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    20 June 2015, Volume 1 Issue 1
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    The new PRICE education model as the ultimate strategy to enhance students’ occupational#br# competency
    Huang Gang
    2015, 1(1):  1-5,10. 
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    In order to meet the growing demand for medical talents in national medical and healthcare services
    development, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine has innovated the new PRICE education model aiming
    to enhance students’ overall occupational competency. This education model is mainly concerned with students’ clinical
    thinking, communicational and practical skills, and medical humanistic development. After going through the process of
    meticulous design, scientific argumentation, detailed refinement, and approach development, we have successfully built
    the sophisticated medical training program and achieved the full implementation of scientific problem-oriented, medical
    scenario-based, and clinical thinking-focused medical simulated teaching platform, that is integrated with the wellconstructed
    medical standard unit. The emphasized clinical training and integration of medical humanities education with the
    whole-process evaluation system have effectively enhanced the overall clinical skills of the medical students.
    The hot issues and countermeasures of higher pharmaceutical education reform in China
    Fan Chenlin, Yao Wenbin, Xu Xiaoyuan
    2015, 1(1):  6-10. 
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    Based on an extensive investigation of pharmaceutical universities and colleges in China, this article deeply explored and analyzed the hot issues about current higher pharmaceutical education reform in our country, and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to the development and reform of higher pharmaceutical education, from the perspective of the scale control and regulation of pharmaceutical education, the expanding of training pharmaceutical talents, the acceleration of globalizing pharmaceutical education and the improvement of quality assurance system, in order to optimize the structure of higher pharmaceutical education in our country and to improve the talent quality.
    Coordinating the health demands and medical education development in China
    Wu Jianzhen, Tao Lijian
    2015, 1(1):  11-14,28. 
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    To meet the health needs of people, and to cultivate a new generation of qualified human resources, are the new requirements of China's reform and development of medical education. According to the health demand in our country, this article analyzed the quantity, quality and distribution of the health human resources; and based on the demands, it explored how to strengthen the communication between the health system and medical education system,
    To systematically advance the medical education and teaching reform by means of project research
    Xian Fuhua, Lv Zhaofeng
    2015, 1(1):  15-18. 
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    Teaching reform is an inexhaustible motive force to promote the construction and development of medical education. The systematical reform of medical education needs an effective support. This article describes the method to continuously advance the reform, construction and development of education and teaching on the basis of research and project implementation, by means of establishing a President fund specifically for education and teaching research.
    On the meaning and way of student-centered learning
    Qiao Wangzhong
    2015, 1(1):  19-22,47. 
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    The meaning of student-centered learning was discussed in this article, from four aspects of theory,practice, broad sense and narrow sense. The study revealed that the meaning of student-centered learning had been broaden, which was not only an educational theory, but also a learning model, and giving prominence to student subject roll was its basic feature. Four main ways were proposed including actively advocating and advancing student-centered learning continually, as well as studying in theory and exploring on practice.
    Student-oriented perspective and its implications to the teaching of higher colleges and universities in China
    Cheng Huaqin,Wang Weimin
    2015, 1(1):  23-28. 
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    The objectives of "student-oriented" perspective is to promote the student whole development and realize their values. Thus, we should take the student essential nature into consideration, by means of mobilizing their enthusiasm and initiative, and taking advantage of student potentiality, to meet their reasonable needs and lead students to set higher goals. In order to achieve the "student-centered" objectives in education, we should fully and effectively strengthen the leading role of teachers in teaching process, which includes intensifying the notion of "student-centered" for teachers, carefully reviewing the teaching content and studying on the teaching methods, precisely designing the system of student evaluation on teaching, accurately arranging the teaching schedule and deeply exploring the teaching process.
    The current situation and evaluation of doctor competency: a sample survey from seven provinces
    Tian Lei, Sun Baozhi
    2015, 1(1):  29-33. 
