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国家医师资格考试16 年发展与展望

王江红,李建国,王县成,冯 攀,崔冰峰,王娇艳,张东   

  1. 国家医学考试中心
  • 出版日期:2015-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 李建国

China national medical licensing examination: development in the past 16 years and prospect for the future

Wang Jianghong, Li Jianguo, Wang Xiancheng, Feng Pan, Cui Bingfeng, Wang Yanjiao, Zhang Dongqi   

  1. National Medical Examination Center
  • Online:2015-06-20
  • Contact: Li Jianguo

摘要: 医师资格考试是《中华人民共和国执业医师法》确立的我国医师资格考试制度。16 年来,医师资格考试取得长足发展并得到逐步完善。本文在阐述医师资格考试16 年发展的基础上,对主要经验、面临问题、未来展望与重点关注等进行了探讨。

Abstract: National Medical Licensing Examination system was established based on the Law on Medical Practitioners. For the past 16 years, the Examination has made a great progress and has been steadily improved. Based on the development of the past 16 years, this article discussed the main experience, challenges, prospect and focuses of the Examination.