
Table of Content

    20 June 2021, Volume 7 Issue 3
    Roadmap of constructing internal teaching quality assurance system in medical colleges
    Tang Man, Liu Ying
    2021, 7(3):  223-226.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.001
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    The Internal Teaching Quality Assurance System (ITQCS) is the core of the overall teaching quality assurance system for higher education institutions. Different colleges and universities have adopted distinct thought frames and actions to build their own ITQCS, and China Medical University took the “chain” construction path, strengthened the teaching quality standards, measures of self-monitoring and evaluation, management regulations and supervising think-tank, the four key elements of the ITQCS. Through years of practice, we have constructed the ITQCS with clear characteristic, high-working efficiency, and strived to continuously enhance its inner vitalities fueled with research and innovation.
    Construction of internal teaching quality evaluation sub-system in medical colleges
    Sun Chi, Tang Man
    2021, 7(3):  227-229,237.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.002
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    The Teaching Quality Evaluation Sub-System (TQESS) is an essential component of the internal teaching quality assurance system in medical colleges and universities. This study takes China Medical University as an example, systematically introduces the composition and operation of the TQESS in our university from the aspects of constructing the information network platform, determining the evaluation system, formulating the evaluation indexes, and implementing the evaluation and rectification measures, so as to provide reference for other medical colleges and universities. 
    Building the internal teaching quality monitoring sub-system in medical colleges
    Wang Shimeng, Tang Man
    2021, 7(3):  230-233.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.003
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    The Teaching Quality Monitoring Sub-System (TQMSS) is an essential component of the internal teaching quality assurance system in medical colleges and universities. It is also an necessary requirement for the further development of medical education and the promotion of high-quality talent cultivation. Taking China Medical University as an example, this paper introduces the study design, construction themes, monitoring means and operation mechanism of TQMSS, and expounds the characteristics of "measurable, evaluable, controllable and modifiable" of the monitoring system, in order to provide reference for other medical colleges and universities.
    Building the internal teaching supervision sub-system in medical colleges
    Guan Xue, Tang Man
    2021, 7(3):  234-237.  doi:0.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.004
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    Teaching Supervision Sub-System (TSSS) is an important part of the internal teaching quality assurance system in medical colleges, fulfilling the responsibility of “think tank” and “brain trust”. Taking our work as an example, the paper presents the operational process and future directions of the TSSS by introducing the design scheme, key elements, operation effects, aiming to provide reference for other medical colleges and universities.
    Practical effects of integrated experimental teaching and training system of basic medicine
    u Zunqiu, Sun Jianfei, Zhong Xi, Zhang Jinjuan, Wu Ning
    2021, 7(3):  238-242.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.005
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    Based on the national experimental teaching demonstration center of basic medicine, aiming at the cultivation of students post competence, guided by clinical problems or scientific problems, the innovation and reform are carried out from five aspects, namely, teaching training objectives, teaching contents, teaching methods, teaching implementation, assessment and evaluation system. We should construct an integrated experimental teaching and training system of basic medicine with its own characteristics, which integrates basic medicine and basic medicine, basic and clinical medicine, teaching and scientific research. Some attainments have been achieved through practice, and the reform and sustainable development of basic medical experiment teaching in our school have been promoted.