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    Clinical doctor competency includes those skills in communication, academic knowledge, technical methods, clinical reasoning, emotional expression, value choice and personal reflection in daily practice, which can bring benefits to the individual and the community being served. This study tried to use the relevant results of competency-based education from some experienced developed countries (USA, UK, and Canada) for reference, and made a sample survey on doctors from 7 provinces of 7 regions all over the country. This article mainly analyzed the working behaviors of young residents from the view of competency, and pointed out that they should further improve their skills and concept during their career lives.
    Analysis and suggestion on the third-party evaluation at the local medical university——study on Guangxi Medical University
    Qiu Xiaoqiang, Zhang Haiying, Ling Ling, Chen Jinmei,Yang Xiaojun, Long Jinhua, Liao Qian
    2015, 1(1):  34-38. 
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    The third party evaluation plays an increasingly important role in the higher education evaluation, with characteristics of its justice, objectivity and independence. However, due to a late start, the third party evaluation which provides services for higher education relying on market still has some problems in practice. The advantages and disadvantages of the third party evaluation in the Local Medical University were analyzed based on the practice of Guangxi Medical University. It was suggested that it be necessary to strengthen the policy support and incentive measures to the third party evaluation, establish Meta-evaluation system, promote classified and personalized evaluation and so on.

    Reflection on the post-accreditation of undergraduate medical program
    Yang Libin, Wu Yuhua, Cao Depin
    2015, 1(1):  39-43. 
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    It is nearly ten years since the accreditation of medical program of Harbin Medical University in 2006. It is worthy of our reflection on how to promote teaching reform in a medical school based on the recommendations from accreditation during the post-accreditation period which is between the end of last accreditation and the beginning of reaccreditation. As the first medical school to receive the accreditation of medical program, Harbin Medical University has taken the measures for improvement and made the reflection on post-accreditation, that will benefit other medical schools in China.
    Research on new talents training system construction of undergraduate clinical medicine
    Zhang Xudong, Yin Jingong,Bao Zhen, Dong Xiaojian, Zhao Jin
    2015, 1(1):  44-47. 
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    Based on the theory of Whole-person Education, this article learned from the theories of Benjamin Bloom's Three Domains and Spearman's Two Factors of Ability, as well as the experiences of medical education reform at home and abroad, and the requirements of Target Model for Military Personnel Training. And it constructed the objective training systems for undergraduates in medical university with two aspects, eight fields, sixteen modes and sixty-one standards, through the methods of literature and stratified survey, related with the current requirements of (military) medical positions, and after expert consultation and repeated discussions. Then, it positively explored the issues focusing on "what kind of medical providers we should cultivate", and provided a new idea for the medical education reform and the enhancement of talents training quality.
    The reform and practice in the cultivation model of general practice talents being deepened by the synergy of medical and educational institutions
    Liu Bin
    2015, 1(1):  48-51. 
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    Focusing on the cultivation of general practitioners, a few targets in the education reform and practice need to be achieved, including the cultivation-model innovation of clinical medicine professionals, the optimization of curriculum system, the construction of teaching faculty which should satisfy the demand for talents training, the improvement of teaching in training base and training function, in order to realize the cultivation of general practitioners, who embrace excellent professional ethics, work attitude, awareness of innovation and sustainability, and can be competent in the basiclevel medical institution.
    The research and thinking on the effectiveness of personnel training mode in eural health of the capital of PR China
    Fu li, Pang Wenyun, Lv Zhaofeng
    2015, 1(1):  52-58. 
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    The personnel training in rural health is the crucial and difficult point of the national health work, both the focus of health care reform and medical education. Capital Medical University has explored the reform and practice of personnel training system in Beijing rural health for more than ten years, and has confirmed the effectiveness and sustainability of the training system through two rounds of comprehensive investigation and research.
    A survey about curriculum reform on the eight-year program at Peking Union Medical College
    Zhang Qin, Li Liming
    2015, 1(1):  59-62. 
