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    20 December 2020, Volume 6 Issue 6
    Application of online teaching quality monitoring and assurance in Ningxia Medical University
    Han Huaiqin, Wu Yuzhang, Wu Yanbo, Li Nan, Mai Dan, Liu Zhihong
    2020, 6(6):  519-522,531.  doi:10. 3969/ j. issn. 2096-045X. 2020. 06. 001
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    During the COVID-19 epidemic, Ningxia Medical University actively promoted online teaching and explored new experiences in the practice of online teaching quality monitoring and assurance. Multi-departmental took joint actions. The management department issued plans, and the guarantee department was responsible for training and guidance. The teaching department deployed carefully, and teachers practiced bold innovation to jointly promote the design and implementation of online teaching. Meanwhile, the quality control department monitored the whole process through online questionnaire surveys, lecture evaluation forms, online and offline seminars, online and synchronized lectures, etc., and dynamically solved problems on the softwares and hardwares of resource platforms. By improving the management system, we optimized the teaching platform, integrated the content of resources, played full roles of supervision. We provided feedback about problems and gave supervision and improvement timely. The deans of education and teaching strictly complied to quality outcomes and other measures, effectively monitoring online teaching quality. Online teaching in the school had been affirmed by the National Alliance of Quality Assurance Institutions of Higher Education, and the accumulated experiences could be used for reference 
    by other universities. 
    Thinking and strategy of online-offline mixed “golden course” construction based on medical post competency training
    Tang Lilong, Yang Yi, Ha Xuejun, Li Yan, Chang Zhipeng, Niu Yang, Liu Zhihong
    2020, 6(6):  523-526,545.  doi:10. 3969/ j. issn. 2096-045X. 2020. 06. 002
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    Starting from the importance of curriculum construction in medical post competency oriented higher education, this paper puts forward the construction ideas and strategies of online and offline mixed “golden course” based on medical post competency, focusing on building a team of teachers, refining teaching designs, developing resources and platforms, and diversified evaluation system, with a view to providing online and offline services for the construction of “golden course” in hybrid medicine provides necessary reference.

    Analysis on improving teachers’ ideological and political ability in medical colleges under the background of “New Medical Science”——Take Ningxia Medical University for an example
    Li Yan, Liu Haijun, Liu Lu, Li Yaqi, Liu Zhihong
    2020, 6(6):  527-531.  doi:10. 3969/ j. issn. 2096-045X. 2020. 06. 003
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    The curriculum ideological and political construction in medical colleges is one of the effective ways to train medical talents 
    with both benevolent mind and heart. The teachers are the key factor to promote the ideological and political construction of curriculum in an all-round way. This study summarizes the practical experience from teachers curriculum ideological and political ability in Ningxia Medical University, and analyzes the possible problems. Above all, under the background of “New Medical Science”, medical universities and colleges should comprehensively promote the ideological and political construction of medical education curriculum. Meanwhile, to enhance the teachers awareness and ability of ideological and political construction of curriculum, we should strengthen the educational awareness, find the proper educational viewpoints, enhance teachers’ educational ability. 
    Qualitative study of influencing factors on online teaching satisfaction of postgraduate nursing major courses
    Chen Li, Guo Haoqian, Ning Yanhua, Jiang Ting, Chen Kexin
    2020, 6(6):  532-535, 559 .  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096- 045X.2020.06.004
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    This study aimed to analyze the influencing factors on online teaching satisfaction of postgraduate nursing major courses. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi 7-step thematic analysis method and the fishbone diagram analysis method. The results showed that the influencing factors can be grouped into six aspects: gains from learning, curriculum and teaching contents, practice training, interpersonal communication, academic workload and online teaching sources. Considering the limitations of online teaching, this paper suggested that if conditions permit, a combination of online and offline teaching methods should be adopted, with emphasis on cultivating postgraduates problem-solving ability and scientific research ability. 
    Practice and exploration of replacing educational administration management system——Take Capital Medical University as an example
    Wang Yan, Wu Yan
    2020, 6(6):  536-540.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.005
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    Educational administration management system is an online platform for educational administration management, widely used during students whole learning process, and also a key support for teachers work. It has a wide range of use and complex functions. This paper studies the main problems in the construction of the educational administration system of Capital Medical University, and explores a set of effective solutions, which could play a positive role in promoting the construction of the educational administration system.