    Blended teaching based on Rain Classroom in the teaching of hygiene toxicology
    Gao Shuying, Li Baixiang, Zhang Yang, Ren Rui, Zhang Xiaofeng, Li Yanshu, Ma Kun, Wu Yanping
    2021, 7(3):  243-246,258.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.006
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    In order to train more innovative and practical medical professionals, medical colleges and universities been constantly exploring the Classroom Teaching mode. With the rapid development of internet technology, the teaching model has gradually changed to the direction of digital teaching. “Rain Classroom” integrates cloud computing, learning analysis, mobile internet and other information technologies into teaching, and provides information support and interactive platforms for blended teaching informatization. Currently, it is gradually being applied to education and teaching in colleges and universities. Hygienic toxicology is a basic discipline of preventive medicine. The traditional teaching mode has highlighted many deficiencies. The combination of online and offline teaching methods in toxicology teaching can stimulate students enthusiasm for independent learning, promote communication between teachers and students, strengthen students understanding of teaching points and difficulties, change the original single assessment method, and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
    Application of internet-based online teaching of abnormal human morphology experiment
    Yang Hui, Liu Yuting, Meng Yan, Liu Yu, Wang Daye, Sun Jing, Shi Qinfeng, Yuan Yuan, Song Lina, Wang Wen, Jiang Ying
    2021, 7(3):  247-253.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.007
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    Objective    To explore the application of online teaching based on internet in the course of abnormal human morphology experiments during COVID-19 epidemic. Methods  The undergraduates majoring in stomatology, Traditional Chinese medicine and prevention of Capital Medical University were selected as the subjects of the study. The students in grade 2018 were selected as the experimental group and the students in grade 2017 as the control group. The experimental group adopted online self-study + live teaching + online evaluation, while the control group adopted traditional teaching methods. The final examination and questionnaire survey were used to evaluate the effect. Results   In the experimental group, 86.49% of the students were satisfied with the effect of online teaching and learning. The average scores of the final multipile choice question examination based computer were 75.81 ± 11.88, and the difficulty index and the coefficient of discrimination of the test paper was respectively 0.7581 and 0.2767. The average scores of the final digital slices diagnosis examination were 95.34±9.04, but the difficulty index and the coefficient of discrimination of the test paper was respectively 0.9534 and 0.1581. Conclusion  The online teaching mode of abnormal human morphology experiment based on internet is recognized by students, which improves students self-learning ability and has good teaching effect. The method of online multipile choice question examination computer-based is feasible for abnormal human morphology, and the method of online digital slice diagnosis examination needs to be further improved.
    Teaching method of case discussion based on jigsaw puzzle pattern
    Xu Jia, Zou Nan, Li Qian, Fan Yingyi, Xu Feng
    2021, 7(3):  254-258.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.008
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    The teaching mode of jigsaw puzzle pattern is a cooperative teaching method. The domestic jigsaw teaching mode research started late, and most of the literature  concentrated on English teaching. There are few reports on its application in medical clinical teaching. This study explores the implementation methods and effects of the jigsaw puzzle teaching model in Traditional Chinese Medicine clinical case discussion teaching.
    Teaching exploration of cultivating innovative ability of traditional Chinese pharmacy undergraduates based on flipped classroom
    Zhuang Yong, Liu Hui, Cai Yu
    2021, 7(3):  259-263.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.009
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    Under the background of internet plus era, Chinese medicine industry is in urgent need of innovative and entrepreneurial talents. At present, the teaching mode of Chinese medicine is largely traditional, which has many problems, such as students low learning enthusiasm, weak innovation consciousness and ability, etc. The influence of COVID-19 epidemic has brought certain challenges to the teaching effect of Chinese medicine. In order to achieve the training goal of cultivating innovative talents of traditional Chinese medicine, it is of great significance to construct a teaching mode based on flipped classroom that is suitable for the specialty of traditional Chinese medicine to improve students learning interest and cultivate students self-study ability and innovation ability. This paper discusses the new teaching mode from the aspects of combining online teaching platform, organizing teaching activities and improving evaluation methods, which will provide a useful reference for the teaching reform of Chinese medicine.
    Discussion and practice of CBL combined with PBL methods in teaching ward rounds of anesthesiology for standardized resident training
    Shangguan Wangning, Rao Yuquan, Li Xingwang, Wang Ning, Hu Xiudan, Hu Mingpin, Li Jun
    2021, 7(3):  264-267.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.010
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    Through the combination of case-based learning (CBL) and problem-based learning (PBL) teaching methods, the anesthesiology teaching rounds with standardized medical history collection, specialized physical examination, individualized informed consent and precise perioperative management can effectively promote the students autonomous learning ability, stimulate their interest in learning, and improve their ability to acquire new knowledge and effectively use knowledge to solve new problems,which plays a positive role in clinical thinking. 
