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    20 August 2015, Volume 1 Issue 2
    Ideas and practices on Sino- Us cooperation in high quality medical talents cultivation
    Feng Youmei, Yu Xiangting,Yu Baoping, Yu Feng, Zeng Dejun
    2015, 1(2):  91-95.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.001
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    International cooperation in medical education can quickly improve the national medical education quality, and cultivate high quality medical talents of international standards. Through the long-term and in-depth cooperation in education reform with University of Chicago, Wuhan University is able to gradually form a new medical education system which is suitable for Chinese students. While the new education system meets the requirement of medical education, such as integrity, clinical orientation, and life-long self-learning, it is still to be perfected in practices.
    Preliminary ideas of strengthening the clinical competence of “eight-year program” medical students under the background of establishment of integrated "5+3" medical education system in China
    Yan Jianqun, Wang Yuan, Cheng Yanbin
    2015, 1(2):  96-99.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.002
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    "Cooperation of Clinical Practice and Medical Education" is a system guarantee for effectively linking undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education, optimizing educational program, academic degree system and clinical talents training standardization, and strengthening and improving the relevant support mechanism. Under such a background, it is a challenge to advance the clinical competence of "eight-year program" medical students and complete the standardized resident training. In this article, these issues are discussed and preliminary suggestions are presented, based on the education reform for eight-year program medical students at Xi'an Jiaotong University.
    Design and practice of clinical curriculum reform and excellent doctor training
    Cui Huixian, Wu Yuming, Zhang Min, Chen Xiaojie, Huang Xiaoxin
    2015, 1(2):  100-103.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.003
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    An investigation of Hebei clinicians' post competence was carried out by Hebei Medical University, which focuses on the current situation and problems of clinical medicine education. The clinical curriculum integration and excellent doctor training were started in 2012 to improve the clinicians' post competence. At present, these reforms have achieved preliminary results, such as the signifi cant advancement of teachers' ability in teaching and teaching research, and the good students' response to the teaching reform.
    Several issues about improving the teaching quality in medical universities
    Sun Tao, Wu Yuzhang, Fang Jianqun
    2015, 1(2):  104-107.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.004
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    In order to further implement the "Plan for National Medium-term and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)" and improve the quality of higher education, it should be truly concerned about the professional development of teachers and the education and teaching research in a medical university. The teachers should apply the most optimal method to teach students effectively to be senior medical professionals, who are virtuous and interested in their profession, capable of life-long self-learning and competent in the clinical practice.
    The tenet and mission of accreditation for the major of clinical medicine from three aspects #br# ——The experience of accreditation for the major of clinical medicine in the University of South China
    Jiang Zhisheng, Zhang Xinhua, Tian Ying, Tang Zhihan, Huang Qiping
    2015, 1(2):  108-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.005
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    The accreditation for the major of clinical medicine has turned to be the key approach to guarantee the quality of medical training and also become a major event widely concerned in the fi eld of medical education. The signifi cance of accreditation can be fully comprehended from the macroscopic aspects such as the reform and development of medical education and the social economic development. In the medium aspect, it should be necessary for the university to adjust the tasks like education orientation, cultivating mode, curriculum system, teaching methods and condition to achieve the purpose of accreditation. From the microscopic aspect, the objectives of accreditation can be accomplished by clarifying the tasks, identifying the subject of responsibility and assuring the punctual fulfi llment of preparation.

    Comparison on admission and training model of medical elite education between China and UK: take Peking Union Medical College and Oxford University as examples
    Tu Wenji, Gao Xiaohui, Guan Yuanzhi
    2015, 1(2):  113-117.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.006
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    Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) and Oxford University are both adhering to the concept of elite education, but are different in the structure of education system because PUMC model was derived from American school since early of 21st Century. This article described the admission criteria, training model and programs of the two institutions, and evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of each aiming for providing reference for the remodeling of medical elite education in China.
    A new training model for clinical teachers of general practice with the strategy of "competencyoriented and students-centered"
    Wang Xingyue, Li Lan, Li Shuangqing, Jing Xiujing, Wan Xuehong
    2015, 1(2):  118-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.007
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    After training 12 groups of 966 doctors for the purpose of improving the competency of clinical teachers, this article is to explore the new training model for clinical teachers of general practice. It preliminarily constructs the competency model of clinical teachers of general practice, including the teaching ability, the construction of general clinical thinking, the professional knowledge of general practice, and the basic knowledge of medicine. The training process contains two parts. The fi rst is a 56-hour intensive training in a week, including various teaching methods such as lectures, group discussion, PBL, simulated-patient teaching, role-playing, teaching-site observation, bedside teaching, dress-rehearsal of lecture with teaching's feedback, and classroom interaction. The second part is 7-week self-learning according to a guideline and portfolio. After training, a total of 6021 evaluation questionnaires were collected. 76% trainees felt strongly satisfi ed, and 21.9% satisfi ed. This article suggests that the strategy of "competency-oriented and student-centered" with a variety of teaching methods meet the training needs and goals of clinical teachers of general practice, which may have some potential value for others.
    Exploration and practice of quality management of assistant general practitioners standardized training
    Huang Yan, Zhao Lili, Li Zhan
    2015, 1(2):  123-125,132.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.008
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    To develop the quality management of assistant general practitioners standardized training normatively and effi ciently, a plan of constructing the quality management system was shaped throughout literature research, demand investigation and expert argumentation. Then the organization and personnel team, the quality evaluation standards in each process and the implementation measures of quality management were established primarily to construct a relatively perfect quality management system, which laid a solid foundation for ensuring the level and quality of assistant general practitioners standardized training.
