顶天立地服务需求 注重内涵创建一流——首都医科大学建校60周年教育教学与人才培养成果回顾
武 艳, 朱 淼, 王 倩, 吴 萍, 雷丽萍, 赵丽莉, 路孝琴, 王松灵
From medical scientists to healthcare workers: serving social needs for multiple talents and building a world-class university——a review of the achievements in education and talent training for the 60th anniversary of Capital Medical University
Wu Yan, Zhu Miao, Wang Qian, Wu Ping, Lei Liping, Zhao Lili, Lu Xiaoqin, Wang Songling
医学教育管理 . 2020, (5): 415 -420 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2020.05.001