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    20 December 2015, Volume 1 Issue 4
    Medical humanity content-based English curriculum for the cultivation of medical academic competencies: the case of SUMC
    Yang Miao, Yang Mianhua
    2015, 1(4):  243-249.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.001
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    With the internationalization of education,Content-based Instruction is regarded as an important curriculum framework for English education, especially in non-English speaking areas. A medical humanity content-based English curriculum was implemented in Shantou University Medical College. Data collected from curriculum evaluation show that this curriculum effectively develops the students’ information management skills and critical thinking skills as well as the basic language skills. This successful case provides important experiences to reform and transform the college English curriculum.
    Introduction and application of the narrative medicine teaching method in clinical practice
    Diao Yingzhi
    2015, 1(4):  250-252.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.002
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    Objective To discuss the effect of narrative medicine teaching method in clinical practice teaching. Methods Using questionnaire and examination to compare narrative medicine teaching with traditional teaching. Results 96%(24/25) of the student respondents can comprehend and grasp knowledge, 92% (23/25)of the student respondents were able to apply what they had learned to analyze and solve problems, and all the students wanted to be a doctor; Above of all had statistical significance comparing with traditional teaching method(P < 0.05). The students obviously scored higher than those of control group in knowledge test after class with statistical signifi cance (P < 0.05). Conclusion The teaching method of narrative medicine, better than that of the traditional, is worth applying in the clinical practice teaching.
    Research on the teaching reform of health law profession under the background of national judicial examination
    Meng Yanchen, Liu Lanqiu
    2015, 1(4):  253-256.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.003
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    There are many differences in the examination contents, methods and objectives of health law education and national judicial examination, but there are also consistency in the attribute and training goal of the two aspects. In the context of the judicial examination, the teaching of health law should adhere to respecting the autonomy of graduates to enter the national judicial examination, and requiring students to use their spare time instead of class time to prepare the national judicial examination. The pass rate of the national judicial examination should not be taken as a standard to evaluate the teaching effect of health law. Instead, the traditional law teaching of health law should be improved and developed in the respect of teaching methods and evaluation.
    Discussion of teaching management for practice in health education among preventive medicine undergraduates
    Xiao Qin, Guo Mingxiang
    2015, 1(4):  257-261.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.004
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    With the development of medical science and technology and the transformation of medical model, health education has become extremely important. During the period of practice in health education, in order to improve the comprehensive quality and capacity of preventive medicine undergraduates, the teaching management methods of standardization, diversification, test and evaluation should be adopted that include quality education, participatory teaching, basic practice and training of scientifi c research and innovation ability.
    Study on employment characteristics of preventive medicine graduates from Capital Medical University in recent fi ve years
    Fu Qi, Tao Lixin, Zuo Xu, Niu Piye
    2015, 1(4):  262-266.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.005
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    Objective To explore the characteristics and law of employment for preventive medicine graduates from Capital Medical University in recent five years. Methods Using employment data from 2010 to 2014, to analyze the characteristics and law of taking job, going abroad, and entrance into postgraduate school, as well as the job data of Beijing graduates and others. Results There were 98.53% (201/204) graduates obtaining employment, including 128(62.75%) graduates taking job, 17(8.33%) going abroad, and 56(27.45%) entering into postgraduate school which increased year by year. Major job units included Center of Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), Health Supervision Institute, hospital and corporation. Conclusion The fi rst choice for graduates of preventive medicine is to work in Beijing, and there is a rising trend for graduate students into postgraduate school. It is necessary to carry out further investigation on the quality of graduate employment, in order to strengthen the training quality of preventive medicine students, and to provide personalized guidance and services to help students develop a correct view of employment.
    Research on the application of undergraduate tutorial system in the cultivation of health law talents
    Liu Lanqiu
    2015, 1(4):  267-270.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.006
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    The implement of undergraduate tutorial system in health law has great signifi cance. It helps undergraduates develop correct understanding of health law, establish intimate relationship among students and between students and teachers and strengthen students' learning ability and overall quality. Finally, it helps cultivate qualifi ed inter-disciplinary talent in medicine and law. The design of the implementation plan of this system should pay more attention to scope of application, requirement of tutors' qualifi cation, responsibility and work process, management and assessment, and reward and punishment regulation.
    Cultivation of doctoral students in neurobiology with a clinical medicine background
    Zhang Yu, Tang Xihe, Chen Zhiguo
    2015, 1(4):  271-273.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.007
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    Neurobiology is an interdisciplinary. In recent years, more and more students with clinical medicine background were enrolled for postgraduate studies. To facilitate a rapid transformation from clinical medicine to basic medicine, and from a clinician to a skilled researcher, it was taken an initiative to encourage the students to pick the PhD projects on their own, with the supervision and direction of advisors, and assistance of technicians for conduction of the research projects. This initiative has been effective in that the PhD students with clinical background have secured research grants independently after graduation. Meantime, their clinical skills have also been further improved, benefi ting from the rigorous training of PhD studies.
