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    20 August 2016, Volume 2 Issue 4
    Instructional reform and practice of competence-oriented 8-year medical program for medical excellence
    Li Yan
    2016, 2(4):  561-566.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.001
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    The integrated "5+3" medical education system has raised a new challenge to institutions with tentative eight-year medical education regime. Based on an educational reformation at Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, this paper argues for the construction of a competence-oriented 8-year educational system, so as to train up medical specialists with potentials to be physician scientists.In the system, a PBL (problem-based learning) approach is applied to develop students’ competences in self-directed learning, communication skills, information management and critical thinking. Meanwhile, students are immersed in a variety of training sessions to inspire creativity and skills required by scientific research and inquiry. In addition, abundant opportunities of clinical practice are offered to cultivate students’ clinical competence. The educational project is accomplished and assessed with a three-stage comprehensive evaluation allocated in the eight years of education.
    The thought and construction of “5+3” integrated training program
    Xiao Hai, Zhu Siquan, Ma Xing, Cao Depin
    2016, 2(4):  567-571.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.002
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    “5+3” integrated training program is a new traing model to cultivate excellent doctors in the new historical period. The model creats a jointless matching of medical education and residency standardized training, and organic integration of multiple clinical requirements of undergraduate medical education, licensure examinations, residency standardized training and professional postgraduate education.It meets the needs of the growth of Clinical Personnel laws and promotes the overall level of clinicians.The paper probes into the background, construction and advantages of "5 + 3" integrated training model, which will provide important reference for higher medical colleges and universities.
    Exploration and practice of “5+3” integrated training program in 7-year higher medical education program
    Fu Bin, Fu Li
    2016, 2(4):  572-575.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.003
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    The thesis preliminary analyzed the necessity and feasibility of “5+3” integrated training program in seven-year higher medical education system. Based on practice in Capital Medical University, the program design, current progress and solution to the problem were elaborated, which would be a great valuable reference for the reform of long-term medical training program in higher medical colleges and universities.
    Research on the practice of post competency training for medical students#br# ——The construction of three oriented talents training model
    Zhang Xiaojie
    2016, 2(4):  576-580.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.004
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    With the development of application-oriented university construction and the outstanding doctor cultivation plan by Chinese Ministry of Education, according to the requirements of the development of the cause of public health, combined with medical education and the practice of “5+3” health personnel training practical, college analyzed present situations and timely put forward the three oriented talent training mode based on medical students post competency. The present thesis is an initial result of the study.
    Challenges for the system of higher medical education designing based on the macro perspective in China
    Wei Donghai, Zhang Chenfu, Li Dazhuang
    2016, 2(4):  581-587.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.005
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    Modern higher medical education has developed its own basic law and characteristic for a century. This article objectively demonstrates the situations and problems of Chinese higher medical education based on the macro data and then argues the law of medical education should be followed and the “elite education” should be stuck to ; the two higher medical education models “mass education” and “elite education” do not solve the shortage of the excellent doctors; there still remain lots of challenges for designing the system of higher medical education in China.
    The present situation and suggestions of the evaluation index system of China's college and university rankings
    Li Qiuping, Wu Jun, He Qixun, Zou Tong, Wu Ping
    2016, 2(4):  588-592.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.006
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    Evaluation in colleges and universities has become an important part of today's higher education evaluation. Based on four influential rankings ,this paper.analyzes the present situation and existing problems in the process of evaluation and puts forward improvement suggestions.
    Discussion on the cultivation of safety quality of undergraduates in organic chemistry experiment
    Shi Chen, Li Qingyuan, Zhang Feng, Yan Shulian, Tang Jingcheng
    2016, 2(4):  593-596.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.007
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    According to the characteristics of organic chemistry experiment, the main safety problems in the teaching of organic chemistry experiment are analyzed. This paper expounds the contents and methods of the training of undergraduates' safety quality in the course of organic chemistry experiment teaching. Some practices and experiences in the teaching of organic chemistry experiment in our university are listed, and network learning system of safety education will be constructed in the future, which is advantageous to improve the information level of the laboratory safety management, and it is also beneficial to improve the safety quality of the undergraduates.
