes of the above characteristics such as the employment structural contradictions, medical personnel training system, vocational guidance and education of medical colleges and psychological quality of medical students themselves, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of government employment policy,medical educational reform, the ideological and political education, mental health education, career planning education, and employment counseling and service.
    Study on the relationship between the professional-attitude stability and academic performances among medical students
    Huang Lei, Zhang Jing, Guan Xiaofeng, Li Xia, Wang Yawei, Zhang Kaixuan, Gao Yuan
    2017, 3(1):  37-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.009
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    A questionnaire investigation was conducted to test the relationship between the professional-attitude stability and academic performances among 1,338 medical students from three medical colleges . The results show that medical students’ professional attitude was stable on the whole and it was positively related to their academic performances. Logistic regression analysis revealed that gender and learning attitude towards medicine were significant to predict medical students’ academic record. The results from this study indicate that we should respect students' specialty choice, optimize medical curriculum arrangement and strengthen humanities quality training so as to strengthen their professional attitude stability and improve their study engagement and academic performance.
    Training method research on urology science degree postgraduates
    Cai Jianliang, Xia Ming, Na Yanqun
    2017, 3(1):  42-44,59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.010
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    Purpose To investigate the training methods on urology science degree postgraduates. Methods A total of 26 science degree postgraduates were divided into two groups, one trained through scientific research projects (the project group), the other trained by study topics selected independently under the direction of the tutors (the exploration group). At graduation, the innovation ability, scientific research theory (including scientific thinking), scientific research knowledge, experimental technique and achievements on research of the two groups were compared. Results The students’ ability in research for both the project group and the exploration group reached the requested level of the urology science master degree. The differences in scientific research theory and scientific research knowledge between the two groups were not statistically significant (P=0.484, 0.786). The project-group students’ experimental technique and achievements on research were significantly better than those of the exploration group (P=0.005, 0.008), while the innovation ability of the exploration-group students was better than that of the project group, and the difference had statistical significance (P=0.016). Conclusion Both the project group and the exploration group are good means to train urology science degree postgraduate students, and each has its strong points.
    Introdcution to curriculum system and teaching method reform for oncology graduate students
    Ding Lei, Zhang Man, Wang Rengui, Li Wenxia, Li Wenbin
    2017, 3(1):  45-48.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.011
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    To conform to the overall trend of international clinical education and the change of the disease, to meet the demands of high-level talents cultivation in oncology profession, and to optimize the existing curriculum system of clinical oncology, we should formulate unified standards of oncology teaching material and teaching syllabus, adjust the course structure and teaching contents, advance with time, reform the teaching methods, strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, create the efficient and practical curriculum system and teaching mode of clinical oncology, so that we can cultivate qualified oncology professionals and further promote the oncology teaching reform.
    Preliminary study on the integration-oriented training mode of postgraduate students for professional degree of medical imaging
    Guo Jian, Hu ling, Xian Junfang, Yan Fei, Chen Qinghua
    2017, 3(1):  49-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.012
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    New challenges are raised for the professional-degree postgraduate students of medical imaging in the new model of "two tracks in one", which means the integration of postgraduate students’ cultivation and standardized residency training. This article introduces the experience and exploration of team building, curriculum setting, scientific research ability training, clinical practice ability training and construction of evaluation system, in combination with the characteristics of medical imaging and the new training mode. A detailed and comprehensive training model and evaluation system is proposed.
    Survey of attitudes and opinions of medical graduate students on the application audit-system reform for doctor enrollment
    Li Qiuping, He Qixun, Wu Ping, Wu Jun
    2017, 3(1):  53-59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.013
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    Through the questionnaire survey and in-depth review survey, we investigated the doctoral students in 2015 and the graduate students in 2013 at a Medical University that had not yet implemented application audit-system reform, so that we can understand their attitudes and the recommendations on the application audit-system reform for the doctor entrance examination in medical colleges. The results show that the approval for the system from science degree students was higher, but these students had a lot of worries for the system, and put forward relevant suggestions to the implementation of the application audit system for doctor entrance examination in medical colleges.