    Thoughts on how to train postgraduate students in a hospital
    Chen Zhiguo, Wu Jianyu, Zhang Yu
    2015, 1(4):  274-276.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.008
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    With the development of medicine in China, more and more postgraduate students are receiving basic science degree training in hospitals. Cell therapy center in Xuanwu hospital has been a successful place to provide good postgraduate training in the past years, particularly for those with clinical background. This article summarized the experience in training postgraduate students in a hospital to obtain a science degree, for the reference of peers.
    The cultivation of the clinical and research ability for the graduates in neuro-ophthalmoligy
    Zhang Xuxiang, Liu Dachuan, Guo Xiuhai
    2015, 1(4):  277-280,288.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.009
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    Neuro-ophthalmoligy is an academically-oriented subspecialty that merges the fields of neurology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery and otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, medicine and surgery. Neuro-ophthalmoligy deals with complex systemic diseases that have manifestations in the visual system. Qualifi ed neuro-ophthalmologist should not only have the basic knowledge and clinical skills, especially those of the neurology and ophthalmology, but also should have strong capacity of logical thinking and analyzing. Therefore, the training model for the graduates of neuro-ophthalmologist should be different from that for the traditional ophthalmology and neurology. In the process of cultivation, special attention should be paid for the basic knowledge and skills of the interdisciplinary, especially enhancing the capacity of clinical diagnosis and treatment as well as scientifi c research analysis, in order to improve the overall capacity of graduate students in neuro-ophthalmoligy.
    The training strategy for the graduate students in epilepsy neurosurgery
    Sun Zhenrong, Li Jiaxin, Zhang Jianguo, Zhang Kai, Meng Fangang, Yuan Fang
    2015, 1(4):  281-284.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.010
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    Epilepsy surgery is an important and complicated part of functional neurosurgery. This article discussed the existing problems in the current training methods of neurosurgery graduate students, and proposed new training strategies that combine the theory study with the clinical practice and strengthen the training of clinical skills and academic research skills, in order to promote the comprehensive quality of graduate students in neurosurgery.
    Application of atrial fi brillation ablation simulator in postgraduate teaching
    Dong Jianzeng
    2015, 1(4):  285-288.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.011
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    In the postgraduate teaching of cardiology department, the atrial fi brillation ablation simulator was introduced, which was able to reconstruct the cardiac three dimensional model, illuminating theoretical mechanism in a simple and understandable way, to help postgraduates comprehend and master the cardiac anatomical structures. The new teaching strategy also provides virtual training opportunities for catheter manipulation, teaching in practical exercises, to promote the postgraduates' comprehension of ablation skills and accumulation of experiences. It has led to a pretty good teaching effect.
    Investigation on training mode of clinical and research competencies for postgraduates based on typical model of endocrine diseases
    Zhong Liyong
    2015, 1(4):  289-291,299.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.012
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    Focus on the weakness of clinical and research training of typical endocrine diseases for postgraduate, based on typical endocrine diseases model to accumulate and develop the structure of endocrine knowledge, craniopharyngioma (impairment of hypothalamus-pituitary-target gland) was applied as a typical endocrine dysfunction model to complete the training course of clinical and research competencies, and to develop and widen the structures of the endocrine knowledge. During this training course of clinical ability, around above aspects of theories accumulating and knowledge structure developing, the typical endocrine disease model either satisfi ed the main requirements for the clinical training of endocrine disease diagnosis and therapy, or achieved the objective of clinical training to draw inferences about other cases from one instance and comprehend by analogy. Through the training, the postgraduates would further abstract scientifi c proposals from the process of clinical training, to accomplish the clinical training as a translational medicine mode from bedside to bench, which would return to guide the clinical practice.
    Training pathological diagnosis ability of central nervous system tumors of pathologists
    Li Guilin, Xu Li
    2015, 1(4):  292-294.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.013
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    Objective To train pathological diagnosis ability of central nervous system tumors of young pathologists and refresher pathologists will help improve the accuracy of the pathological diagnosis, which has important signifi cance for the patients' prognosis and chemoradiotherapy. Methods Young pathologists and refresher pathologists were trained by the process of reading pathology sections, mastering clinical information, applying diagnostic ideas and, if necessary, differential diagnosis, and ultimately making accurate pathological diagnosis. Results The pathological diagnosis ability of central nervous system tumors of young pathologists and refresher pathologists were improved and able to provide correct pathological diagnosis reports. Conclusion It is effective for improving the accuracy of pathological diagnosis by training pathologists to correctly read pathology sections and apply diagnostic ideas.
