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    20 February 2016, Volume 2 Issue 1
    Cooperation of medical education to speed up the establishment of medical personnel training system
    Chen Xinyu, Lv Zhaofeng
    2016, 2(1):  321-325.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.001
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    With the development of economic and social development and the deepening of medical reform, the problem of talent has become a bottleneck restricting the development of health care reform. People refl ect the doctor is diffi cult, to some extent, can be said to be optimistic about the doctor is diffi cult, the fundamental way out is to strengthen cooperation in medical education to deepen the reform of medical education, training more people satisfi ed with the good doctor. In this paper, the medical education reform and development in recent years has achieved remarkable results, the analysis of the situation and tasks facing. Based on industry demand, the establishment of supply and demand balance mechanism of medical talents education in Colleges and universities is established; Strengthening the coordination of medical education, reforming and improving the education of colleges and universities; strengthen the focus of grassroots health talent training based on general practitioner; the full implementation of standardized resident training system; accelerate the establishment and implementation of the system and personnel salary system of personnel training to adapt to the characteristics of the industry.
    Construction of young excellent doctors’ competency model
    Wu Yuzhang, Fang Jianqun, Li Yan, Huo Zhenghao
    2016, 2(1):  326-331.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.002
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     bjective  To explore the core abilities and professional abilities required for young excellent doctors  who have experienced three-year general rotary training for residency since they graduated from the medical college. Methods  The literature method, Delphi method, questionnaire survey method and interview method were applied. Results  Young excellent doctors’ competency model puts the importance on seven characters, from majority to minority,  including doctors’ humanity accomplishment, ability to communicate with patients, clinical basic skills, teamwork capacity,  continuous learning ability, creative ability of scienti fi c research and public health service ability.  Conclusion This model  can be taken as the reference for the medical education reform of undergraduate, the training for excellence doctors, general  rotation training for residency, and the reform of national examinations of doctors' qualifi cation.
    Construction of clinical training mode with the post competence as a core
    Zhu Qingshuang, Zhang Jian, Jia Jianguo, Fan Jie, Wang Yajun, Wang Na, Tan Feifei
    2016, 2(1):  332-329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.003
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    Objective  To explore the building of clinical training mode with the post competence as a core, in order to  cultivate qualified medical talents.  Methods  After looking up the domestic and foreign literature, questionnaire survey,  brainstorming, expert consultation and other research methods, the teaching experts from school and the experienced clinical  teachers had been invited to discuss the training content and curriculum plan, the organization management system and  organization framework, the positioning objective, the preparation of syllabus, the refi nement of curriculum implementation  plan and the improvement of evaluation system, which were applied in the 2008, 2009 and 2010 steps of long-term system  undergraduates’ clinical practice, to make multi-faceted questionnaire survey and evaluation.  Results  The evaluation effect  of the training scheme were well through the questionnaire of feedback from students, teachers, practice departments, the  formative assessment of practice, and the analysis and comparison of students’ results of examination. Conclusion  The  training mode of medical talents with the post competence as a core can help to improve medical students' comprehensive  ability in clinical practice.
    Study and practice on the construction of the normalized evaluation mechanism of medical graduate training programs
    Lei Liping, Wang Xiaomin, Lv Zhaofeng
    2016, 2(1):  340-345.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.004
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    With the advancement of the comprehensive reform of graduate education, the main body responsible  for construction of degree authorization discipline and quality control has been conferred to the degree granting units.  This requires that universities should establish an effective and normalized system to monitor and control the education  quality, which is  fi t to the characteristics of the disciplines and the need of development, in order to ensure the sustainable  improvement of discipline building and talent training. The postgraduate education is based on the context of disciplines in  schools (departments) that is referred to the degree training bases. To establish a normalized self assessment mechanism on  the basis of degree training bases is an inevitable responsibility along with the current characteristics of degree management  system and the mode of discipline construction in universities in China. Normalized operation of the degree training bases  evaluation depends on the scienti fi c evaluation index system and evaluation mode, and it is particularly signi fi cant for the  quality control of postgraduate education and the construction of disciplines in the medical universities. In fact, a reasonabl e  mechanism of degree training bases evaluation can effectively promote the balanced development and optimal layout of  medical disciplines, and push forward the reform of the medical postgraduate education mode.