    Thinking and practice of constructing the network course of Warm Diseases based on black board platform
    Zhu Zhiyao, Che Niancong, Xia Rong, Ma Chongyang, Du Yuqiong
    2020, 6(6):  541-545.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.006
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    Network course is an important part in the process of education and teaching, and plays an increasingly important role in reforming education and teaching. This paper covers the course characteristics of Warm Diseases, expounds the necessity of constructing its network course based on BB platform. It also introduces the construction of nine modules in the BB platform, such as learning navigation, course content, online testing, and interactive communication. After being put into use, the BB platform of Warm Diseases has been warmly welcomed by students, enhancing students self-study ability and interest in learning, and solidifying better interaction between teachers and students, and improving teachers teaching ability. Finally, the paper shares some reflections on the construction of BB platform. The construction of network course based on BB platform is a teaching reform trial, conducive to better teaching quality of Warm Diseases.
    Reflection on online course construction under the background of COVID-19 epidemic
    Yin Yanping, Rong Fei, Wu Ping, Zhao Lili
    2020, 6(6):  546-549,570.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.007
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    According to the requirements of curriculum construction and personnel training in different periods, the school continues to promote the construction of network teaching platform. During COVID-19 epidemic, all courses in the school were conducted online, which required the school teaching management department to think deeply and take active actions. The requirements of national first-class curriculum construction need to adapt to the development of Internet plus education, and to take various measures to improve the quality of online course construction.
    Exploration on the practice of“three-wide education” in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese Medicine in the new era
    Yang Yonggang, Gao Yiren, Wang Jian, Liu Jiajing
    2020, 6(6):  550-554.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.008
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    Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to train firm young Marxists in the “three-wide education” system. This paper compared with the foreign education mode, introduced its thoughts and actions of “three-wide education”, summarized the educational measures in the 13th Five Year Plan and looks forward to the new development of the 14th Five Year Plan in the future education.
    Cultivation of medical undergraduates scientific research literacy in the teaching of medical cell biology in new era
    Yang Jianke, Wu Zhihao, Gong Lei, Gao Jiguang, Zhu Xiaolei, Wang Ping
    2020, 6(6):  555-559.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.009
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    New situation puts higher demands on the teaching of medical cell biology and the quality of medical personnel cultivation. According to the characteristics of the subject, we carried out the education and teaching reform aiming at cultivating medical undergraduates scientific research literacy. By a series of methods such as transforming ideas, optimizing teaching contents, improving teaching methods, establishing research interest groups, guiding students to carry out scientific and technological innovation, the scientific research literacy of medical students has been fully cultivated, and the teaching effect of medical cell biology has also been improved.
    Empirical study on cloud classroom management based on incentive  theory
    Bu Qingfeng, Zhang Peiming, Shang Kun, Ding Lijun, Jiang Haihong, Hu Zhaoyan
    2020, 6(6):  560-564.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.010
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    The advantage of cloud classroom is no limitations of time and space  and is convenient for statistical analysis of learning situation, but it         lacks onsite interaction . This requires teachers to use a new online interactive method    to track  students learning progress and focus, improve classroom control and the learning effect. Based on the two-factor theory and the Aronson effect, this paper  takes the sophomores of our college as samples, adopts the quasi-natural experiment method,    explores the classroom incentive method and the multiplier method to analyze the cloud classroom learning data empirically. Results proved significant    positive effects of incentive policies  . The number of website visits  reaches the peak of 1 251 in a day. Total number of discussions increases by 1167%. Under the control of other factors, each additional amount of policy incentive will increase 32 amount of comprehensive policy benefits.
    Exploration and thinking on online practical teaching of medicinal plants
    Ma Han, Gao Wei, Luo Rong, Wu Xiaoyi, Zhao Huan, Jia Fuxia, Liu Changli
    2020, 6(6):  565-570.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.011
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    The online practical teaching is a key teaching tool under COVID-19 epidemic circumstance, aiming to “having classes without going to school”. This article introduces the online practical teaching of medicinal plants via the Rain Class and Tencent Meeting in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, taps potentials of advantages of online teaching to implement the medicinal plants teaching method innovation and the construction of Chinese medicine resource laboratory after the epidemic.
    Application of Sandwich teaching method in teaching Introduction to Nursing
    Lin Xiaoling, Lin Xiyin, Wang Xiaodan, Wan Lihong
    2020, 6(6):  571-574, 580 .  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.012
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    Objective  To explore the effects of Sandwich teaching method in teaching Introduction to Nursing in nursing undergraduates.  Methods  Undergraduates from grade 2017 and 2018 in school of nursing were selected as the control group and the experimental group, respectively. The experimental group adopted Sandwich teaching method in theoretical teaching of Introduction to Nursing, while the control group used traditional teaching method. At the end of the semester, the two groups were compared in terms of their course evaluation, their learning initiative and their final theoretical assessment. Results  The experimental groups scores of learning initiative, final theory examination and total marks were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.05), but no significant difference was found between the two groups in the course evaluation scores (P>0.05). Conclusion  Sandwich teaching method is conducive to promoting the teaching effects in Introduction to Nursing and enhancing students learning initiative. 
