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    20 December 2018, Volume 4 Issue 6
    Establishment of self-selection courses mechanismin for clinical medical students
    Yu Bingxin, Chen Xia, Xu Qinghui, Wu Yuntao, Li Zhiguo
    2018, 4(6):  449-452.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.001
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    The clinical courses for clinical medicine students in Jilin University are undertaken by three affiliated hospitals. The teaching management department in our university has implemented various teaching organization modes in the clinical teaching stage for many years and achieved some effects. With the changes in the relationship among clinical work, teaching and research in hospitals, our university has gradually explored the teaching organization mode of students’ self-selectioncourses among the hospitals, aiming to improve the quality of medical teaching. The implementation of student self-selection mode has boosted the enthusiasm of affiliated hospitals as well as the motivation of teachers and students in teaching and learning, therefore driving deep the reform of teaching mode and methods, and finally improving teaching quality, proving that it is a useful exploration and practice of teaching management innovation.
    Implementation of volunteer service mode incultivating medical students’ professionalism——taking Jilin University as an example
    Wei Yuhang, LiZhiguo
    2018, 4(6):  453-455,470.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.002
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    Guiding volunteer service with the spirit of Bethune is the spiritual strength for the sustainable development of medical volunteer service in Jilin University. Cherishing this tradition, Jilin University has been cultivating medical students from generation to generation in the spirit of Bethune, and combining Bethune spirit with the volunteer service activities of medical students to effectively demonstrate the core values of socialism and to promote China’s traditional virtues. In recent years, our school has implemented a training mode and effectively promoted the professionalism of medical students by organizing medical students to actively participate in and practice the spirit of Bethune.
    Development of student-oriented safety management system in medical teaching laboratories
    Yang Yu, LvWenwei, Liu Fen, Chen Xia
    2018, 4(6):  456-459.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.003
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    This paper aims to explore the development of student-oriented laboratory safety management system to ensure the medical experiments to proceed in a safe and orderly manner. It analyzes the characteristics and existing safety problems of the basic medical sciences functional laboratories, then proposes the student-oriented teaching laboratory safety management system , hoping to better the safety management system, to guarantee the safety responsibility system, and to strengthen the administration of hazardous chemicals and highly toxic narcotic drugs. This paper provides a valuable reference for the safety management of medical laboratory teaching.
    Design and practice of curriculum reform in clinical medicine and the training mode of excellent doctors——taking Hebei Medical University as an example
    Zhang Min, Wei Lin, Zhang Hailin, Xu Yanfang, Ma Chunling, Hu Yuyan, Liu He, Wu Yuming
    2018, 4(6):  460-464.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.004
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    Since 2012, we have carried out a comprehensive reform of the talent training model with the goal of “competitiveness-oriented” and “excellent doctors training”. In accordance with the concept of “solid foundation and clinical service”, the “four-in-one” curriculum system was constructed, and the “student-centered” teaching method was implemented. Diversified evaluation was carried out to realize the cultivation of scientific research and innovation quality.We also have established the “three-teachers mechanism”, which all have achieved good results and have certain exemplary significance.
    Exploration of medical education cooperation deepening the training mode of “5+3” clinical medical talents
    Feng Zhongxin, Chen Qi, Liang Guiyou, Wang Jishi,Yu Changyin, Chen Li
    2018, 4(6):  465-470.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.005
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    This paper aims to analyze the following three aspects: the connection between the five-year undergraduate clinical medical education and the standardized training of the resident physician, the connection between the standardized training of the resident physician and the graduate student of the professional degree, and the establishment of the training mode of the clinical medical personnel based on the post-competencein Zunyi Medical University. It proposesthe training mode of “5+3” clinical medical talents in Guizhou province, also provides certain reference for the coordinated development of medical education in the western region and the reform of the “5+3” clinical medical personnel training.
    Implementation of BOPPPS teaching mode in TCM tongue diagnosis teaching
    2018, 4(6):  471-473,496.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.006
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    Tongue diagnosis is the key content of TCM diagnostics, and the basic skill that medical students are suggested to master. In order to enable western medical college students to grasp this basic diagnosis skills, we should adopt appropriate teaching methods. In our manyteaching years, we explored the BOPPPS mode and achieved satisfactory teaching results.
    Value of medical microbiology history in improving medical students’ learning motivation
    Wang Peigang, Fan Dongying, Chen Hui, Wang Yisong
    2018, 4(6):  474-477.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.007
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    This paper explores the introduction of the history of microbiology in teaching can clarify the importance of microbiology to human society in three aspects, including the impact of microbiology on human health, its impact on human politics, and its impact on human culture, therefore to stimulate learning motivation by increasing students’ interest in learning microbiology. The introduction of the history of microbiology in teaching can also provide background to construct a longitudinal teaching situation in which the student’s positive thinking will be inspired.
