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  1. 北京大学医学部教育处
  • 出版日期:2015-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 王维民
  • 基金资助:
    2014 年北京大学医学部教育教学研究重点课题: 研究型大学青年教师的“教学学术”水平现状及其影响机制探究——基于北京大学医学部本部的实证研究

Student-oriented perspective and its implications to the teaching of higher colleges and universities in China

Cheng Huaqin,Wang Weimin   

  1. Office of Education Evaluation, Health Science Center, Peking University
  • Online:2015-06-20
  • Contact: Wang Weimin

摘要: “以学生为本”的目标是为了学生的发展和成长,为了学生的个性化成长和全面发展,实现学生的价值;其实现途径包括尊重学生,突出学生在成长过程中的主体地位,调动学生的积极性和主动性,发挥学生的潜力,满足学生的合理需要并引导学生树立更高的目标。为了在教学中实现“以学生为本”的目标,需要充分有效地发挥教师在教学过程中的主导作用,具体包括:对教师“以学生为本”的观念加以强化,对教学内容进行细致梳理,对教学方法进行认真研究,对学生学业评价方式进行精心设计,对教学进度计划表进行仔细编排,对教学过程进行深度挖掘。

Abstract: The objectives of "student-oriented" perspective is to promote the student whole development and realize their values. Thus, we should take the student essential nature into consideration, by means of mobilizing their enthusiasm and initiative, and taking advantage of student potentiality, to meet their reasonable needs and lead students to set higher goals. In order to achieve the "student-centered" objectives in education, we should fully and effectively strengthen the leading role of teachers in teaching process, which includes intensifying the notion of "student-centered" for teachers, carefully reviewing the teaching content and studying on the teaching methods, precisely designing the system of student evaluation on teaching, accurately arranging the teaching schedule and deeply exploring the teaching process.