医学教育管理 ›› 2017, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 173-178.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.03.003

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


潘悦达1, 韩德民2, 3 ,李星明1 ,卢九星3   

  1. 1. 首都医科大学卫生管理与教育学院,北京 100069;2. 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院,北京 100730;3. 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会,北京 100005
  • 收稿日期:2017-06-11 出版日期:2017-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 韩德民
  • 基金资助:
    1. 中国工程院医药学部重大咨询研究项目“中国健康服务业发展战略研究”(2015-ZD-06);2.中国工程院教育学部咨询研究项目“健康产业关联教育”(2015-XY-48)

Current status of fitness instructors in China and countermeasures for its developemnt

Pan Yueda1, Han Demin 2,3, Li Xingming1, Lu Jiuxing3   

  1. 1. School of Health Administration and Education, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China; 2. Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100730, China; 3. China International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare, Beijing 100005, China
  • Received:2017-06-11 Online:2017-06-20
  • Contact: Han Demin

摘要: 目的 通过对我国健身教练队伍发展现状的分析,明确我国健身教练队伍发展及培养中存在的问题,为该职业人才建设及人才培养提供参考依据,并为我国健康服务业人才建设方向提供有力参考。方法 本研究采用的主要研究方法为文献回顾法,对既往文献资料进行了梳理总结,归纳出目前健身教练队伍发展的现状及不足。结果 通过对近5 年关于健身教练的调查研究进行总结发现,目前我国健身教练的年龄主要集中在20 ~ 30 岁;性别70% ~ 80% 为男性,女性仅占20% ~ 30%;在学历方面,发达地区及城市健身教练学历呈现升高趋势,70% 以上健身教练为大专及以上学历,欠发达地区及城市健身教练学历相对较低,本科学历极少,集中分布在中专及大专学历;从事健身教练职业前的专业超过50% 来自体育类专业,该比例呈现升高趋势;在持有资格证方面,85% 以上的健身教练持有一个或多个资格证书;健身教练教龄方面,集中分布在从事2 ~ 6 年;职后培训方面,参加培训人员比例不足10%,但健身教练参加培训的愿望较高。结论 目前我国健身教练队伍普遍趋于年轻化;性别比例失衡;学历偏低;在健身教练培训方面,注重理论培训,缺少实践训练;培训机构良莠不齐,培训时长短,学员来源复杂,门槛较低,虽然掌握一定的专业知识,但距离专业水平尚有一段距离;在持证方面,仍然存在无证从业情况。

Abstract: Objective Through the analysis of the current status of fitness instructors in our country, the study intended to clarify the problems in the development and cultivation of fitness instructors, and provide reference to the construction and cultivation on the fitness instructors, and also provide strong reference for the personnel development of the Health Service Industry. Methods The research adopted the literature review method. The present status and the deficiency of fitness instructors were summarized. Results According to our nearly 5 years research on fitness coaches, the ages of fitness coaches were mainly in the 20s and 30s. Among them, 70% to 80% were men, and only 20% to 30% were women. In terms of education, those in developed and urban areas showed a trend of higher education; more than 70% of them had college degrees. In less developed areas, fitness instructors’ academic degrees were relatively low, with very few undergraduate degrees. Most of them had secondary and tertiary education. More than 50% fitness instructors were from sports majors, and the proportion was rising. More than 85% of fitness instructors had one or more qualification certificates. In the working periods, the focus is on two to six years. Only less than 10% fitness instructors were trained after work, but they had high desire for training. Conclusion Currently, fitness instructors tend to be younger with gender imbalance and low degrees.The training of fitness instructors now maily concentrates on theoretical training, and there is a lack of practice training. Training institutions should be improved. Training time should be longer. The source of students is complex and the professional threshold is low. Although they have certain specialized knowledge, it is still a long way for them to reach the professional level. There are still some unqualified coaches.