    Feasibility of applying the examination system for doctoral candidates in Capital Medical University
    Li Qiuping, HeQixun, He Xi, Wu Ping, Wu Jun
    2018, 4(6):  478-482.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.008
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    Through questionnaire survey and personal in-depth interview method, the doctoral supervisors of Capital Medical University, doctoral student recruitment staff, 2015 doctoral candidates and 2013 master degree candidates were investigated, and the feasibility of applying for examination and approval of doctoral students in Capital Medical University was discussed.The results show that the respondents have low awareness of the application, and the recognition needs to be improved, and the public has some concerns about the implementation of the application review system. This study provides some suggestions for the application of doctoral students in Capital Medical University.
    Analysis on the management status of postgraduate supervisors in medical university in minority and remote areas
    Qi Guangzi, Cheng Ying, Pang Yaqin
    2018, 4(6):  483-487,496.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.009
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    Objective To analyze the management status of postgraduate supervisors in a college of medicine in minority and remote areas in Guangxi, and to find out the main problems existing in the process of the construction and management of the master degree supervisor team, and to provide reference for scientifically and reasonably building and managing a supervisor team. Methods Refer to the national and school related graduate education management documents and master degree supervisors selection, training, and management regulations and related literature design questionnaires,and randomly select 66 master degree supervisorsin our medical school to investigate. Results 49.13% of the tutors believe that the requirements for scientific research results, teaching results, or other results in the selection of academic tutors are unreasonable, and 38.60% of tutors believe that the requirements for presiding projects and funding are unreasonable in the selection conditions of professional tutors, and 29.82% of tutors believe that the requirements for academic qualifications,professional titles, and clinical practice work time in professional tutor selection conditions are unreasonable; the accreditation level for other selection criteria requirements is more than 80%; however, 50.87% of tutors believe that there is not enough standard quantification of selection criteria. Over 30% of tutors have no access to going out to study (learning) for more than 3 months in a 5 year period, 54.40% of tutors have attended tutor training less than once, and 50.87% of tutors have not participated in the development of this discipline and graduate student training program. 85.97% of the tutors think that maximum number for enrolling new graduate student for each tutor is 2. 80.70% of tutors believe that they need further training in scientific research methods. 68.42% of tutors were not satisfied with the school’s tutor assessment and evaluation system. Conclusions Currently, there are still many problems in the management of master tutors for the medical school,and the related management system needs further reform and improvement.
    Research on the teaching mode of in-servicemedical postgraduate students in the era of Education Informatization 2.0
    Liu Minying
    2018, 4(6):  488-492.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.010 ·
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    In the era of Education Informatization 2.0, many medical universities will be faced with both opportunity and challenge in the in-service postgraduate students’ informatization teaching reform.Currently there are many questions about the education informatization in the in-servicemedical postgraduate students teaching. This paper discusses the reasons,the characteristics of in-servicemedical postgraduate students and the deficiencies of the simple and traditional face-to-face education.Education informatization can be applied to the informatization teaching reform by using modern information technology. Through researching on the teaching mode of in-servicemedical postgraduate students in the era of education informatization 2.0, our school caters for higher students’ abilities and better teaching result and quality.
    Exploration of teaching mode of collateral diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine for postgraduates
    Gao Yanbin, Zhang Qiuxia
    2018, 4(6):  493-496.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.011
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    Collateral disease is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine theory.In recent years, under the guidance of collateral disease theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment of major chronic non-communicable diseases has achieved remarkable curative effects, which has aroused great attention in academic circles. In order to explore the new teaching mode of collateral diseases of traditional Chinese medicine and to improve the innovative ability of postgraduates, Capital Medical University has constructed a new teaching mode of collateral diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,which integrates classroom teaching,clinical teaching and scientific experiment. Practice has proved that the teaching mode of collateral diseases of traditional Chinese medicine is conducive to the expansion of students'academic vision and the cultivation of students' innovative ability.
    Exploration of integrating clinical thinking into medical imaging teaching for standardized training of residents
    Jiang Hong, Yan Fei, Xian Junfang, Chen Qinghua
    2018, 4(6):  497-500.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.012
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    The development of medical imaging plays an important role in modern clinical diagnosis. It is one of the objectives for the current medical imaging residents to master skilled imaging knowledge and good clinical thinking.However, there are many questions for residents in the clinical practice of medical imaging. This paper analyses the characteristics of clinical medical imaging residents, the common questions in medical imaging practice, including learning enthusiasm of residents, teaching awareness of teacher, teaching modeand cultivation system, and their reasons, meanwhile provides the concrete improving measures. It has profound significance for improving the clinical thinking of medical imaging residents.
    Application of precision medicine education mode in surgery skill training for gynecologic doctors
    Li Wei, Yang Shuli, Tian Ming, Miao Jinwei
    2018, 4(6):  501-505.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.013
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    Standardization concept and precision surgery are two trends for the development of the gynecology and gynecologic oncology surgery,which are all based on the precision education in gynecology doctors training. Through the practice, Department of Gynecologic Oncology of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital set up a precision medicine education mode combining the laparoscopy skill and digital human anatomy system, a better way for the gynecology doctors at different levels. Under the training of this mode, the junior doctors might improve their surgical skills, expand their horizons and practice the critical thinking. This paper aims to propose a new way of improving the future medical talents education through introducing the design and the result of this precision medicine education mode.
