
Table of Content

    20 February 2018, Volume 4 Issue 1
    Construction of medical talents training system based on HOPE idea and I-CARE model in Nanjing Medical University
    Yu Rongbin, Li Qian, Gao Xingya, Wang Lin, Shen Hongbing
    2018, 4(1):  1-5,10.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.001
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    Based on the new landscape of the informatization of higher education in the era of globalization and the new demand to medical personnel for the national Health China Strategy, Nanjing Medical University carried out series of comprehensive reforms and Outstanding Doctor Training Plan pilot, initially formed the HOPE idea of "humanity-oriented, outcome-based, problem-based, practice-based and evidence-based", and I-CARE training model characterized by interest, inducement and interaction. In this paper, educational ideas, goals and basic paths are explained concretely, in order to further deepen educational teaching reform and cultivate excellent medical talents in Chinese medical colleges.
    Construction of informatization-based teaching quality evaluation and monitoring system in Nanjing Medical University
    Li Qian, Huang Ruiyan, Zhang Huaiping, Yu Rongbin, Gao Xingya, Wang Lin
    2018, 4(1):  6-10.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.002
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    Teaching quality evaluation and monitoring is the key to strengthening the teaching construction and improving teaching quality. With the development of the integration of information technology, education research and practice, it is increasingly important to establish an information-based teaching quality management and monitoring system. In order to improve the training system of high level excellent medical talents based on HOPE idea and I-CARE model, Nanjing Medical University constructs the evaluation and monitoring system of teaching quality with characteristics of informatization, normalization, all-round and whole process, improves evaluation index, evaluation method and feedback mechanism, and strives to enhance the level of teaching and talent training quality.
    Quality monitoring of clinical practice teaching in Nanjing Medical University——a case study of mid-term teaching examination for clinical practice
    Huang Hua, Sun Maocai, Zhao Yanshuang, Wang Ning, Gao Xingya, Wang Lin
    2018, 4(1):  11-14.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.003
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    Clinical practice teaching is an important link and stage of higher medical education. Nanjing Medical University took mid-term internship examination as the starting point, continued to promote the level of standardization and homogenization of clinical practice teaching, enriched the connotation of clinical practice teaching, and explored the new model of quality monitoring for clinical practice teaching.
    Practice and discussion of two-way integrated PBL case writing in clinical medicine major
    Zhang Huaiping, Wu Yuan, Liu Xiaorong, Tang Shaowen, Yu Rongbin, Gao Xingya
    2018, 4(1):  15-18,23.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.004
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    Based on the HOPE idea and the I-CARE training model, Nanjing Medical University carried out problembased learning (PBL) reform in clinical medicine major since 2012. Based on the traditional subject-based curriculum model, a new PBL course was established in the experimental class, and then a two-way integrated case (PBL) course was set up among all students in clinical medicine in 2015. As the main medium of PBL course, PBL case is the basis of students' selfdirected learning and team learning. On the basis of two-way integration concept, our university have explored PBL case writing mode and experience suitable for education and teaching reform.
    Cultivating the compound clinical talents of integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine from western medicine
    Wang Pingping, Gao Li
    2018, 4(1):  19-23.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.005
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    The proportion of doctors of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is out of balance seriously. Based on the current situation, selecting and cultivating some experienced doctors of western medicine who love traditional Chinese medicine to expand the influence of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is feasible. Training the compound clinical talents of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine should target at solving clinical problems, take scientific research as the wings, and innovation as a means. The training mode should organize college and masterapprentice (TCM)’s education, improve the teaching method and diversify assessment mode.
    Analysis on the practical technique graduation examination results of the “3+2” training programs
    Li Zhan, Zhao Lili
    2018, 4(1):  24-28.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.006
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    Objective To discover problems in the training process of practical technique graduation examination of “3+2” training programs by data analysis, and put forward suggestions to improve the training quality. Methods The examination results from 2015 to 2017 were collected and then the pass rate of examination were analyzed statistically. Results The overall pass rate in 2017 was significantly lower than that in 2015. The pass rate of auxiliary examination in 2016 and 2017, the pass rate of clinical operation skill examination in 2017 were significantly lower than those in other years and items. Conclusion In order to enhance the level of students’clinical skills, the training centers should improve the learning condition, strengthen the clinical skill training, make teaching process more normative, and pay attention to the training of aseptic concept and humanistic ideas, correct student's learning attitude, and university should improve the syllabus.
    Review of reform of national essential course of experimental physiological science
    Wang Sheng, Wang Ling
    2018, 4(1):  29-32,43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.007
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    Wang Tinghuai’s teaching team of Zhongshan School of Medicine of Sun Yat-sen University has been carrying out the reform of teaching mode of physiology since the early 1980s. Experimental physiology teaching mode was gradually changed from single, closed and verified to multi-disciplinary, open and exploratory. It gained better teaching effect and cultivated the innovative awareness, the scientific thinking and researching ability of medical students. Experimental physiological science became the National Essential Course in 2009. This paper briefly reviewed and explored the reform process of experimental physiology teaching of Wang Tinghuai’s teaching team for reference.
    Discussion on the application of micro teaching in laboratory diagnostics teaching
    Wang Yunjuan, Xu Qiuyue, Guo Chong, Shan Bin, Duan yong, Liu Zijie
    2018, 4(1):  33-35,60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.008
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    Objective To explore the teaching effect of the micro teaching platform of laboratory diagnostics. Methods Clinical students in Class 2014 of Kunming Medical University were selected as experimental subjects, and divided into experimental group and control group. In the teaching of laboratory diagnostics, traditional classroom teaching methods were used in the control group, while traditional classroom teaching combined with the micro teaching were applied to the experimental group in order to compare teaching effects of two teaching mothods in the final exam and teaching satisfaction. Results After the completion of teaching work, the final score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After the end of the course, student satisfaction in experimental group with micro teaching was significantly higher than that in the control group in terms of the teaching methods and teaching effect, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The teaching method combined with the micro teaching can significantly improve the students' learning effect of laboratory diagnostics and arouse the students' enthusiasm for learning.