    Effects of blended learning based on animation video in clinical pediatric nursing practice teaching
    Li Ping, Li Yuli, Zhang Haixian
    2021, 7(3):  268-272,277.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.011
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    Objective   To explore the application effect of blended teaching mode combining online animation video learning with offline bedside teaching in pediatric nursing clinical key technology teaching. Methods   137 pediatric nursing interns in a tertiary hospital were recruited form June, 2019 to December, 2019, and were divided into the experimental group(n=72) and control group(n=65). The animation-based blended learning mode was used in the experimental group, while traditional learning method was used in the control group. The differences of test scores (theory + skills), scores of nursing interns core competency evaluation scale and scores of teaching satisfaction evaluation scale were compared between the two groups to analyze the application effect.Results   The theoretical test scores, skill test scores and total scores of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). The total core competency scale scores and its three subscales in the experimental group were respectively higher than those in the control group, with statistical significance(P<0.05). The overall teaching satisfaction score of the experimental group and the control group reached the good standard. Conclusion   The blended teaching mode based on animation video improves the pediatric nursing performance of nursing interns, helps to enhance their core nursing competence, and is accepted and recognized by pediatric practice nurses, and the teaching satisfaction evaluation is good.
    Application of teacher-student interaction mode in online and offline mixed teaching
    Wang Shan, Xu Xin, Zhao Eryang, Shi Lei, Meng Yan, Lv Yanchao, Deng Hongbin
    2021, 7(3):  273-277.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.012
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     During the COVID-19 epidemic period, colleges and universities carried out online teaching activities based on online teaching platforms as required by the Ministry of Education. Oral histopathology is the basic subject of oral medicine education, and is characterized by the close integration of theory and practice. The purpose of the course is to improve students ability to observe, think, analyze and solve problems of oral diseases. The interaction between teachers and students is particularly important in practice teaching.In this study, SPOC and flipped classroom were embedded into the modified BOPPPS, the carrier, and digital slices were used to complete the online practice course of oral histopathology.The course adopted the teacher-student interaction mode guided by reward mechanism, which can better improve the students’ “internal motivation” of learning and make up for the lack of “face-to-face interaction” to some extent.
    External professor team boost the innovative growth of young teachers
    Wu Xueping, Li Zhihong, Zhang Shuying, Yang Zhifang
    2021, 7(3):  278-283.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.013
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    By analyzing the current situation of young teacher team in newly-founded application-oriented undergraduate colleges, this paper argued that those colleges should go to key universities and invite some retired professors rich in teaching experience and high in scientific research level (called a “part-time professor team” or an “external professor team”)to guide work. It explored the necessity of forming a “part-time professor team”, its orientation, its functions, its implementation methods and effectiveness. Also it discussed improvement of young teacher training quality, cultivation mechanism and concrete measures, under the new situation in new technology application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities. It is of great significance for accelerating the innovation and training of young teachers and promoting the development of the socialist health and health undertakings with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the development of innovative and high-quality talents.
    Application of CBL combined with “three-step teaching method” in audiology teaching for advanced training physicians in otolaryngology department
    Wang Xianren, Wu Xuan, Sunjin Cangjian, Jiang Guangli
    2021, 7(3):  284-287,310.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.014
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    Objective   To study the role of case-based learning (CBL) combined with “three-step teaching method” in audiology teaching for advanced training physicians in otolaryngology. Methods   A total of 50 trainees from Department of Otolaryngology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in 2018(26 trainees) and 2019(24 trainees) were selected and divided into group A and group Baccording to the training time. The lecture-based learning( LBL)and CBL combined with “three-step teaching method” were applied in group A and B respectively. Audiological assessment and questionnaire survey were conducted before and after otology training.Results   There was no significant difference in age, gender and audiology test scores between the two groups (P>0.05). At the end of otology training, the scores of both groups were improved, but the improvement of group B was better than that of group A, with significant difference (P<0.05). The questionnaire survey showed that the satisfaction of group B was 91.67%, better than that of A group in terms of learning interest, reading efficiency of listening examination, self-confidence of audiological examination and comprehensive analysis ability of audiology examination, and the difference was statistically significant between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion  CBL combined with “three-step teaching method” can effectively help otolaryngologists to improve the comprehensive analysis ability of audiology examination for advanced training physicians in otolaryngology.
    Psychological experience of medical students during the COVID-19 epidemic——from the perspective of ethics
    Wang Yanbo, Deng Sihui, Zeng Zixuan, Ma Qiming, Basangpanduo, Yuan Yanfan
    2021, 7(3):  288-292.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.015
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    Objective  To explore the psychological experience of medical students during the COVID-19 epidemic. Methods  A total of 188 sophomore medical students were selected as the research subjects. Data were collected by writing reflective notes in the form of semi-structured outline. The text data collected were analyzed by content analysis.  Results   Based on the analysis of 188 texts, five core categories were obtained, namely the emotional responsesto the epidemic; the impact of the epidemic on current life; active responses during the epidemic; the most impressive events during the epidemic and the impact of the epidemic on the professional identity of medical students.Conclusion  Although the epidemic has greatly affected the emotions and lives of medical students, it has also deepened their cognition of life and death, and strengthened their belief in medical study. Medical students have learned  the doctors responsibility from the epidemic.