    Application of hospice care teaching in standardized training of residents
    Zhang Li, Wei Zhanyun, Li Yun, Qian Yuying, Ma Lina
    2020, 6(6):  575-580.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.013
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    Objective  To explore whether the geriatric residents attitude to hospice care can been improved by hospice care teaching. Methods  144 geriatric residents in a Beijing hospital were selected for standardized training, evaluated by Chinese Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale Form before and after hospice care teaching, and observed for attitude changes towards hospice care. Results  After hospice care teaching, there was a significant difference in scores of the Chinese Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale Form after hospice care teaching than before(103.47±4.672 vs 105.70±5.147, P<0.001), and statistically significant differences in the scores of the hospice attitude scale for both sexes, age stratification, previous education level and whether they had ever received hospice care education. Conclusion  Hospice care teaching to geriatric residents can make them more positive towards hospice care.
    Preliminary study on structured report in standardized endoscopic training for otolaryngology residents
    Zhuang Huiwen, Chen Dehua, Wu Xuan, Wang Xianren, Jiang Guangli
    2020, 6(6):  581-585.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.014
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    Objective  To explore the application value of structured report in the standardized endoscopic training of otorhinolaryngology residents. Methods  Thirty residents from the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University were selected and divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group was trained in operation and writing using structured report templates, while the control group adopted free text. The third party, unaware of the grouping, shall spot check the reports and conduct quality evaluation to analyze the differences between the two groups. Results  The experimental group was better than the control group in terms of the completeness of report content, the accuracy of structure description, the accuracy of professional terms and the practicability of differential diagnosis (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the accuracy of disease description between the two groups (P≥0.05). The experimental group was significantly better than the control group in the mastery of knowledge points, but the operation intensity was also stronger than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion  The use of structured reports is conducive to the endoscopic standardization among otolaryngology residents. It can provide a good platform for getting familiar with anatomy, understanding lesions and improving the writing ability of standardized clinical reports.
    Reflections on better case analyses in the second stage of residents standardized training in endocrinology
    Su Zhiyan, Liu Wei, Zhang Xuelian, Xin Zhong, Yang Jinkui
    2020, 6(6):  586-590.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.015
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    The second stage of residents standardized training is essential for improving residents professional skills. Case analyses grades are closely related to personal skills and performances, teaching quality of the training bases, and educators qualifications and teaching styles. This study in-depth analyzed the main influencing factors and raised possible solutions to these problems.
    Using clinical decision support system based on artificial intelligence to improve standardized training of residents
    Jia Qian, Li Xiaoying
    2020, 6(6):  591-594.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.016
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    According to the quality control index of disease and disease management issued by the National Health Commission, the basic standard of medical record writing, and the quality specification of data filling in the front page of inpatient medical record, a hospital formulates quality control rules. The  clinical decision support system (CDSS) system based on artificial intelligence was established by natural language processing technology, and was seamlessly connected to the electronic medical record system. When residents write electronic medical records, the system makes real-time judgment of writing content, finds out the diagnosis and treatment defects in time, and forms a message pop-up reminder to correct the errors in the medical records, improves the medical record writing, and ensures the quality of filling in the front page of medical records. After using the system, the achievement rate of quality control indicators was significantly improved, and the defect rate of medical records was significantly decreased, which effectively improved the standardization of disease diagnosis and treatment and medical record writing of residents.
    Training and practice of clinical scientific research literacy in otorhinolaryngology teaching
    Wu Xuan, Wan Xianren, Zhuang Huiwen, Xiong Guangxia
    2020, 6(6):  595-600.  doi:0.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.017
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    Objective  To explore the application of clinical research training combined with problem-based learning (PBL) in clinical probation teaching of otorhinolaryngology. Methods  Following the order of probation time, clinical students in Sun Yat-sen University were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group adopted clinical research training combined with PBL, and the control group adopted PBL teaching method. This study analyzes the differences between both groups in terms of test scores and their evaluation including improving their study interests, training their clinical research literacy, improving their clinical thinking ability, enriching their probation information, and enhancing their confidence in future clinical work. Results  There were significant differences between the two groups (P<0.05). The questionnaire survey shows that the satisfaction rate of the experimental group is 83.1%; the evaluation of the experimental group is better than that of the control group in terms of improving their study interests, training their clinical research literacy, improving their clinical thinking ability, enriching their probation information, enhancing their confidence in future clinical work, and satisfaction rate of the teaching method (P<0.05). The total of 81.7% of the experimental group are confident to carry out clinical research in the future. Conclusion  PBL combined with clinical scientific research training can be applied to clinical probation teaching of otorhinolaryngology, is proved beneficial to cultivate students clinical scientific research thinking, improve students clinical thinking ability and effectively improve the teaching quality.