    Investigation of precision medicine training in medical postgraduates
    Piao Chunmei, Liu Tingting, Zheng Shuai, Liu Yan, Jin Ming, Du Jie
    2018, 4(1):  36-39.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.009
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    Precision medicine, a newly emerging research field, follows the development of omics, second generation
    sequencing and bioinformatics. Compared with the traditional medical model, it can improve the treatment effect and
    reduce the treatment-related adverse reactions. Precision medicine, still in its infancy in China, creates new demands for
    medical postgraduate education. This paper explores how to train postgraduates to process big data of clinical diagnosis and
    treatment, and how to establish their precision medicine awareness and thinking mode so as to improve the level of precision
    medicine diagnosis and treatment as well as to train innovative talents.
    Discussion of training strategies of postgraduates in clinical nephrology major
    Diao Zongli, Liu Wenhu
    2018, 4(1):  40-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.010
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    The training goal of postgraduates in clinical nephrology major is to master clinical knowledge, thinking mode as well as scientific research capacity. In order to provide some suggestions and reference materials, we discussed the training strategies of postgraduates in clinical nephrology major in terms of comprehensive qualities, clinical and scientific research capacities.
    Improvement of academic quality of medical postgraduates by PCI model combined with PDCA anagement method
    Huang Ying, Ma Xiang, Ma Yitong
    2018, 4(1):  44-47.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.011
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    We set up PCI model (plan+personality, cooperation+communication, inherit+innovation) to improve cademic quality of medical postgraduates. Based on the good effect from this model, we choose PDCA (plan-do-checkadjust) anagement method to monitor quality of training. By this way, paper publishing, project application and excellent issertations and domestic awards from postgraduate increased greatly. Qualities of scientific research and humanity were nhanced. So this kind of model is worth recommendation to other medical universities.
    Research on teaching traditional Chinese medicine to international students in medical schools
    Li Kangning, Fan Yongping
    2018, 4(1):  48-50,60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.012
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    In view of the current problems of teaching traditional Chinese medicine to international students in medical schools, a detailed analysis of the characteristics of international students, traditional Chinese medicine teaching material defects, the situation of traditional Chinese medicine teachers and the teaching skills, some problems in the teaching process has been presented in this article. It is necessary and urgent to reform the teaching, to improve the teaching quality, to enhance international students’ interest in traditional Chinese medicine, to promote the dissemination of traditional Chinese medicine, and to achieve the desired objectives.
    The problems and solutions in the second stage standardized residents training in hospital
    Liu Wei, Yuan Jing, Su Zhiyan, Zhang Xuelian, Yang Jinkui
    2018, 4(1):  51-55,75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.013
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    The examination of the second stage standardized residents training in hospital is a highly operative and practical process. As a bridge process, the examination is very important for resident physicians in clinical training. This paper explored the problems and solutions from the perspective of clinical practice, medical knowledge accumulation and clinical teaching and training.
    Factor analysis of think tank construction in medical colleges
    Wang Jing, Shao Xuemei
    2018, 4(1):  56-60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.014
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    Think-tanks in higher education is an indispensable component of the current think-tank in China. The construction of the think-tank in medical colleges has its necessity and its own characteristics. Combined with the characteristics of medical colleges, this paper adheres to problem-oriented principle, fully utilizes the advantages of research base, and actively carries out interdisciplinary research, and promotes the research results to the media for social science research initiative. Moreover, through the construction of social science think-tank in medical colleges, it vigorously promotes the transformation of social science achievements, and really enhances medical colleges for social influence and credibility.
    Prediction and analysis of potential research fields of Capital Medical University based on ESI and InCites
    Liu Yuting
    2018, 4(1):  61-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.015
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    This study has analyzed the present situation of ESI research fields of Capital Medical University, applied the method of computing subject potential value to predict the potential ESI research fields of the Capital Medical University. We made a detailed analysis of four potential fields, analyzed the publication years, journals, department contribution, cooperation and competition institutions, finally, and put forward some suggestions for the development potential research fields of the university.
    Several tips for successful publication of clinical case research in SCI journals
    Bai Huimin, Li Haixia, Li Minhua, Liu Jun, Gong Liyun, Wang Shuzhen, Zhang Zhenyu
    2018, 4(1):  71-75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.016
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    Clinicians could successfully publish their clinical case research in SCI journals through collecting and analyzing clinical medical resources. Several tips were proposed for manuscript preparation and publication. Firstly, the novelty and practicality were the determining factors for the paper publication. Secondly, carefully reserving the clinical evidences and maintaining the subject sustainability were the keys to improvement of the paper quality. Preparing and formatting manuscripts to meet the requirements and instructions of the target journal could increase the chance of acceptance
    On promotion of curriculum system construction of medical ethics integrated with the clinical resources
    Wang Jianmin, Wang Xiangping
    2018, 4(1):  76-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.01.017
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    Medical ethics education is the eternal theme and important task of medical education. The construction of medical ethics curriculum system is of great significance for training medical students' moral quality. Currently, it is faced with such problems as the relative imbalance of curriculum structure, the subjectivity of teaching content, the unreasonable content and target orientation, and the singleness of teaching methods. Taking Xuanwu Hospital as an example, the paper introduced the practice and reflection on the effective integration of rich clinical resources from Capital Medical University, and the promotion of the standardization, intensification and normalization in the curriculum system construction of medical ethics.