    Innovative path of public art education in medical universities under the background of fine traditional Chinese culture
    Shang Weina, Yang Jinghan
    2021, 7(3):  293-297.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.016
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    Fine traditional Chinese culture has been continuously innovated in the new era, has become the main theme of culture quality education in the whole society by sticking to the Chinese culture position and consolidating the culture self-confidence. Inheriting fine traditional Chinese culture is a culture issue of the whole society and an educational material integrating the subjects of history, politics, art, cultureand other disciplines.Aiming at the status quo of public art education and development in a medical university, this study emphatically discusses the development and innovation of fine traditional Chinese culture in the medical university’s public art education, explores the talents quality educational path, and encourages medical talents to take on the responsibility and missions of inheriting fine traditional Chinese culture.
    Exploration on the reform of the evaluation standard of “the four sole criteria” in local medical universities
    Ma Ziyin, Shao Xuemei, Hou Jie, Wu Ping
    2021, 7(3):  298-302.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.017
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    A campaign led by five ministries, including the Ministry of Science and Technology, is under way across the country to clean up the phenomenon of “only papers, titles, degrees and awards”.From the perspective of local medical university and analyzing the cause of the phenomenon of “the four sole criteria”, this paper puts forward adjusting performance evaluation index system, refining the title appraisal conditions, implementing the title panel review system, aiming to establishing proper scientific research reward incentives, attaching importance to the social public opinion, and establishing positive guidance. Hopefully, it can provide references for the reform of scientific research evaluation standards.
    Study on status of informal learning in standardized training for residents from the perspective of learning science
    Li Lei, Ma Jun, Tian Xiaoling, Cui Huixin, Yang Zhifen
    2021, 7(3):  303-310.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.018
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    Standardized training for residents, a keypart of postgraduate medical education,plays a significant role in medical education and determines the career development direction of residents. This study takes informal learning in the “Internet +” era from the perspective of learning science as the main line, explores the informal learning situation through questionnaire survey. The survey was carried out by Likert five-rating scale and the results showed that respondents had positive learning motives and attitude towards informal learning, but in aspects of learning efficiency, utilization of learning resources and autonomous learning ability, it still needs improvements. Our study aims to motivate students interests in autonomous learning, trigger the development of life-long learning awareness, and also provide improvement for of medical studentslearning ability, learning behavior and learning resources. 
    Information seeking behavior of clinicians in affiliated hospitals
    Ding Siyu, Ma Lu
    2021, 7(3):  311-318.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.019
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    Objective  To understand the information literacy level and information seeking behavior habits of clinicians in affiliated hospitals of medical colleges and universities, and to provide reference for more targeted services for clinicians in affiliated hospitals.Methods   A total of 444 valid questionnaires were collected from clinicians working in affiliated hospitals of medical colleges or clinical teaching hospitals in Beijing, and personal in-depth interviews were conducted among 9 clinicians in affiliated hospitals of Capital Medical University. Results   ① The information seeking ability of clinicians can meet their work needs; ② The information seeking frequency of junior doctors is significantly higher than that of senior doctors; ③ The frequency and quantity of information seeking were significantly lower for doctors without research projects.Conclusion   Medical universitylibraries and affiliated hospital libraries should jointly explore a new paradigm of information service, provide more targeted services for clinicians, and make the content, time, mode and form of information service more in line with the needs of clinical users.
    Investigation and countermeasures on online learning in colleges and universities from the perspective of college students
    Gao Jing, Zhang Peng, Zhao Miaomiao, Tang Lei
    2021, 7(3):  319-326.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.020
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    After the outbreak of the COVID-19, colleges and universities nationwide urgently launched an emergency plan of “non-suspension of classes” to fully carry out online teaching.Online teaching was quickly implemented in a very short period of time, ensuring the smooth implementation of the teaching work in colleges and universities in the spring semester.However, the urgent online teaching inevitably has many unforeseen problems. In order to timely understand the learning status of online teaching students in special period, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among students in a medical school in Shanghai.The results show that college students can adapt to the current online teaching mode and there are statistically significant differences in the perception of online teaching among different majors, different genders, and different educational levels(P<0.05). It is suggested that in the future online teaching work, we should redesign the curriculum, reform the evaluation mechanism, strengthen communication with students, and improve the feedback mechanism. Online education has its own laws. It must be continuously explored and researched in practice to guide college students to change their learning concepts and to continue to promote the vigorous development of online education.