    Application of difficult cases discussion to clinical teaching
    Feng Zhihong, Huang Haixia, Wang Tao, Nie Xiuhong, Weibing, Luo Zhiming
    2017, 3(1):  60-63.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.014
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    Difficult cases have complex etiological factors, diagnosis, and treatments in the process of clinical work, which not only bring great pain to the patients, but also trouble the doctors for correct diagnosis and treatment. Improving the level of diagnosis and treatment of difficult cases, will not only help patients to relieve pain, but also promote the level of medical treatment of clinical departments, which has a positive role in the resident training. In the process of resident standardization training, the teaching based on difficult cases discussion is a feasible and effective method.
    Research and practice of clinical teaching reform on occupational competency training
    Zhou Qing, Gao Jianlin, Sang Aimin, Shi Yaqin
    2017, 3(1):  64-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.015
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    By updating the concept of clinical teaching and aiming at occupational competency training of medical students, we advanced the top-level design of clinical teaching reform, promoted clinical teaching innovation and reform from the hospital to departments in the mode of “one goal, two initiatives, three ways”, achieved objectives transform of clinical teaching from the traditional skills training to occupational competency training, and trained outstanding medical talents adapting to medical and health institutions’ needs in the new era.
    Development and consideration of the think-tank construction in medical colleges
    Zhou Yebo
    2017, 3(1):  68-72.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.016
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    The think-tank construction in China’s medical colleges has already started and is developing steadily and orderly. To provide decision makers with reliable and practical suggestions, we should recognize the advantages of the talent, disciplines, research strength, academic communication in medical colleges; find out the insufficiency in mechanism function, standard of talent, the research model and think-tank role; take health development and clinical disease resolution as the core research of the medical think tank, and carry out strategic planning and comprehensive analysis.
    Exploration and practice of assessment on teaching work in the indirectly affiliated hospital
    Wang Guanghui, Wang Li, Zhang Lili, Zhu Jinjin, Zhu Chunli, Wang Fei, Bao Hongqin, Wang Guozeng, Chen Xiaoping
    2017, 3(1):  73-76.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.017
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    The article discusses the teaching work assessment from the work status, problem analysis, countermeasures and suggestions for a newly indirectly affiliated hospital of the medical university, which provides a certain reference value for a group of newly indirectly affiliated hospitals of the higher medical colleges and universities to better carry out assessment on their teaching work.
    Survey of the health status and its influencing factors among the medical staff of a top three hospital
    Ding Lu, Hu Dongmei
    2017, 3(1):  77-82.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.01.018
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    Objective To Learn the health status of the hospital's medical staff, and explore health factors, so as to develop targeted measures to improve the physical and mental health of the staff. Method In December 2015, we selected a top three hospital in Tai'an, Shandong Province as the investigation site and used general survey method to investigate the hospital's medical staff. A questionnaire in four parts, including basic information, health status, labor intensity and lifestyle, and job satisfaction, was sent to them. A total of 1105 people who’s questionnaire was qualified were included in our study. Results Health status: The prevalence rate of chronic diseases of the medical staff was 24.3%. The population of male over 51 years old with advanced title and engaged in this profession for more than 30 years have the higher prevalence. The top three diseases with the highest prevalence were chronic gastroenteritis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Health factors: 49.5% of the respondents had high workload; 52.4% of the respondents had high pressure; 70.1% of the respondents worked more than 8 hours per day; 62.5% of the people had daily meals irregularly; and 69.8% of the people hardly participated in physical exercise. Job satisfaction: 15.0% of the medical staff were not satisfied with the current job. Binary logistic regression analysis demonstrated that predictors of medical staff’s job satisfaction were age, marital status, educational background and job type (P<0.05). Conclusion The respondents’ health status were poor and it is urgent to ease their work pressure. During the management work in the future, the hospital should always be concerned about the physical and mental health of the medical personnel and take various measures to alleviate their workload and pressure, and improve their job satisfaction.