    Application of questioning method based on position competency in Three-year clinical medicine course
    Gao Caihong
    2020, 6(6):  601-604.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.018
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    Because of the more and more obvious demand for “big professional, multi-directional” medical personnel, we need to train the Three-year applied professionals with good practical ability and comprehensive literacy to adapt to grass-roots work. Adopting the questioning method based on position competency which combining position competency with questioning method ,will help us to cultivate the Three-year clinical medical students of “ downing, staying, and using”.Then after graduation ,they can quickly enter the corresponding positions and can be well qualified for the grass-root work.
    Analysis of medical laboratory safety management under Internet mode
    Liu Yan, Wen Tao
    2020, 6(6):  605-608.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.019
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    With the development of economy and information technology, the requirements for scientific research in medical institutions are increasingly elevated. In order to better meet these needs, more and more medical laboratories are established to undertake such tasks as experimental skills teaching, scientific and technological research, etc. However, with the gradual expansion of scientific research scale in colleges and universities and the continuous reform of management system, medical laboratories are facing new issues, of which safety management is most prominent. To handle the safety issues, we should make full use of internet technology to carry out digital standardized management to improve management system. This paper analyzed the existing problems about safety management in medical laboratories and provided suggestions for a safe and harmonious scientific research environment.
    Report on scientific research thinking and innovation ability of medical students in primary hospitals
    Wang Juli, Li Huimin, Nie Zhipin, Zhao Fenglong , Li Hongjie, Luo Xiaoying, Liu Changli
    2020, 6(6):  609-614.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.020
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    Objective  To understand the current situation of medical students scientific research thinking and innovation ability in primary hospitals, and to explore its cultivation methods. Methods  104 medical students in “rural medical class” and “3+2” in teaching hospitals of Capital Medical University were investigated anonymously. The content involves students basic information, current situation of participating in scientific research, understanding of scientific research thinking and innovation ability, and willingness to participate in scientific research. Results  104 questionnaires were issued and the recovery rate was 100%. Students seldom participate in scientific research courses, programs and projects, and corresponding courses are not available. Students are fully aware of the importance of scientific research innovation ability and have a strong willingness to participate. Conclusion  The current situation of medical students innovation ability is not optimistic, but they have a positive understanding and a keen interest in scientific research innovation ability.
    Countermeasures to improve the patent quality of colleges and universities based on the motivation of patent application——Take Capital Medical University as an example
    Li Xiaxi, Li Haiyan, Shao Xuemei
    2020, 6(6):  615-619, 600.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.021
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    The factors influencing the motivation of patent application of researchers in Capital Medical University were investigated by a questionnaire. Corresponding countermeasures had been put forward the to improve the patent quality of Capital Medical University based on the documents recently released by National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC. The survey found that researchers understanding of patent knowledge, costs of patent application and maintenance, difficulty of patent transformation were major factors influencing patent application. The paper put forward some countermeasures, such as optimizing the policy of patent subsidy and reward, tracking the output of major projects, evaluating before patent application, and protecting pharmaceutical patents by patent combination.
    Discussion on the crime of endangering public security by dangerous methods in patients with COVID-19 
    Wang Haomin, Li Xiaoyong
    2020, 6(6):  620-624.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.06.022
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    In the fight against COVID-19 epidemic, some patients lack legal awareness, respond strongly to the quarantine requirements of the relevant departments, and even refuse to accept the combination of quarantine treatment. Such behavior poses danger to social security. If the perpetrator enters a public place, it is easy to spread the virus and endanger the public security. Therefore, recently, the six departments under the Central Government, the Supreme Law and the Supreme Prosecutors Office jointly formulated the “Opinions on the Legal Punishment of the Crimes of Preventing and Preventing the Epidemic of Pneumonia Infection by the New Coronavirus”, which defines the intentional transmission of the new coronavirus as a criminal offence. This paper analyzes the necessity and accurate application of the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous methods, and makes a comprehensive legal evaluation of the relevant behaviors in combination with the relevant legal texts, with a view to putting on a “legal mask” for the society and providing help for the “legal good medicine” to overcome the epidemic situation.