    Practice and exploration of transformation of a general hospital into a research hospital
    Zhao Tong, An Qiao
    2021, 7(3):  327-330,335.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.021
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    With the development of medical reform and the countrys requirements for scientific and technological innovation in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, high-level research hospitals are an inevitable trend to meet the requirements of the times and improve Chinas international competitiveness, which is of great significance to the realization of a healthy China. This article aims to explore the development path of research hospitals by studying the practice process and effects of a general hospital transforming into a research hospitalin Beijing.
    Strategy analysis of constructing high-level talent team in tertiary public hospitals based on psychological contract theory
    Li Qiuping, Song Jianan, Zhao Tong, Zhang Lin
    2021, 7(3):  331-335.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.022
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    Based on the framework of psychological contract theory, this paper analyzed the mechanism, measures and effects of talent team construction in a tertiary public hospital in Beijing. The study indicates that through the implementation of talent training system covering different career stages, convenient and efficient support service system, the application of incentive mechanism, the role model effect of leading talents,the optimization of innovation resources and environment, it is of great help to build a high-level talent team. Based on theoretical and practical experience, this paper puts forward the strategy of constructing talent team in tertiary public hospitals, so as to promote the cultivation of internationally influential leading scientific and technological talentsin tertiary public hospitals,promote the original innovation in the field of medicine and health in China.
    Operation status and suggestions of public hospital short video platform——an analysis on Kuaishou platform operation
    Zhang Xuanye, Wang Li, Wei Wei, Sun Jing
    2021, 7(3):  336-339,344.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.023
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    Objective   In recent years, the development in mobile communication technology has changed how people acquire information. The emergence of numerous short video platforms also provides new opportunities for public hospitals to promote themselves.  How to take advantage of this development opportunity is a problem worth discussing in hospital publicity work.Methods   This paper focuses on the analysis of a public hospital “Kuaishou” platform account since the opening of the contents, characteristics and operation mode.Results   This public hospital summarizes a standardized short video release scheme, after operating on an irregular basis at early stages. Conclusion   Short video platforms become crucial tools for public hospitals to conduct health communication and establish the hospital’s image, as public hospitals have certain authority in releasing health content on these platforms. Short video platforms will also be one of the key points of hospital publicity work in the future.
    Application and effect of comprehensive performance evaluation method of hospital management
    Liu Yuanchu
    2021, 7(3):  340-344.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.024
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    Objective   To explore the application effect of comprehensive performance evaluation method in hospital management. Methods   The routine performance evaluation method in hospital management adopted by Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University from January to December 2018 was selected as the control group, while the comprehensive performance evaluation methodin hospital management was selected from January 2019  to December 2019 as the research group. The management effect, infection rate, evaluation results of medical staff on performance evaluation methods, nursing quality and satisfaction of nursing staff were compared between the two groups. Results   The management effect of the study group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05); the infection rate of the study group was lower than that of the control group (P<0.05); the evaluation result of the medical staff of the study group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05); the nursing quality of the study group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05); the satisfaction of the study group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion   In hospital management, comprehensive performance evaluation method has significant effect and is worthy of clinical application.
    Exploration and practice of innovative development path of cancer health science popularization——take the National Cancer Prevention and Treatment Science Contest held by the National Cancer Center as an example
    Zhang Xiaodan, Gao Fei, Jia Litao, Wang Wei, Qu Yeqian, Zhang Ping
    2021, 7(3):  345-350.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2021.03.025
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    In the new situation of the normalization of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, the “2020 Healthy China. Cancer Prevention and Control Action Health Science Contest” was taken as an example to analyze and summarize the results of the first “online + offline” contest. It provides new innovative ideas and model references for cancer health science popularization in cancer centers, cancer hospitals, general hospitals and related medical institutions in variousprovinces and cities.