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以特色文化引领 探索医院运行新举措 有效解决“看病难、看病贵”


  1. 云南省大理州人民医院
  • 收稿日期:2015-07-17 出版日期:2015-08-20

Explore a new way to sound hospital operation led by characteristic culture to effectively resolve the problems of “ poor access and high fee ”

Hu Daijun   

  1. Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture People’s Hospital
  • Received:2015-07-17 Online:2015-08-20

摘要: 大理州医院以特色医院文化为引领,以解决百姓看病难、看病贵的实际问题为切入点,把公立医院改革试点工作当做是关乎民生、关切百姓福祉的惠民工程,积极实践和大胆探索,形成了一些特色的做法,取得了“文化引领、两个突破、三个降低”的明显成效,有效地减轻群众医药负担,有效地调动医务人员积极性,改善了医院的收入结构,有效缓减看病难看病贵。

Abstract: Led by the hospital characteristic culture and based on the practical problems of poor access and high fee, Da li Bai Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital took the pilot reform of public hospitals as a project for people's livelihood and well-being, actively practiced and boldly explored, created some characteristic methods, and achieved the obvious effects of "culture-guided, two aspects of breakthrough, and three aspects of reduction", such as reducing the medical burden on patients, mobilizing the enthusiasm of medical staff, improving the hospital income structure, and easing the pressure in medical access and fee.