医学教育管理 ›› 2017, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 289-292.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2096-045X.2017.04.011

• 临床教学 • 上一篇    下一篇

以培养岗位胜任力为导向 加强中医专业本科生临床实践教学

闫 巍1,王杰萍1,牛徐林2,陈以娟3, 张洪波1,李灵艳4, 张新焕4,徐 颖4,吴 薇1   

  1. 1. 首都医科大学附属复兴医院全科医学科,北京100038;2. 首都医科大学附属复兴医院教育处,北京 100038;3. 首都医科大学附属复兴医院血液科,北京100038;4. 首都医科大学附属复兴医院综合科,北京100038
  • 收稿日期:2017-04-18 出版日期:2017-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 王杰萍
  • 基金资助:

Intensifying clinical practice teaching for Chinese medicine students to cultivate their post competencies

Yan Wei1, Wang Jieping1, Niu Xulin2, Chen Yijuan3, Zhang Hongbo1, Li Lingyan4, Zhang Xinhuan4, Xu Ying4,Wu Wei1   

  1. 1. Department of General Practice, Fuxing Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China; 2. Education Department, Fuxing Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China; 3. Hematology Department, Fuxing Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China; 4. General Department, Fuxing Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China
  • Received:2017-04-18 Online:2017-08-20
  • Contact: Wang Jieping

摘要: 培养具有岗位胜任力的中医专业本科生是祖国中医事业的迫切需要。因此,改革传统的教学模式,建立与之相适应的新的教学模式势在必行。高等医学院校中医专业本科生的西医临床实习是医学理论学习和临床工作相连接的重要环节,对于今后走向临床工作岗位具有重要意义。本文阐述了在中医专业本科生临床带教中采用专人负责学生,临床实习与个性化辅导相结合,加强临床思维训练,注重人文素养与医患沟通能力等综合能力培养,有利于培养学生岗位胜任力,为其今后走向临床一线工作奠定坚实基础。

Abstract: It is an urgent need for Chinese medicine to cultivate post competencies of Chinese medicine students. Therefore, it is imperative to reform the traditional teaching mode and establish the new teaching mode. For Chinese medicine students of higher medical colleges, internal medicine practice in western medicine is the important link between medical theory and clinical practice, which is of important significance for the future clinical work. This paper relates the following measures in strengthening clinical practice in the clinical teaching: specially assigned persons in charge of the students, combination of clinical practice and individualized instruction, intensifying clinical thinking training, paying attention to humanistic ability and communication ability of doctors and patients. These measures will help to cultivate post competencies of the Chinese medicine students, and lay a solid foundation for their future work.