
• 教育质量控制 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙 涛,吴玉章,方建群   

  1. 宁夏医科大学
  • 收稿日期:2015-07-06 出版日期:2015-08-20

Several issues about improving the teaching quality in medical universities

Sun Tao, Wu Yuzhang, Fang Jianqun   

  1. Ningxia Medical University
  • Received:2015-07-06 Online:2015-08-20

摘要: 为深入贯彻落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020 年)》,提高高等教育质量,对于医科院校来说,应切实关注学医从教的教师职业培养、重视教育教学研究、采取最佳的施教方法有效教学,把学生培养成为有职业操守和职业兴趣、有终身自主学习能力和临床实际诊疗能力的胜任工作岗位的高级医学人才。

Abstract: In order to further implement the "Plan for National Medium-term and Long-term Education Reform and Development (2010-2020)" and improve the quality of higher education, it should be truly concerned about the professional development of teachers and the education and teaching research in a medical university. The teachers should apply the most optimal method to teach students effectively to be senior medical professionals, who are virtuous and interested in their profession, capable of life-long self-learning and competent in the clinical practice.