    Preliminary evaluation on the effect of standardized training of young teachers
    Li Jisheng, Zhu Miao, Huang Yan
    2015, 1(4):  295-299.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.014
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    In order to evaluate the implementation effect of standardized training of young teachers in our university, and find out the problems in the training process, a questionnaire survey was carried out on the effect of standardized training of young teachers. Through the comparison of the results before and after training, the training effect of the graduate trainee in 2014 were analyzed and discussed in detail. At the same time, some suggestions were put forward to improve the standardized training.
    Experience and inspiration: medical training to aid Africa’s fi ght against Ebola
    Mou Danlei, Zhang Tong, Cheng Xiangpu, Zhang Hongwei, Wu Hao
    2015, 1(4):  300-302,306.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.015
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    The 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus in the West African has been met with a high profi le Chinese response. Several Chinese medical teams were sent in to affected area. According to actual local conditions and characteristics of trainees, they developed training programs, played to their professional advantage, used a variety of teaching modes, and performed stratifi ed training. Valuable experience accumulated in dealing with major national public health emergencies and in the English/bilingual teaching of infectious diseases was bought to the affected areas. They had made a signifi cant contribution to reverse the Ebola epidemic. Meanwhile, the ability of our health system to respond to emergencies and English teaching of infectious diseases of public health events was further validated and improved.
    The application of laparoscopic simulators in residents’ laparoscopic skill training
    Ji Zhili, Qiu Feng, Sun Haitao, Han Wei
    2015, 1(4):  303-306.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.016
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    Objective To investigate the effect of laparoscopic simulators in surgical residency training. Methods 10 residents who have 3 years clinical working experiences without Laparoscopic experience were selected and trained for 4 weeks in laparoscopic simulator, practicing clipping beans, cutting paper, suturing and knotting, respectively examined at the time of pre-training, training after 2 weeks and after 4 weeks. The exam results were statistically analyzed. Results The scores in clipping bean, cutting paper, suturing and knotting both 2 weeks of training and 4 weeks of training were signifi cantly higher than that of pre-training (P < 0. 05). The score of cutting paper after 4 weeks of training was signifi cantly increased more than that of 2 weeks of training (P < 0. 05), but there were no statistical differences of clipping bean and suturing and knotting between 2 weeks of training and 4 weeks of training (P > 0. 05). Conclusion The laparoscopic training simulator for beginners is feasible and effective which can rapidly improve their laparoscopic operation skills and also lay a foundation for laparoscopic surgery.
    The effect of clinical skills competition on the clinical medicine education
    Chi Baorong
    2015, 1(4):  307-310.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.017
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    The clinical skills competition of national medical colleges students has been held sixth times since 2010. The preparation and participation of the competition has not only improved the overall quality of medical students and the teaching level of teachers, but also perfected the clinical practice teaching system. Furthermore, some problems in the routine practice teaching appeared during the process of competition. Clinical skills competition has a positive and profound infl uence on the medical education reform of China.
    The application of fl ipped class model in undergraduate education of infectious diseases
    Zhang Yonghong, Cheng Xiangpu, Zhao Yan
    2015, 1(4):  311-314.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.018
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    "Flipped class model" is a new teaching model with unique connotation and characteristics, student-centered and teacher-led. The introduction of such model is the requirement of development in infectious diseases teaching and the challenge of reform in education. A video courseware self-studying before class, problem-based learning (PBL) during class, and the construction of self and mutual evaluation system for students and teachers were applied to explore the application of “fl ipped class model” in the teaching of infectious diseases, which would provide new ideas for the reform and development in the teaching of infectious diseases.
    The application of PBL teaching method based on WeChat platform in hematology clinical practice
    Zhang Yue, Zhou Hebing
    2015, 1(4):  325-318.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2015.04.019
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    Objective To explore the role of the application of PBL(problem-based learning) teaching method based on WeChat platform in hematology clinical practice. Methods Because the traditional medical teaching model had some problems, this article pointed out the importance of adopting problem-based learning. This study used Wechat as a platform for PBL in hematology clinical practice. Results WeChat platform with PBL teaching method in hematology clinical practice could arouse the enthusiasm of clinical medical students on learning, cultivate the ability of clinical thinking, enhance the communication between teachers and students, students and students, and boost the clinical teaching quality.Conclusion Based on WeChat platform of PBL teaching method can play an effective role in hematology clinical practice, which is worth further developing.