    A survey and analysis of satisfication with specialty practice among the preventive medicine undergraduates
    Nie Ling,Sun Meiping,Xue Ying,Liu Xiuying
    2016, 2(1):  346-349,354.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.005
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    Objective  To survey the students’ and teachers’ satisfaction with preventive medicine specialty  practice, and to  fi nd and analysize the problems, in order to improve the quality of the practice. Methods  Self-administered questionnaire survey was used in the investigation to know the satisfaction about specialty  practice.  Results  The students’ satisfaction degree of time arrangement was 85.4% in the Center for Disease  Control and Prevention (CDC) and 90.2% in the Health Supervision Institute(HSI); the satisfaction about  “whether teachers set good examples for students ”was 82.9%; answers towards “whether the practice time  accounts for half of the working hours” in CDCs and HSIs was 75.7% and 87.8%; what the students believed  most helpful were the recognization of the contents and procedures of public health works, the improvement of  their practical professional abilities and the cultivation of occupational ethics. The teachers’ satisfaction with  specialty practice was almost the same with the students’, 18.6% of the teachers believed the teaching time  accounted for more than half of the working hours. Conclusion  Specialty practice is important for preventive  medicine undergraduates, but the arrangement in practice , the mode of practice, the faculties’ teaching and the  textbook compilation need to be perfected and improved constantly.
    The analysis and countermeasure of the employment status for graduates majored in pharmacy
    Ma Zhijie, Fang Qingying, Jin Xiaoqin, Zhao Kuijun
    2016, 2(1):  350-354.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.006
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    The employment analysis of graduates majored in pharmacy is according to the social needs, speciality, job intention and personal features, as well as social and family context, which is systematic, accountable and effective. This article analyzed the employment status of 2014 step graduates of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, who were majored in Chinese medicine and pharmaceutical preparation, summarized the issues and expounded the employment guidance.
    Continuously Reforming and Exploring the Education Pattern to Cultivate the Excellent
    Li Fan, Wu Yuntao, Yu Bingxin
    2016, 2(1):  355-359.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.007
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    The building and reform of excellent, innovative, medical talent training system is an important project of higher medical education. The Norman Bethune Health Science Center of Jilin University emphasized the top design and connatation building and explored reform in training philosophy and objective, curriculum system, teaching method, system mechanism, and faculty team, in order to improve the teaching work.
    Mentoring and reflections on the scientific research and innovation activities of medical undergraduates
    Zhang Jianliang
    2016, 2(1):  360-363.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.008
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    With the current rise of the knowledge economy and fierce competition for talents, there are higher requirements for overall quality of medical students. Consequently, it is very important to cultivate undergraduates’ ability in scientifi c research and innovation. During the practices of mentoring the scientifi c research and innovation activities of medical undergraduates, the author gradually explored his own set of instruction and management system. In this paper, his own experience of mentoring the medical undergraduate was described and his own views on it was put forward. In short, through these activities, the undergraduates found research directions from the issues, accessed to the knowledge in practice, reinforced their theoretical foundation and broadened their course perspectives. With the reform of higher medical education, more smart, qualified and innovative talents will be cultivated and delivered to the society through these scientifi c research and innovation activities.
    Exploration of research ability of medicine undergraduates
    Li Quan, Yu Xianpeng, Chen Fang
    2016, 2(1):  364-366,374.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.009
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    The research ability is an essential quality of a qualifi ed doctor. The innovation of medical research is like a ladder leading to the future of medicine. So it is very necessary for medical universities to enhance their students’ research ability. The cultivation of the medical research ability will enable medical students to apply their medical theories into the clinical practice and enable them to be high-level and qualifi ed doctors. This paper aims at studing the current situation of the undergraduates’ research ability and the possible training approaches in China’s medical universities.
    Critical thinking and associated impact factors: A review
    Huang Lei, Yang Wenzhuo
    2016, 2(1):  367-370.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.010
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    Critical thinking plays a signifi cant role in the talent cultivation. Factors including personal, educational and environmental aspects have infl uence on critical thinking development. The purpose of this article is to review the studies at home and abroad related to the associated impact factors of critical thinking development from the above three aspects.
    The Enlightenment from the experience of the exchange of medical education in the 201st World Medical Association (Moscow)
    Sun Baozhi
    2016, 2(1):  371-374.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.011
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    The author invited by World Medical Association was sent by Medical Education Branch of Chinese Medical Association to attend the 201st World Medical Association in Moscow and spoke at the conference. This article introduced the reform of medical education exchanged by different countries at the conference, including changing the concept of medical education, designing the curriculum adapted to the needs of digital medicine, strengthening the continuing medical education, re-recognizing the new characteristics of the students, reforming the method of medical education, and etc.
