医学教育管理 ›› 2018, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 276-280,285.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2018.04.004

• 人才培养 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵 珊, 卢 琦,赵 岳, 王春梅, 蔡胜男   

  1. 天津医科大学护理学院,天津 300070
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-26 出版日期:2018-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 赵岳
  • 基金资助:

Reform and practice of application-oriented undergraduate nursing talents training mode

Zhao Shan, Lu Qi, Zhao Yue, Wang Chunmei, Cai Shengnan   

  1. School of Nursing, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China
  • Received:2018-06-26 Online:2018-08-20
  • Contact: Zhao Yue

摘要: 通过系列“质量工程”和“本科教学工程”项目建设,建设办学特色鲜明、专业结构适应国家卫生事业发展需求的特色护理专业;加强教师队伍建设与人才队伍培养,着力大学生实践能力和创新创业能力培养,构建了厚基础、强能力、高素质、重发展的应用型本科护理人才培养模式。该模式结合中国健康事业发展对护理人才的需求,坚持知识、能力与素质培养为一体的“全人教育”理念,创建了高素质应用型护理人才“1234”培养模式,即一条主线、两个能力、三个体系、四个体现。即以医学人文素质教育贯穿于人才培养全过程为主线,强化理论与实践相结合的能力和职业发展能力的培养;构建本科护理学通科教育与专科化培养相结合的课程体系、实践体系和以复合型师资队伍建设为重要途径的教学质量保障体系;在教育教学中体现以素质为本,知识、能力、素质协调发展;体现强化基础,拓宽视野;体现培养独立学习能力、理论与实践结合的能力和创新精神;体现为职业持续发展奠定获取和再生知识能力的基础。

Abstract: According to series of quality projects and undergraduate educational projects, characteristic nursing was established and its educational feature and professional structure adapt to needs of national healthcare development, with an aim to enhance teachers team construction, to improve students’ practice and innovation ability as well as to establish applied undergraduate nursing talent training mode with solid foundation, excellent ability, high quality and focus on development.Combined the needs of nursing talents in healthcare development and concept of “Whole-person education”, “1234” undergraduate nursing talent training mode was set up, emphasizing on “One principle, Two abilities, Three systems and Four outcomes”. “One principle” is that medical humanistic quality education runs throughout whole process of undergraduate nursing talents’ training. “Two abilities” focus on improvement of ability of integrated theory with practice and professional development. “Three systems” involve undergraduate nursing education system combined general education and specialist training, practice system and teaching quality assurance system based on construction of comprehensive teachers team.“Four outcomes” is reflected from the following aspects: coordinated development of knowledge, skills and qualities; solid foundation and broad horizon; independent study ability, integrated theory with practice ability and innovative spirit; and ability of obtaining and regenerating knowledge.