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    Objectives To carry out a questionnaire survey on eight-year program teachers at Peking Union Medical College which is the first medical institution to set up eight-year program in China, and to provide a basis for eight-year program curriculum reform. Methods Used a questionnaire survey designed and determined through the expert consultation, sampled 100 teachers who teach the eight-year students at Peking Union Medical College, and the response rate was 72%. Results 62.5% of respondents believed that the ideal structure for basic medical courses should be multi-disciplinary integration based on organ system or disease; more than 50% of respondents thought that some subjects such as clinical experience throughout the whole education period, evidence-based medicine, communication, psychology, social service, ethics and public health should be strengthened; the respondents suggested to increase the teaching method which could stimulate students to learn actively, and believed there would be no barrier to implement such method. Conclusions In the future curriculum reform of eight-year program at Peking Union Medical College, it should be suggested to adjust the organization of curriculum, the choice for teaching methods and the teaching content based on this investigation research, and strengthen the training of teachers.

    MOOC making and open source platform choosing in the age of open online education
    Wang Tinghuai, Li Ping, Liu Peng
    2015, 1(1):  63-69. 
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    In recent years, our national higher education has been stepping with the advent of massive open online courses (MOOC) which has attracted the attention of many famous national universities and education institutions and been regarded as a big revolution for subversion of traditional education. As the basis of the educational innovation, the production and issuance of MOOC has captured the attention of front-line educators. This article provides a thorough overview of the requirement, procedure, preliminary preparation, filming, supporting materials and editing of MOOC production, and introduces a MOOC platform which is well-known around the world for the reference of MOOC makers.
    Thinking about medical ethics education from the perspective of mobile Internet
    Sun Ying wei,Liu Fang
    2015, 1(1):  70-74. 
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    Mobile internet brings opportunities and challenges to medical ethics education. It is particularly urgent and important to explore how to advance the effect and express the power of medical ethics education in the era of mobile Internet. This article analyzes the changes and characteristics of the mobile Internet era, studies how to improve and enhance medical ethics education from the perspective of mobile Internet and explores the effect of ways, in order to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of medical ethics education in many aspects.
    Comprehensively accelerating the connotation construction of medical colleges and universities around the regional economic and social development needs
    Duan Zhiguang
    2015, 1(1):  75-78. 
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    Local medical colleges and universities should closely focus on the regional economic and social development needs to perform the modern university function. Based on the relationship between the local medical colleges and universities and the regional economic and social developments, this article discussed the approaches by which the local medical colleges and universities contribute to their regional economic and social developments, from five perspectives: to make clear the university position; to reform the mechanisms of talent cultivation; to advance the development model of collaborative innovation; to strengthen university culture construction; and to promote the modernization of the governance systems and capacities.
    A preliminary ptudy on the problems and countermeasures of introducing high-level overseas talents in chinese universities
    Liu Dongmei, Cao Wenjun, Lv Zhaofeng
    2015, 1(1):  79-83. 
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    High-level talents are the core driving forces for the development of university education. The national universities need to introduce high-level overseas talents in order to enhance their international competitiveness and achieve the goal of first-class development. At present, the introduction of high-level overseas talents has led to a good result, but still has some problems. This article suggested to make the top-level design, unify management, diversify introduction, provide career development platform and qualified environment, make scientific evaluation and reasonable incentive mechanism, and build a full range of service support system, in order to improve the overseas talent introduction policy to ensure that overseas talents could be introduced and kept for good working.
    China national medical licensing examination: development in the past 16 years and prospect for the future
    Wang Jianghong, Li Jianguo, Wang Xiancheng, Feng Pan, Cui Bingfeng, Wang Yanjiao, Zhang Dongqi
    2015, 1(1):  84-89. 
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    National Medical Licensing Examination system was established based on the Law on Medical Practitioners. For the past 16 years, the Examination has made a great progress and has been steadily improved. Based on the development of the past 16 years, this article discussed the main experience, challenges, prospect and focuses of the Examination.