    Inspiration comes from American medical education reforms for the cultivation of Chinese medical graduate education
    Meng Fangang, Wang Kailiang
    2016, 2(1):  375-378,390.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.012
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    The European and American medical education models have always been located in the advanced ranks of international medical education, especially the American model, which is one of the world's most advanced education mode. In this article, the American medical education model was studied and analyzed in detail, and compared with the medical education in our country. Some inspiration was drawn from American medical education reforms about the new medical education model. At the same time, some new ideas were suggested under the background of our national situation, such as strengthening the post-graduate education, highlighting creative ability, training competence for their profession, and promoting the elite education, in order to combine some specifi c measures and try to make some efforts to provide guidance for training high-quality medical talents with international competitiveness.
    Value of interactive combined PBL pedagogy applied to clinical nursing teaching of diabetic foot
    Wang Xuhong, Zheng Zhaohui, Ji Zhili
    2016, 2(1):  379-382.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.013
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    Objective To investigate the value of interactive combined PBL pedagogy applied to clinical nursing teaching of diabetic foot. Methods 54 clinical interns of diabetic foot were randomly divided into two groups (n =27), control group used traditional clinical teaching model, observation group used interactive combined PBL pedagogy, compared the internships teaching quality between two groups. Results The departmental rotation examination of theoretical knowledge scores, comprehensive ability scores and total scores were signifi cantly higher than those of control group, P <0.05. After teaching, self-confi dence, initiative and interpersonal scores of two groups were improved, and the scores of observation group were signifi cantly higher than those of control group, P <0.05. Addition to medical records, the rest of the clinical scores of observation group were signifi cantly higher, P <0.05. Conclusion Interactive combined PBL pedagogy applied to clinical nursing teaching of diabetic foot can effectively enhance the intern's confi dence, inspire their learning initiative and improve the quality of clinical teaching.
    Practice and reflection on the standardized residents training in medical record writing of obstetrics and gynecology
    Jin Ying, Hao Zengping
    2016, 2(1):  383-385.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.014
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    Medical record writing is an important and basic training program in the bases of obstetrics and gynecology. For a long time, it could not be paid attention to enough. According to the characteristics of obstetrics and gynecology cases, a series of training and assessment methods were formulated which achieved a good result.
    Study on science and technology innovation trend from China patents
    Li Xiaxi, Gong Shusheng, Li Haiyan
    2016, 2(1):  386-390.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.015
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    College was the subject of knowledge innovation due to its science and technology resources and achievements. Patent was the core content of intellectual property. The amount of patent was an important indicator for measuring the level of innovation of colleges and universities. Take an example of Capital Medical University, the overall situation, the distribution and the protection situation of patent applications of colleges were studied in this article. And then it analyzed the trend of science and technology innovation and put forward some strategies of innovation and development.
    Present Situation of Health Care Industry and Its Strategies
    Zhu Shijun
    2016, 2(1):  391-394.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.016
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    Health care industry, as a new industry, is of great significance to the expansion of domestic demands, the maintenance of stable national economy and the protection of civil livelihood. Currently, although it has a rapid development, it faces a number of challenges such as insuffi cient concentration of pharmaceutical industry, little innovation, slow development of commercial insurance, inadequate health services and pension industry, and barriers in policy and rule. Under such circumstances, the development of Chinese health care industry calls for changes of ideas, increase in investment, relaxation of restrictions in access, enhancement of professional training and policy support, so that health care industry with Chinese characteristics will be established.
    Adjust the structure of total health expenditure and reduce the proportion of personal health expenditure
    Yu Bailing, Yu Runji
    2016, 2(1):  395-397.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.017
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    Objective To lighten the burden of people’s medical care and achieve the fairness of basic health care must reduce the proportion of personal health expenditure. Methods The future development trend and structure of the total health expenditure were analyzed by the method of screening and forecast. Results According to the adjustment of national policy and the reform of local medical and health system, the proportion of personal health expenditure can be controlled below 30%. Conclusion To reduce the proportion of personal health expenditure should not control the medical consumption of urban and rural residents, but to increase the government and social investment, so that the proportion of personal health expenditure will be reduced.
    The cooperation mode of government and social capital in the fi eld of public health
    Feng Yan, Yu Runji
    2016, 2(1):  398-400.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2016.01.018
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    Objective To transform the government function, stimulate the market and create the economic growth point. Methods Choosing cooperate project and its way according to the overall development of health service and the guideline of public health service. Results The public health service provided by the social capital is good for fully playing the market mechanism and improving the quality and effifi ciency of public health service. Conclusion Attracting the social capital to participate in the project investment of public goods and public health service is conducive to improvement of the people’s life and creation of the economic growth point.