    The way of showing humanistic care for patients via clinical details during neurosurgical teaching
    Wang Jiangfei, Yuan Xuesen, Xie Jian
    2016, 2(4):  597-600.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.008
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    With the transition of medical mode from biomedicine to bio-psycho-social medicine mode, it is very important to pay close attention to cultivating the medical students’ idea and skill of humanistic care during the clinical education. There are several effective means to enhance the medical students’ doctor-patient communication ability: listening to the patient with patience, transpositional consideration training in the scenario simulation (empathy training), pertinent analyzing and discussing about the patients’ psychological need, paying attention to details in the clinical activities, encouraging the students to use new method of medical knowledge dissemination, etc.

    Comprehensive quality education of graduate students in infectious disease hospital
    Jiang Shuhong, Yang Zhiyun, Wang Ying, Wu Guoan, Jia Wangyan
    2016, 2(4):  601-603.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.009
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    The healthy development of medical and health services of infectious diseases need a large number of senior professionals who have both ability and political integrity. Medical graduate student is the reserve army of clinical doctors. The comprehensive quality education of medical graduate student, to a certain extent, is related to the future and development of the health service of infectious diseases. The cultivation of medical postgraduates is the higher level of infectious disease medical training, including the comprehensive quality education, which is especially important in the management of graduate students training in infectious diseases.
    Discussion of the characteristics and innovation ability training among pathophysiological postgraduates
    Yan Xu, Yuan Fang
    2016, 2(4):  604-606,616.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.010
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    With the rapid development of medical and health service, more attentions have been paid to the innovation ability of medical postgraduate. This paper summarizes the characteristics and innovation ability training of medical postgraduate based on our teaching and scientific research experience, including stimulating students’ innovative consciousness, raising teams’ innovative consciousness, interdisciplinary study and academic communication.
    The perspective of the problems about the combination of postgraduate education and residents’ standardized training
    Wang Liru
    2016, 2(4):  607-609,616.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.011
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    The combination of postgraduate education and residents’ standardized training results in the education cost saving, however, the educational and training model is still in the primary stage, many problems encountered during the training should be carefully re-considered by the administrators, advisers and the students. After all, the final purpose of education is to make the students both excellent clinical doctors and the outstanding clinical researchers. We aim to identify the problems that encountered under the new training model from the viewpoint of the administrator, advisor and students, and corresponding solutions are also suggested.
    Study on quality monitoring system of graduate professional degree program
    Li Xuejin, Wang Qiaoyan, Zou Tong
    2016, 2(4):  610-612.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.012
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    In this period of vigorous development of graduate professional degree program, the challenge that we faced is how to make quality monitoring system work well. This paper, based on our experiences of clinical professional degree cultivation program, was an analytical study about the measures of quality control of graduate professional degree cultivation program, from three links: course learning, specialized training and academic researching.
    Related problems in scientific research teaching of pediatrics’ clinical postgraduates
    Yang Lijun, Cui Hong
    2016, 2(4):  613-616.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.013
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    Medical postgraduates’ education includes two parts, clinical education and scientific research education. As for the clinical aspects, each hospital has a set of standard learning system, but for the scientific research, most hospitals lack in corresponding normative systems and the corresponding training. Medical postgraduates’ training quality is uneven, some departments have more standardized scientific research training, but more or less there are problems in most of the departments in the scientific research training and scientific research teaching process. This article is about the scientific research and teaching of scientific research and teaching in our hospital in recent years.
    The difficulties and countermeasures in clinical teaching of professional post graduate students under the new system through a case study of endocrinology
    Feng Yingmei, Ma Yan, Zhao Dong
    2016, 2(4):  617-621.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.014
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    A new training system combining the residents standardized training with the clinical postgraduates training has been started on a national scale since 2015. Under the new system, the difficulties and countermeasures in clinical teaching of professional postgraduate students are discussed from three aspects: clinical teaching staff, clinical teaching courses and clinical teaching methods through a case study of endocrinology.