    Introduction and assessment of a blended-learning model in neurologic trainee program
    Xiong Jing, Rong Wei, Zhu Yuhong
    2018, 4(6):  506-511.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.014
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    Objective To integrate a blended-learning model into a neurologic trainee program and to assess the academic performance and perceptions of enrolled students Method A blended-learning model consisting of flipped classroom, team-based learning, case-based learning was integrated into the history collecting and physical examination.Course grades of students in the blended-learning (intervention) and traditional-classroom (control) groups were compared.A survey was administered to assess student perceptions. Results The mean history collecting and physical examination grades of students in the intervention group were higher than those in the traditional group. Most of the students in the intervention group agreed that The blended-learning model used in this course facilitated understanding of learning materials.Conclusion The blended-learning model was associated with improved academic performance and was well-received by students.
    Application of brainstorming and innovative case teaching methods in critical care medicine teaching
    Li Nan, Li Yuqiang, Fu Haiyan, Hu Zhansheng, Wang Baoquan, Zhang Zheng
    2018, 4(6):  512-514,519.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.015
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    This study is based on the construction and application of brainstorming and innovative case teaching methods in the teaching practice of critical illness medicine, and proves that the brainstorming teaching can greatly improve students’enthusiasm and give full play to their independent initiatives. Innovative case teaching method critical medical courses can cultivate students’ problem-solvingability. The combination of the two methods can help students combine theory with practice, strengthen students’ ability of independent learning and independent thinking, and thus greatly improve the teaching quality.
    Effect of PBL+LBL in clinical practice teaching of vascular surgery
    Liao Chuanjun, Zhang Wangde
    2018, 4(6):  515-519.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.016 ·
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    Objective To study and analyze the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL)in clinical practice teaching of vascular surgery. Methods From 2013 to 2017, PBL+LBL teaching mode was applied in vascular surgery clinical practice teaching for the experimental group of 55 students of Capital Medical University,and traditional LBL teaching was applied to the control group of another 55 students. Professional theory knowledge,clinical skills and questionnaires of two groups were analyzed. Results Professional theory knowledge, clinical skills and questionnaire showed that the scores in PBL+LBL group were significantly higher than those in the LBL group.Conclusion PBL+LBL is superior to LBL in vascular surgery clinical practice teaching.
    Effect of“four regressions”in medical undergraduate education
    Wang Xu, Cui Yifan
    2018, 4(6):  520-525,536.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.017
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    “four returnings”, namely, returning to common senses, returning to duties, returning tooriginal aspirationsand returning todreams, is popular expression of the basic laws and logic of higher education development, as well as an important enlightenment for medical undergraduate education. Medical undergraduates should read books about national conditions, condition of the people, professional and humanistic classics in order to serve the country and the people.Teachers of higher medical universities should achieve noble morality and medical ethics, profound professional accomplishment and excellent teaching art to educate students. Higher medical colleges and universities should foster the students’ideological and political quality, medical professional quality and medical humanistic quality.Higher medical education should adapt to the goals of the national health and the needs of social health services. They should improve the quality of medical undergraduate education and adhere to the concept of serving the local economy and society for undergraduate education.
    Qualitative-interview based promotion research of health emergency attainments items among university students
    Du Shuai, WangYadong
    2018, 4(6):  526-531,536.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.018 ·
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    Objective To know university students’ understanding and mastery of the health emergency, find out the group’s cognitive basis and weak links to provide evidence to specifically develop health emergency publicity education, and achieve better effects for the promotion of attainment items. Methods Adopt qualitative interview to learn respondents’ awareness of health emergency listed in the interview outline. Results There is a general lack of risk consciousness and insufficient emergency preparation among interview subjects. The better mastering contents includes risk communication,prevention and control of zoonotic diseases, individual prevention and control of infectious diseases, identification of nuclear radiation and poison-related warning figures, emergency skills to be taken when being infected with poisonous and harmful substance, and solutions for natural disasters. In the discussion of emergency disposal measures and legal emergency, only two subjects gave comparatively comprehensive response, yet none mentioned other contents about nuclear or radiation damage protection, which indicated that the students’ groups had poor understanding of the emergency disposal measures,the legal emergency, nuclear and radioactive materials. Conclusion This study reveals that students lack cognitive structure of health emergency, emergency consciousness and ability, therefore students should learn emergency consciousness and ability from the beginning and correct some misunder standings. As for the emergency knowledge and skills mastered, they should be further consolidated and reviewed in practice.
    Enlightenment of radiologist education training in the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in United Kingdom
    DuanYunyun, Liu Yaou
    2018, 4(6):  532-536.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.06.019
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    The paper was took the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in United Kingdom as an example,introduced the current European radiology resident education training situation and elaborated the radiology resident rotation system, multiform teaching model focusing on the combination of academic and clinical research. Through the status comparison in China, radiologists education training system in the UK provided an important reference for China’s radiology resident and medical training.