医学教育管理 ›› 2019, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 287-292.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2019.03.020

• 调查研究 • 上一篇    


晏秋雨,刘 璇,职心乐,谢 娟   

  1. 天津医科大学公共卫生学院,天津 300070
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-09 出版日期:2019-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 谢娟
  • 基金资助:
    1. 天津市普通高等学校专业建设项目:优势特色专业建设项目 ( 预防医学 );2. 天津医科大学卓越教师教学研究基金项目 (TYZY201814);3. 天津医科大学教育教学研究项目 (2019YY027)

Reliability and validity of the Course Experience Questionnaire for evaluating class teaching quality of medical students

Yan Qiuyu, Liu Xuan, Zhi Xinyue, Xie Juan   

  1. School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070, China
  • Received:2019-04-09 Online:2019-06-20

摘要: 目的 考评大学生课程体验问卷 (course experience questionnaire,CEQ) 用于某医科大学学生课堂教学质量评估的信度和效度,了解医学生 CEQ 得分的分布特征,为提高医学教育教学质量提供科学依据。方法 采用随机整群抽样方法,选取结束 4 门课程学习的 329 名不同年级专业的某医科大学在校生为样本进行CEQ 问卷调查,考评问卷的内部一致性信度和分半信度;使用探索性因子分析评价 CEQ 的结构效度;采用问卷总分与各公因子得分的相关系数评价 CEQ 的内容效度。SPSS 17.0 统计软件进行数据描述与分析。结果 共收回有效问卷 313 份。CEQ 内部一致性信度的 Cronbach's α 系数为 0.962,分半信度的 Spearman-Brown 系数为 0.861。在结构效度评价中,因子分析得出的 3 个公因子可解释总变异的 77.895%。CEQ 总分与课堂质量与收获、良好的教学因子之间存在正相关,课堂质量与收获和良好的教学存在正相关 ( 均为 P < 0.001)。313 名医学生的 CEQ 问卷总分为 4.044±0.752,课堂质量与收获因子得分 4.149±0.790,良好的教学得分4.282±0.632,学习量合理因子得分 2.153±0.633。4 门课程的 CEQ 总分比较差异有统计学意义 (P < 0.05),实践课占比 44.4% 的早期接触实践训练课程 CEQ 得分最高。结论 CEQ 应用于医学生课程体验评价具有良好的信度和效度。医学生总体对课程体验持肯定满意态度,处于中上水平。

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) for evaluating class teaching quality in a medical university and to describe the distribution characteristics of CEQ scores provide scientific basis for improving the teaching quality of medical education. Methods 329 university students from different grades and majors who have completed four courses were selected by adopting the random cluster sampling method to conduct the questionnaire survey.The properties of CEQ including reliability(internal consistency reliability and split-half reliability), structural validity (exploratory factor analysis) and content validity (correlation between the total score of CEQ and the scores of common factors) were assessed.The SPSS 17.0 was adopted for data description and analysis. Results A total of 313 students returned responsive questionnaires.The Cronbach’s α coefficient of CEQ is 0.962, and the Spearman-Brown coefficient is 0.861. In the structural validity evaluation, totaled 3 common factors were extracted from exploratory factor analysis, explaining 77.895% of the total variance. There was a positive correlation between the total score of CEQ and class quality and harvest factor, as well as good teaching factor, and there was a positive correlation between class quality and harvest factor and good teaching factor (P < 0.001). The total score of CEQ questionnaire for 313 medical students was 4.044±0.752, the score of class quality and harvest factor was 4.149±0.790, the score of good teaching factor was 4.282±0.632, and the score of appropriate workload factor was 2.153±0.633. There were statistical significant differences in the CEQ scores of the four courses (P < 0.05), and the CEQ score of the early contact practice training courses which accounted for 44.4% of practice classes, was the highest. Conclusion The application of CEQ in the assessment of medical students’ course experience demonstrates good reliability and validity. Students hold a positive attitude to course experience,which is above average.