医学教育管理 ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3): 336-339,344.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.023

• 医院管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


张轩烨,  王  丽,  魏  威,  孙  静   

  1. 北京大学第三医院宣传中心,北京  100191
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-31 出版日期:2021-06-20 发布日期:2021-07-13
  • 通讯作者: 孙静

Operation status and suggestions of public hospital short video platform——an analysis on Kuaishou platform operation

Zhang Xuanye, Wang Li, Wei Wei, Sun Jing    

  1. Publicity Center, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2021-03-31 Online:2021-06-20 Published:2021-07-13

摘要: 目的  近年来,随着移动通信技术的不断革新,人们接收信息的渠道也发生了改变。众多短视频平台的涌现,也为公立医院打造全媒体传播平台,提供了新的机遇,利用好这个发展机遇是医院宣传工作值得探讨的问题。方法  通过对某公立医院“快手”平台账号从开通至今的内容、特点和运营模式分析。结果  从初期的“不定期、不定时”模式逐步探索出了适应平台和用户的标准化短视频发布流程。结论  由于公立医院在短视频平台发布健康领域内容具有一定权威性,短视频平台成为公立医院进行健康传播,树立医院形象的重要渠道之一,也将是未来医院宣传工作的重点之一。

关键词: 短视频, 健康传播, 公立医院, 医学科普, 医学人文

Abstract: Objective   In recent years, the development in mobile communication technology has changed how people acquire information. The emergence of numerous short video platforms also provides new opportunities for public hospitals to promote themselves.  How to take advantage of this development opportunity is a problem worth discussing in hospital publicity work.Methods   This paper focuses on the analysis of a public hospital “Kuaishou” platform account since the opening of the contents, characteristics and operation mode.Results   This public hospital summarizes a standardized short video release scheme, after operating on an irregular basis at early stages. Conclusion   Short video platforms become crucial tools for public hospitals to conduct health communication and establish the hospital’s image, as public hospitals have certain authority in releasing health content on these platforms. Short video platforms will also be one of the key points of hospital publicity work in the future.

Key words: short video, health communication, public hospitals, health science popularization, medical humanities