    Application and thinking of CBL method based on PACS during of the orthopedic resident standardization training
    Wang Baojun, Liu Zhenyu, Gao Hua
    2016, 2(4):  622-625.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.015
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    With the development and deepening of the reform of medical and health undertaken in our country, some problems and contradictions arose obviously during the orthopedic resident standardization training . It was very important to improve the ability of the orthopedic resident. With the aid of image storage and transmission system (picture archiving and communication System, PACS) in our research, we used the method of case Based Learning (case-shiller -based Learning, CBL) for orthopedic resident training reading ability. It was reflected in the form of a questionnaire survey of the teaching effect. The results showed that PACS can effectively improve learning interest and improve teaching efficiency by using training of clinical thought. In one word , better effects can be achieved by using PACS.
    Analysis of the results of clinical skill test of residents after standard training
    Guo Dongmei, Wang Fen, Wang Yajun, Chen Lifen, Wang Yuping
    2016, 2(4):  626-629.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.016
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    Objective Explore the diversity between neurology residency of the first -class hospitals and the tertiary general hospitals and the under ones in Beijing who passed the clinical skill test after the standardized training on the second stage, for the purpose of providing data to make more scientific standardized resident training process and system. Methods 266 neurology residency from 45 hospitals in Beijing from the year2010 to 2015, on the second stage of the clinical skill test, were divided into two groups: 118 samples from the first-class hospitals, 148 samples from the tertiary general hospitals and the under ones. Data between the two groups were compared and analyzed by the overall pass rate; the rate of cases analysis and the auxiliary examination pass rates. Results 6years from 2010 to 2015, the overall pass rate is 79.70%, the cases analysis pass rate is 81.95% and the auxiliary examination pass rate is 91.35%, which goes up per year compared with the cases analysis pass rate. The pass rate of the group of the first -class hospitals is much superior to the other group both in the overall pass rate and the rate of cases analysis. Conclusion the data collected between 2010 to 2015, the overall pass rate of the first-class hospitals was found to go up while the other group’s was fluctuation. Conclusions: Those weak in cases analysis, should participate in second passage of training to enhance the abilities of cases analysis.
    Investigation on implementation of the tutorial system for clinical medical undergraduate
    Ye Yanping, Zhuang Xiaoming, Jin Shengyang, Chen Yijuan, Luo Wen
    2016, 2(4):  630-634.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.017
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    Objective Study was carried on the necessity, objective and specific action of implementing tutorial system during clinical undergraduate education. Methods Questionnaires were delivered to five-year clinical undergraduate students of 2013 Clinical Medicine Department of the Eighth Clinical Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University and outcomes were analyzed. Results 97.3% of the students think that it is necessary to implement tutorial system in the course of clinical teaching; the main objective of the tutorial system is to improve students’ clinical skills; As for the implementation of the program, the students hope to choose tutors by either two-way selection or random assignment, teacher-student ratio is supposed to be 1: 1; guidance and content of tutoring is in diversity, students take initiative to meet with tutors and to study clinical knowledge and skills under the guidance of tutors. At the same time, some students hope to improve communication skills with patients and to carry out research activities. Conclusion It is necessary to adopt tutorial system for undergraduates in the process of clinical teaching. It is recommended the establishment of clinical undergraduate tutorial system by optimal allocation of resources tutor, flexibility of teaching time, a typical case-based clinical teaching method to improve clinical skills.
    Bridge effect of “Three Dimensional” learning method in clinical teaching of cardiology
    Li Hongwei, Peng Hui
    2016, 2(4):  635-637.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.04.018
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    The implementation of “three dimensional” learning in clinical teaching of cardiology is to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently. “Three dimensional” learning makes students be more autonomy. Through the process of analysis, exploration, induction, summary of the clinical cases, we can mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and effectively improve the students' ability of clinical skills, logical thinking and innovation ability. “Three dimensional” teaching method as a bridge between the clinical practice and the theoretical knowledge, can promote the students to adapt to the challenge of clinical work more quickly.