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  1. 内蒙古医科大学
  • 收稿日期:2015-07-14 出版日期:2015-08-20
  • 基金资助:

Thought and practice of strengthening the connotation construction in a university

Du Maolin   

  1. Inner Mongolia Medical University
  • Received:2015-07-14 Online:2015-08-20

摘要: 大学的内涵建设具体包括办学理念、办学特色、学科专业、科技创新能力、人才培养质量、人才队伍、校园文化等方面的建设。本文以内蒙古医科大学为例,从构建合理的人才梯队,促进人才队伍建设的可持续发展;深化教育教学改革,提升创新型人才的培养水平;搭建科学的教学与科研平台,为创新型科技人才施展才干创造条件;彰显特色建设,推动形成核心竞争力;加强校园文化建设,营造良好育人环境等五个方面,就如何加强内涵建设,促进学校科学发展进行了阐述。并指出,大学只有按照科学发展观的要求,走内涵发展之路,深入贯彻落实中央“四个全面”战略布局和教育规划纲要,准确定位,以质量为核心,深化综合改革,创新体制机制,大力推进协同创新,才能构筑大平台,形成大团队,争取大项目,取得大成果,办出大特色。

Abstract: The connotation construction in a university includes the construction of school-running concept and characteristics, specialties, ability in scientific and technological innovation, talent training quality, talent team, campus culture and etc. This article takes Inner Mongolia Medical University as an example to illustrate how to strengthen the connotation construction and promote the scientific development in the university. It includes the following aspects: to construct rational talent echelon and scientifically develop talent team; to deepen educational and teaching reform and improve the level of cultivating innovative talents; to build a scientifi c teaching and research platform for innovative science and technology talents to put their efforts into practice; to give full play to its own characteristics and advantages and promote high-level construction of medical university; to strengthen the construction of campus culture and create good educational environment. At the same time, this article also points out that currently China's higher education is moving into a new period of reform and development. Therefore, in order to build a large platform, form a large group, strive for a large project, achieve a large effect and build a major feature, a university should thoroughly implement the central government's strategic layout of "four overall aspects" and the Plan for education and development, accurately position, put the quality into the core, deepen the comprehensive reform, innovate mechanism and system, and vigorously promote collaborative innovation.