
• 教育质量控制 • 上一篇    下一篇


田 蕾,孙宝志   

  1. 中国医科大学医学教育研究中心
  • 出版日期:2015-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 孙宝志
  • 基金资助:
    1. 国家自然科学基金项目:中国临床医师岗位胜任力模型构建及评价体系研究(71473268);
    3. 国家医学考试中心项目:中国临床医生岗位胜任力模型构建及培养模式改革(2012-1-03);
    4. 教育部教育部医学教育教学改革发展研究基地医学教育专项研究课题;我国临床医生岗位胜任力模型构建与临床医学教育改革

The current situation and evaluation of doctor competency: a sample survey from seven provinces

Tian Lei, Sun Baozhi   

  1. Research Center for Medical Education , China Medical University
  • Online:2015-06-20
  • Contact: Sun Baozhi

摘要: 临床医生的胜任力是能在日常医疗服务中熟练精准地运用交流沟通技能、学术知识、技术手段、临床思维、情感表达、价值取向和个人体会,以使得所服务的个人和群体收益。本次研究借鉴美国、英国、加拿大等国家以岗位胜任力为导向的教育研究经验,抽样调查了来自全国七个地域的七个省份中在各级医疗卫生机构从业的临床医生,从临床医生的岗位胜任力的角度出发,重点分析了目前我国正在从业的青年住院医生在工作中的表现以及需要得到进一步培训和学习的能力。

Abstract: Clinical doctor competency includes those skills in communication, academic knowledge, technical methods, clinical reasoning, emotional expression, value choice and personal reflection in daily practice, which can bring benefits to the individual and the community being served. This study tried to use the relevant results of competency-based education from some experienced developed countries (USA, UK, and Canada) for reference, and made a sample survey on doctors from 7 provinces of 7 regions all over the country. This article mainly analyzed the working behaviors of young residents from the view of competency, and pointed out that they should further improve their skills and concept during their career lives.