医学教育管理 ›› 2022, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3): 308-312.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2022.03.011

• 师资队伍建设 • 上一篇    下一篇


张景华1,   王乐攀2,  潘志峰2,   鄢文海1   

  1. 1.郑州大学医学院,郑州450052;2.郑州大学教务处,郑州450001
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-15 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-12
  • 通讯作者: 鄢文海
  • 基金资助:
     1.2021年全国医学教育发展中心医学模拟教育研究项目:基于大数据及“互联网+”构建医学模拟教育形成性评价系统(2021MNZC30);2.2021年度河南省高等教育教学改革研究与实践立项重点项目:一流大学建设背景下的临床医学“5+3”一体化人才培养体系改革与实践(2021SJGLX036);3. 郑州大学 2021年度“四新”教学改革研究与实践项目:“医教协同”育人背景下临床医学专业学生临床实践能力培养改革与实践(2021-12);4.郑州大学2021年度课程思政教育教学改革示范课程立项重点项目:临床技能综合训练及测试(2021ZZUKCSZ032);5.2021年郑州大学教育教学改革研究与实践项目:“新医科”建设背景下医学生临床实践能力培养研究与探索(2021ZZUJGLX191)

Thoughts and countermeasures on the development of teachers teaching ability under the background of “Double First-Class” university construction

Zhang Jinghua1 ,  Wang Lepan2 ,  Pan Zhifeng2,  Yan Wenhai1   

  1. 1. Medical College,  Zhengzhou University,  Zhengzhou 450052,  China; 2. Office of Academic Affairs,  Zhengzhou University,  Zhengzhou 450001,  China
  • Received:2021-09-15 Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-12

摘要: “双一流”建设是我国在高等教育领域的又一项重点建设工程。加强教育体制改革,切实提升教师的教育教学水平,既是新时期高等教育质量提高的关键和保障,也是“双一流”高校建设的内在必然要求。新的历史时期,教师教学水平发展面临着新挑战。结合学校发展的实际,从抓住人才培养质量为核心入手,分析新入职教师、中青年教师及高年资教师的自身特点,利用学校学科门类齐全、专业分布广泛的优势,不断丰富培训项目库、专家库建设,充分利用“四大培训平台”,加强培训工作过程管理。

关键词:  “双一流”高校, 师资队伍, 教育教学能力, 培训提升

Abstract: “Double First-Class” university construction is another key construction project in China’s higher education. To strengthen educational system reform and effectively improve teachers’ teaching level is not only the key and guarantee to improve higher education quality in the new era,  but also the inherent inevitable requirements of the “Double First-Class” universities construction. During this new historical period,  teachers’ teaching level development faces new challenges. According to school development situation,   this paper focused on talent training quality,  analyzed the characteristics of newly recruited teachers,  of middle-aged and young teachers and of senior teachers,  exploited the advantages of our complete range of disciplines,  wide professional distribution,  enriched the training project library and expert database,  made full use of the “four major training platforms”,  and strengthened the training of process management. 

Key words: “Double First-Class” university, teaching staff, educational and teaching ability, training enhancement
