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  1. 北京中医药大学
  • 出版日期:2015-06-20

On the meaning and way of student-centered learning

Qiao Wangzhong   

  1. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
  • Online:2015-06-20

摘要: 本文讨论以学生为中心的教学的基本含义,从理论、实践、广义、狭义四个不同侧面进行分析,认为以学生为中心的教学其内涵较之最初已经扩大,既包含教育理论,又是一种教学模式,是一种以突出学生主体作用为特征的教育活动。提出实施以学生为中心的教学的四个主要途径,主张积极倡导和推进以学生为中心的教学,并进行理论上的深入探讨和实践上的不断探索。

Abstract: The meaning of student-centered learning was discussed in this article, from four aspects of theory,practice, broad sense and narrow sense. The study revealed that the meaning of student-centered learning had been broaden, which was not only an educational theory, but also a learning model, and giving prominence to student subject roll was its basic feature. Four main ways were proposed including actively advocating and advancing student-centered learning continually, as well as studying in theory and exploring on practice.