    Study on the evaluation system of ophthalmologic microsurgery in standardized resident training
    Wang Haiyan, Tang Xin, Zhang Feng
    2015, 1(2):  126-128.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.009
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    Objective To study the evaluation system of ophthalmologic microsurgery in standardized resident training, and set up a feasible standardization evaluation system. Methods The evaluation process of ophthalmologic microsurgery requires a resident to fi nish porcine trabeculectomy. It includes confi rming test procedure and assessment standard, training test teachers, and putting them into practice. Results The standardization evaluation system unifi ed the assessment standards, and guaranteed a fair test. Conclusion The feasible standardization evaluation system is instructive for standardized resident training and assessment of ophthalmologic microsurgery.
    The practice and refl ection on standardized training of resident doctors
    Wu Jing, Tang Hong
    2015, 1(2):  129-132.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.010
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    The standardized training of resident doctors is an important part of postgraduate medical education, and an indispensible way to train qualifi ed doctors in hospitals, especially crucial for the comprehensive ability of clinicians and the high quality of professional team, as well as the medical quality. Since the standardized training of resident doctors was carried out in our hospital, based on the actual situation of the hospital, a set of relatively perfect system of the standardized training has been constantly explored, developed and formed in practice, to make the training more standardized and systematized.
    Status and problems of doctor admission model in China and its reform patterns
    Li Qiuping, Wu Jun, He Qixun, Wu Ping
    2015, 1(2):  133-137.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.011
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    The traditional pattern of doctor admission in China is a combination of European and American model, which has accumulated experience after more than 30 years of development and exploration. However, with the change according to the times, the traditional admission model has not satisfi ed the doctor's training goal and the social demand. This article combs the status quo and problems of doctor admission model in China, puts forward some suggestions for its improvement, and preliminarily discusses the application verifi cation system which will commence soon.
    The characteristics of international students and the measures of teaching management
    Wang Jingjing
    2015, 1(2):  138-141.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.012
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    Teaching management is important for cultivating international students and ensuring the teaching quality. This article analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of international medical students, and puts forward some principles, ideas and measures to strengthen the teaching management, according to their characteristics.
    Practices and effects of improving the practice teaching quality for medical undergraduates in Sun Yet-san University
    Wang Shuzhen, Xiao Haipeng, Wang Tinghuai, Yan Li
    2015, 1(2):  142-145,158.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.013
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    Aiming at the existing problems in clinical teaching of medical undergraduates, such as inadequate teaching resources, limited clinical training opportunities, clinical teaching lack of standards, mixed teachers' teaching levels and nonstandard evaluation systems, this article takes an example of Sun Yet-san University to introduce its practices and effects, including the construction of high-level clinical simulation platform, the cultivation of high-quality faculty, the optimization of "three-stage" clinical assessment, the establishment of uniform standards for practical teaching, and the enhancement of quality control during teaching process. The whole quality improvement program highlights the benefi cial guideline of early, adequate and repeated clinical practices.
    Refl ection on transforming development of new-built medical undergraduate colleges
    Tu Minghua
    2015, 1(2):  146-149.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.014
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    Transforming development is a strategic challenge for new-built undergraduate colleges, not excepting medical colleges. This article introduces a few of basic concepts of medical education and transforming development. It is suggested that new-built medical colleges should; ① scientifically position the educational mission to community-oriented one; ② create the characteristics and focus on the education of nursing, pharmacy and medical technological aspects; ③ combine the system of health and education and innovate the training model of applied personnel.
    Thought and practice of strengthening the connotation construction in a university
    Du Maolin
    2015, 1(2):  150-154.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.015
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    The connotation construction in a university includes the construction of school-running concept and characteristics, specialties, ability in scientific and technological innovation, talent training quality, talent team, campus culture and etc. This article takes Inner Mongolia Medical University as an example to illustrate how to strengthen the connotation construction and promote the scientific development in the university. It includes the following aspects: to construct rational talent echelon and scientifically develop talent team; to deepen educational and teaching reform and improve the level of cultivating innovative talents; to build a scientifi c teaching and research platform for innovative science and technology talents to put their efforts into practice; to give full play to its own characteristics and advantages and promote high-level construction of medical university; to strengthen the construction of campus culture and create good educational environment. At the same time, this article also points out that currently China's higher education is moving into a new period of reform and development. Therefore, in order to build a large platform, form a large group, strive for a large project, achieve a large effect and build a major feature, a university should thoroughly implement the central government's strategic layout of "four overall aspects" and the Plan for education and development, accurately position, put the quality into the core, deepen the comprehensive reform, innovate mechanism and system, and vigorously promote collaborative innovation.
    Consideration on the institution system of colleges and universities in view of their statutes
    Wang Weiwei, Cao Wenjun
    2015, 1(2):  155-158.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.016
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    Institution system of colleges is a scientifi c basis of the school reform. University statutes are like engine to drive and improve the institution system of colleges because they follow the national education and direct the school rules and regulations. This article analyzes the law obeying, innovation, stability and consistency of open principles during the rule-making and the construction of institution system, and forms a basic design for the construction of institution system including leadership and decision making, administration management, function management, resource management, technical support, logistics support, supervision, the Party and ideological-political building of higher education.
    Explore a new way to sound hospital operation led by characteristic culture to effectively resolve the problems of “ poor access and high fee ”
    Hu Daijun
    2015, 1(2):  159-161.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.02.017
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    Led by the hospital characteristic culture and based on the practical problems of poor access and high fee, Da li Bai Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital took the pilot reform of public hospitals as a project for people's livelihood and well-being, actively practiced and boldly explored, created some characteristic methods, and achieved the obvious effects of "culture-guided, two aspects of breakthrough, and three aspects of reduction", such as reducing the medical burden on patients, mobilizing the enthusiasm of medical staff, improving the hospital income structure, and easing the pressure in medical access and fee.